Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Banking- Technology Impact Essay
Probably Indian banking industry learnt a tremendous lesson. Pre-liberalization, all we did at a bank was deposit and withdraw money. Service standards were pathetic, but all we could do was grin and bear it. Post-liberalization, the tables have turned. It’s a consumer oriented market there. Technology is revolutionizing every field of human endeavor and activity. One of them is introduction of information technology into capital market. The internet banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationship. Web is more important for retail financial services than for many other industries. Retail banking in India is maturing with time, several products, which further could be customized. Most happening sector is housing loan, which is witnessing a cut-throat competition. The home loans are very popular as they help you to realize your most cherished dream. Interest rates are coming down and market has seen some innovative products as well. Other retail banking products are personal loan, education loan and vehicles loan. Almost every bank and financial institution is offering these products, but it is essential to understand the different aspects of these loan products, which are not mentioned in their colored advertisements. PLASTIC MONEY Plastic money was a delicious gift to Indian market. Giving respite from carrying too much cash. Now several new features added to plastic money to make it more attractive. It works on formula purchase now repay later. There are different facts of plastic money credit card is synonyms of all. Credit card is a financial instrument, which can be used more than once to borrow money or buy products and services on credit. Banks, retail stores and other businesses generally issue these. On the basis of their credit limit, they are of different kinds like classic, gold or silver. Charged cards-these too carry almost same features as credit cards. The fundamental difference is you can not defer payments charged generally have higher credit limits or some times no credit limits. Debit cards-this card is may be characterized as accountholder’s mobile ATM, for this you have to have account with any bank offering credit card. Over the years, the banking sector in India has seen a no. of changes. Most of the banks have begun to take an innovative approach towards banking with the objective of creating more value for customers and consequently, the banks. Some of the significant changes in the banking sector are discussed below. MOBILE BANKING Taking advantages of the booming market for mobile phones and cellular services, several banks have introduced mobile banking which allows customers to perform banking transactions using their mobile phones. For instances HDFC has introduced SMS services.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Black Jacobins
1. What perspective does C. L. R. James’ The Black Jacobins present on the history of black struggle for freedom? To what extent does it help you better understand the history of African Americans? C. L. R James in The Black Jacobins had gone beyond the recount of an historical event. His work did not only depict the black struggle for freedom but it gives us the opportunity to encounter with various slaves responsible for the fall of the French rule. C. L. R James also offers us the perspective of the empowerment of the black community. Contrary to others authors, James gives us a detailed account of the rebellion of those slaves. He shows us that the slaves (both men and women) were not passive ‘object’ and that they â€Å"constantly rebelled and resisted their fate, whether through organized rebellion, individual violence, or still more subtle means†(Baptist, nd). The Black Jacobins is therefore more that an historical account, it is a heritage that one should take into example and should be proud of. C. L. R James enables us as readers to visualize and participate in the struggle of the black for freedom. He gives us new perspectives and prospects to consider. For example: he shows the rebellious side of the slaves and pay tribute for it. Unlike others authors, James denounces the atrocities endure by the Haitian slaves. In chapter One of The Black Jacobins, he makes a clear account of the punishments that the white owners imposed on the black which he clearly defined as The Property. The various punishments were mutilations, whipping, tortures and death. The author shows that both male and female slaves were tortured and both resisted tortures. They culminated a deep-rooted sense of anguish which lead to resistance. In James’ views, they did not only resist but they struggle too. They attacked their defendless masters, killed them, poisoned them and their wives and made use of Vodou to hurt them. As C. L. R James (1938) states the slaves â€Å"remained, despite their black skins and curly hair, quite invincibly human beings†, whom instinct of survival was to defend themselves by any means available. Another perspective that the author demonstrated in The Black Jacobins is the loyalty and the faithfulness that the Haitian slaves had in their culture and religious beliefs. Even, if they were converted into Catholicism, they remain faithful to their cults and beliefs and continued to practice it into secrecy. Many authors had debated on the role of Catholicism in slavery and many had argued that slaves became submissive and respected the ‘paroles’ of the bible. For example Rodriguez (1997, p165) stated that â€Å"The Roman Catholic Church was firmly established as an expression†¦. Slaves were baptized and instructed to Catholicism, and all subjects were ordered to observe Sundays end church holidays†. However James depicts us another picture of those slaves. Instead of portraying submissive slaves going to the church, he talks about their secret celebrations of vodou which inspired fear to the masters. Vodou was a mean for them to â€Å"cherish a dream of freedom†(James, 1938) and also to some point have a control on their masters who feared the vodou cults. Through those vodou cults, the slaves were able to regroup themselves and thus prepare their revolution. C. L. R James also stresses on the obstacles that the slaves had to face when struggling for their freedoms. He carefully portrays the life and struggle of some particular slaves. One of those slaves is Makandal, an African maroon who attempted a revolution, without success. He also talked about mulattos and their implication in the revolution of the Haitian slaves. Without C. L. R James, those slaves would have remained in anonymity. The author of The Black Jacobins also put forward the perspective that somehow the French were in a way responsible for the revolution of the Haitian Slaves. The French revolution played a significant role in awakening the consciousness of the black. As C. L. R James (1938) stated: â€Å"they had heard of the revolution and had constructed it in their own image: The white slaves in French had risen, and killed their masters, and were now enjoying the fruits of the earth. It was gravely inaccurate in fact, but they had caught the spirit of the thing. Liberty. Equality. Fraternity†This notion of liberty makes them struggle alongside to gain their freedom. C. L. R James also makes a worthy account of Toussaint L’Ouverture’s life, stressing on his contribution in the revolution of the Haitian slaves. In his article C. L. R James and the Black Jacobins, Hogsbjerg (2010) stated that: James demolished the foundations on which over a century of British scholarship on abolition had rested. The Black Jacobins is a book which did not see from the upper class/oppressors perspectives like almost all slavery books. It is a book which enables us to see the revolution through the oppressed one. On reading The Black Jacobins, my visions about slavery changed. Almost every book I read before described slaves as submissive, however The Black Jacobins did the contrary. It helped me understand the courageous and rebellious character that the slaves had. I also acquired a lot of knowledge about the Haitian population, whom in some way resemble the Mauritian population in their struggle. The First chapter of the book, entitled The property is the most touching and also revolting thing I read in my life. Touching, in the fact that, as readers, we penetrated the book and become one of the slaves but on seeing all those atrocities done to slaves, we felt revolted. The Black Jacobins is a heritage which should be forwarded from generation to generation. It did not only talk about struggling in a slave society but it talks about struggling in every day’s life and situation. C. L. R James did not only make an account of the slaves’ tortures and struggle for freedom, he had also make us penetrated in the owners world. Those who dominated society for their own interest. After reading the book, I also become more aware of the humanitarian character of the slaves. Many authors described slaves as objects. But however in The Black Jacobins, we see that those slaves do have feeling. They were in fact jealous, anguish, happy, sad, revolted, etc. To conclude I will say that C. R. L James The Black Jacobins is a chef-d’oeuvre. It revealed the revolt and the true struggle that the slaves had to face in order to obtain their freedom. It is also a tribute to all those who resisted and helped in making the Haitian revolution possible.Bibliography†¢James, C.R.L, 2001. The Black Jacobins. 4th edition. England. Penguin †¢Rodriguez, J, 1997. The Historical encyclopedia of world slavery, Volume 1 ;Volume . California. Library of Congress†¢Hà ¸gsbjerg. C, 2010. CLR James and the Black Jacobins, international socialism a quarterly journal of socialist theory available at <> [accessed on 23 avril ] †¢Baptist.E.nd. Introduction available through the database of Slave Resistance <> accessed on 23avril]
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Comparative Study on Main Characters Mean of Self-Expression in Novels This Boys Life and Into the Forest
A Comparative Study on Main Characters' Mean of Self-Expression in Novels This Boy's Life and Into the Forest Recreation In the novels This Boy’s Life and Into the Forest, both protagonists similarly utilize self expression as method to recreate themselves and escape a worse alternative. Throughout the novel, Tobias and the two sisters are plunged into harsh conditions where they must care for themselves. To keep themselves sane, they force a hobby or mentality in order to keep a goal in front of them, rather than accepting their current situation, almost to say that they are unaccepting of their current substandard condition. Tobias indulges within the Jack London novels to the extent that he idolizes their heroic figures and changes his name to Jack, so to set standards of himself in order to become something greater. â€Å"I was subject to fits of feeling myself unworthy†¦ It didn’t take much to bring this sensation to life, along with the certainty that everybody but my mother saw through me and did not like what they saw.†Eva, in contrast, expresses herself through ballet, seemingly to distract herself from the decrepit and deprived life she loosely maintains in the isolated shack with her family. As the power goes out and she does not have the resources to play music or attend the dance school, she subjects to dancing to the tick of the metronome, even if her opportunity to perform on stage has long since expired. â€Å"I need to dance, Nell. I have to dance to music. Just for a few minutes. To give me courage.†Her everyday practice provides a sense of cathartic release to relinquish her pains and keep her mind isolated from the chaos around her. Both characters engage in an activity which in turn provide mental stability, for they set a goal to work for, no matter how unrealistic, to serve as a more meaningful reason to live in their spiteful situation. Nell, unlike Tobias, had much direction in life, yet was unable to carry out her future because of the chaotic way society is maintaining itself, for Tobias aspired to transition from the weak boy into the men living in the stories he reads, in other words, and pseudo-inspiration. â€Å"When we are green, still half-created, we believe that our dreams are rightsand that falling and dying are for quitters. We live on the innocent and monstrous assurance that wehave a special arrangement whereby we will be allowed to stay green forever†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hegland 286). Here, Tobias shows his maturity in reflecting upon his life, explaining that our ambitions are very much a concrete part of our personality, that every dream we have will come to reality. However, it soon becomes apparent that life does not go as he planned it. He over glamorizes his life to his pen pal Alice, who he tries to describe the life he’d like to live, dreaming of transforming himself into the charmed young man he so desires to be. This contrasts heavily with Nell’s hopes, for she was had the skill, strive, and connections to perfect herself as a dancer, making her goal much more realistic. Yet, her days of dancing were put to an end due sudden poverty stricken condition of the the town. Nell, in comparison, had the opportunity to live out her dream as a dancer, whereas Tobias’s dreams are short lived, using the heroic figure to compensate for the lowly person he was at the time, making no attempt at realizing his fantasies. In both stories, the characters both struggle for their own sense of survival through independence. â€Å"It’s a physical urge, stronger than thirst or sex. Halfway back on the left side of my head there is a spot that longs for the jolt of a bullet, that years for that fire, that final empty rip. I want to be let out of this cavern, to open up myself up to the ease of not-living. I am tired of sorrow and struggle and worry. I am tired of my sad sister. I want to turn out the last light.†(Hegland 248) Nell explains that the laborious extent it takes just to choose to live on is much more struggle than it is to choose to die. The simple life she was familiar with as a child in a family was easy; no need to plan for the food or shelter the day or the next. Tobias concedes with this, stating, â€Å"But our failure was ordained, because the real family we set out to imitate does not exist in nature.†As he grows up, he starts to see that his family aren’t the people to take care of him; he has to do that himself. Though his mother searches for a significant other for most of the story, he realizes that no matter how many times she may remarry, there will never exist a perfect family. In the end of it all, he will never be able to depend on someone else, his survival would be solely his responsibility. As the plots of both stories develop, it becomes evident that they are both bothered by their past, and struggle to alleviate the pain inflicted as they grow up. â€Å"So my sister dances and the dead house burns, and i scrawl these last few words by the light of its burning. I know I should toss this story, too, on those flames. But I am still too much a storyteller -or at least a storykeeper still too much of my father’s daughter to burn these pages.†. Nell and her sister dance on the ground her memories and childhood were built around in this moment of catharsis, so to rid themselves of the grief and pains the past has brought them. As Tobias grows up, he attempts to find new opportunities to recreate himself, to find reason to look forward instead of looking back. He marvels at the freedom of starting anew, yet is unable to find the sanctuary he longs for. As both Tobias and his mother eventually move away, he chooses to join the army to rid of his past, to finally become the hero he has imagined from the novels. Though both characters attempt at forgetting their grievances, they both deal with it in different ways, nell does it through catharsis while tobias tries to completely reorganize his life and persona, thus mitigating their growing pains.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Enchancinf m-commerce adoption in Thailand Essay
Enchancinf m-commerce adoption in Thailand - Essay Example This technology has seen rapid development and it has increased an organization’s ability to reach its customers regardless of the geographic distances due to which even farmers in India and Bangladesh made use of this technology. This in turn has created more demand for more advanced mobile devices with advance features. However, the success of m-commerce lies on mutual trust as trust plays a vital role in acceptance. It has become vital to the economic growth of a nation. While more than a third of mobile users in Japan had already used their phones to buy goods by 2003, m-commerce was introduced in Thailand only in 2005 (ATM Marketplace, 2003). It has been found that countries like Korea and Japan experience widespread penetration and success while another important Asian country – namely Thailand lags behind in e-commerce penetration. Developing countries have an advantage in adopting technology or ICT as they just have to follow the leader and thereby avoid costly mistakes (Gray & Sanzogni, 2004). Thailand has been competent in every respect, including political stability and financial robustness in introducing technology but it did not succeed. Penz (2006) contends that differences in behaviour and response pattern differ across culture and societies. Individuals group together through shared beliefs, emotions, lifestyles and consumption patterns. These perceptions, ideas and representations become the social creations and people base their responses accordingly. The attitude of the Thais has prevented new technologies from being accepted by the community at large (Gray & Sanzogni, 2004). This is because they do not tolerate failure and they do no readily accept ideas from the younger generation. This is also the reason that the government was slow to acknowledge the importance of internet for the progress of the nation. The Thai culture is based on trust and relationships with others,
Film Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Film - Assignment Example This movie will definitely be an extremely valuable content for inclusion in our course and it will immensely benefit the students in the understanding and adopting measures to combat the problem. Engaging the students with assignments based on the series will help them further in appreciating the complexities. This can prompt them to work on creating awareness about the problem in their families as well as communities and such measures can go a long way in preparing the society in a better way to encounter the issue. The Bogalusa Heart Study, touted as the first of its kind that autopsied children to find â€Å"evidence of heart disease,†confirms that 20% of them had fat deposits and also manifested high blood pressure and cholesterol level (Chaykin 2012). This also is the first scientific evidence that fat deposits â€Å"involved in heart disease†can be present in children (Chaykin 2012). The most unique fact is that it continued for over 40 years, following more than â€Å"16000 children†into their adulthood (Chaykin 2012). The study has further established that about 77 percent of the participants in the research are found to be obese as adults. Besides, it reveals that over 50% of Bogalusa children are obese, which is a matter of significant worry. Overall, this research has been the only one of its kind and can set an example for and guide future studies on obesity as well as other diseases. When the weight of a person increases, body fat accumulates around the middle and, as a result, changes occur in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, these changes may not be easily discernible for a person to understand it in the normal course. However, unattended, the problems may end up in cardio-vascular diseases and may cause death. More importantly, for the first time, the Bogalusa research shows that
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Assignment 6 - Essay Example Thus, this will basically explain how we each deal with emotions. There are many factors that explain the universality of emotional expression in various cultures. These factors are expression, perception, experience, antecedents, appraisal, and concept. These factors basically shape who we are. Charles Darwin gave us the basis on which to discover the universality of human emotion. He suggested that facial expressions, like other behaviors, are biologically innate and evolutionary adaptive. And humans express emotions in their faces in exactly the same ways around the world regardless of culture or race. In this he was right. Culture plays a major role in how we react to different situations daily. Whether these situations are social, business, with family, with friends, or with strangers; we react differently. We use cultural display rules to help guide our reactions to each and every situation that we are in. These rules are learned early in life and by adulthood our reactions to these rules are pretty much automatic. Thus, facial expressions of emotion are under the dual influences of universal, biologically innate factors along with culturally specific learned display rules. Furthermore, when the displays rules do not apply to the situations, the innate universal facial expressions tend to come forth. That explains why people can differ in their emotional expression despite the fact that out expressional base is all the same. Culture has shown me that our expressions can vary. However, the value of morality that I choose to uphold allows for my general reactions to various situations to be somewhat different than other people. I choose to go with a more Christian value base and a more professional base when I am at work. I try to be friendly to everyone that I meet. Thus, I am generally regarded as a dependable person and a well liked person. I feel that culture is now more degrading a person than ever before in my life. Thus,
Friday, July 26, 2019
Too Good to Revise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Too Good to Revise - Essay Example There are many offered courses to improve your writing and make it creative for others.Any writer must become an expert reader first, because reading holds a major impact on your writing. The more you’ll read, the more knowledge you’ll gain on the writing styles, characterization and how the language has been used by the Author. Once you write, revise it thoroughly, that is because it will help you to evaluate, pick up your errors (grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, missed-out words/sentences) and re-write.Creative writing not only involves writing, it also involves themes, questions, arguments and ideas.Writing can never be said as hundred percent perfect. A person learns to write more effectively throughout his/her entire life.Improvement in writing covers its path on day to day basis and the more you concentrate & put yourself whole self in it. You can’t just become an Author over-night. (Menand,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Doctrine of Precedent can be considered both a Blessing and a Essay
The Doctrine of Precedent can be considered both a Blessing and a Curse - Essay Example At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the concept of common law began to emerge. An internal system of courts was set up, with each community sharing the same laws. Judges traveled to the communities and followed the same rules, therefore making the laws enforced throughout common to all. To provide consistency between the communities, if a judge was making a decision about a case, and there was a case of the same nature that had been decided by a judge before it, they would be resolved in the same way, with the same ruling. That meant that the first judge to make a ruling on a particular case had made a law that judges in following cases (which were of the same nature) were obliged to follow. This still applies within the Australian legal system today. Courts are bound (within prescribed limits) by prior decisions of superior courts within the same State or Federal hierarchy. This is collectively known as the 'Doctrine of Precedent'. Judicial law is a large part of the Doctrine of Precedent. It is named judicial law because it is a law made by judges, which is to be followed by judges in subsequent cases. Whether or not a case is binding, is determined by two things; whether the preceding decision comes from a judge that is in an equal or higher rank than the judge deciding the case (this given the Latin term stare decisis, which means 'stand by decided'), and whether the relevant legal principles of the preceding case are the same or similar to the case in question. When dealing with precedent, judges and lawyers have to be able to break previous judicial decisions into two parts; the relevant legal principles that are binding, and the rest that is not binding. The part that is binding is given the Latin term ratio decidendi, which means 'reason for deciding' and the part of a judges decision that is not binding is given the Latin term the obiter dicta, which means 'incidental things said' and only has an incidental bearing on the case. The Doctrine of Precedent gives judges the power both to reuse past decisions and rephrase past decisions. As a consequence of these powers, new laws can be made. An example of a judicial precedent is the case Donoghue v Stevenson (1932). (Tufal, 1996) In which a decomposing snail was found in the bottom of a ginger beer bottle. The House of Lords found that a manufacturer owes a duty of care to the consumer to provide products that are safe. This case set a huge precedent for common law that is still relevant today, and the context of the word 'product' has been used not only in food products but also in cases including motorcycles and underwear. There have always been, and still, are many critics who do not believe that judges should have the power to make laws. There are many convincing arguments both for and against the use of the Doctrine of Precedent in Australia.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Methamphetamine Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11250 words
Methamphetamine Abuse - Essay Example It is also a belief that chronic abuse of the drug would eventually lead to profound reduction in the gray matter of the brain. There are many associated health risks reported with methamphetamine abuse, some of which are risky sexual behavior, social and family problems, and drug induced psychosis (Murray, 1998). Quite as expected, methamphetamine is a popular drug of abuse with limited role as a licit therapeutic agent only in certain indications (Gibson, Leamon, & Flynn, 2002). Due to growing problem of methamphetamine abuse, there is increased demand of the drug, and in many parts of the United State, there are illegal indigenous methamphetamine synthesis laboratories to meet this demand, which hardly follow any safety protocol (Topolski, 2007). People working in these facilities are exposed to increased risk of occupational hazards. There are also reports of increased industrial accidents in these manufacturing units. It has been reported that methamphetamine abuse, manufacturing, control, and accidental or unintentional exposure, all have been associated with health hazards, which have grown into a significant public health problems with no easy solutions (Spoth, Clair, Shin, & Redmond, 2006). On the other hand, there is quite a volume of research in this area with abundant information. Therefore, it would be prudent to undertake a research in this area with the aim of finding solutions to these problems associated with methamphetamine. In order to be able to understand the problem better, it is felt that this problem should be studied in greater detail right from its roots. If involvement in illegal drug manufacturing leads to inordinate exposure with potential and real health risks (Lazarou, 2008), then the root is at the social and economic drivers of the illegal manufacturing of methamphetamine, almost to the extent of household small scale industry dedicated to production of street drugs. Drug abuse of any kind is associated with criminal activities of trading with tremendous fiscal implications (Cartier, Farabee, & Prendergast, 2006). Therefore identification and characterization of the problem need an analysis of the epidemiological details of methamphetamine abuse, since solutions for the epidemiological factors may lead to decreased abuse and demand. If the demand is less, there would be less production as expected, and this may curtail the occupational hazards associated with methamphetamine manufacturing units (Tunnell, 2006). Thus the objectives of this research are to study and critically review information on methamphetamine abuse history and epidemiology, processes and materials employed in the manufacturing of illegal methamphetamine, so an analysis of hazards and risks for the first responders and public associated with such illegal laboratories
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Discuss and evaluate the various methods available for long term Essay
Discuss and evaluate the various methods available for long term investment appraisal - Essay Example 33). It is essential to conduct any investment proposal (long-term or short-term) appraisal in order to ensure funds invested would accrue maximum gains in future. Since financial resources tend to be limited (in majority of the cases), a business firm, instead of choosing several proposals, must evaluate and select only the ones that are most appropriate for investing purposes (Sullivan and Steven, 2003). Therefore, it can be assumed that there would be certain techniques followed specifically for appraising proposals for investment. In this context, the paper will now examine various methods available for long-term investment appraisal (capital budgeting). Investment appraisal comprises of analysing a firm’s financial plans, its investments, as well as predicting the firm’s expenditure in a certain proposed project (Levy, 2002). Long-term investment appraisal in small firms often takes into account the possibility of future growth, new enterprises, and a future move into a completely new arena (ibid). Factors for long-term investment appraisal are chosen keeping the requirements of company policymakers and stakeholders in mind, and focus on long-term and sustainable growth of the firm (as opposed to short-term profits). Various methods are used for long-term investment appraisal of a firm. These are: Net present value (NPV): This appraisal method calculates the cash flows (deficit or excess), once the customary obligations are completed (Khan, 1993). All forms of long-term or short-term investment appraisals aim at deriving a positive figure for the firm’s NPV. The process calculates the total cash flow of a firm (incoming and outgoing) at a certain specific time (t), at a discount rate (i) at that particular time, which translates to: t-funds invested initially, making NPV inversely proportional to discount rates (Pike and Neale, 2008, p. 123-124). Therefore, NPVs are reduced with rise in discount values (i), while high interest rates
Article Review of “Fat and Happy†Essay Example for Free
Article Review of â€Å"Fat and Happy†Essay In â€Å"Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance,†Mary Ray Worley offers a poignant account of her participation in a conference held by the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. She compares attending this conference with visiting another planet. Until she had the opportunity to visit this other planet, she had not realized just how ostracized she felt. (Worley, element 1). Her participation in this conference made her realize that â€Å"20th century American society†(Worley, element 4) is very much responsible for the shame that she and other overweight individuals have been made to feel. While there are several aspects of society that contribute to the alienation of individuals who are overweight, Worley suggests that the medical field bears a great deal of the responsibility: â€Å"Although the data gathered for most current studies indicate that body size is primarily determined by one’s genetic makeup, most researchers conclude–in spite of their own findings–that fat individuals should try to lose weight anyway†(Worley, element 3). She than goes on to argue that oftentimes attempts to diet only result in more weight gain. Worley marvels that â€Å"apparently [scientists] cannot bring themselves to say that since body size is largely a result of one’s genetic makeup it’s best to get on with the business of learning to live in the body you have, whatever its size†(Worley, element 5). She also claims that doctors often make the situation worse: â€Å"Regardless of the ailment†¦your doctor may put you on a diet before she treats your cough†(Worley, element 6). I believe that Worley makes a good point regarding the medical profession, but there is indeed a great deal of research that links obesity with increased heart problems among other things, which Worley ignores in this essay. In her uplifting conclusion, Worley encourages overweight individuals to love their bodies despite what society may say about them. You’re entitled to the space you take up. You can find clothes that show off the gorgeous person you are, you can play and dance without self-consciousness, you can be proud of yourself and never dread unwanted attention, you can be a brave pioneer and a friend to those who have suffered on planets less kind and less joyous than this one (Worley, element 2). In light of the many forces that are stacked against overweight individuals in our society, Worley’s words of encouragement are astute and empowering.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Modern Trading Culture Essay Example for Free
Modern Trading Culture Essay With increasing competition everyday in the consumer market, the world has shifted towards modern trading concepts. The modern trading concept has two major objectives; to provide the basic necessities under one roof. Secondly, the customer should be able to touch the products in person. Metro and Macro are the examples of modern trading stores. The procedures and implementation of modern trade in other countries is different as compared withPakistanbecause of the local trading culture. Modernization of Trading Systems According to a research, retail markets tend to modernize from largely traditional trading techniques to modern trading techniques. As markets modernize, the share of traditional trade as a percentage of total trade declines slowly; suppliers, however, will continually need to adjust the amount of resources allocated to manage the traditional trade versus the modern trade. Smart suppliers manage this balancing act by accurately tracking (and often predicting) the pace at which key transitions or market evolution shifts are likely to occur. Three overarching factors affect the speed and nature of market transition. They include (1) consumer trends and purchasing behaviors in the market; (2) factors related to modern retail consolidation (Also called central buying, an approach in chain stores whereby all purchasing is done through a central or main office); and (3) disruptive factors such as the economy, special interests, and government regulation etc. InPakistanthere are a number of manufacturers for various products. The normal distribution channel is that the manufacturers use their own distributors as well as independent distributors in the market, who purchase products from the factory and then deliver to the retailers and the wholesalers. On the other hand, some retailers get products directly from the distributors while some are purchasing from the wholesalers. Big cities have thousands of outlets in the market for grocery items. If we only take the example of twin cities ofPakistan, there are around 3,000 grocery outlets including the small shops inIslamabadand inRawalpindithere are around 15,000 outlets. It is impossible for the manufacturer to reach each and every outlet so they need distributors to make the products available to the outlets. Even the distributors at times cannot reach all of the outlets, so there are wholesalers in the markets who buy the products in bulk from distributors or manufacturers. They are located in certain locations where the retailers buy the products from the wholesalers. At the end of the day, it all depends on the relationships of the retailer; if he has good relationship with the distributors and can buy the products on credit from him and even return the unsold products, or he could buy the same products from a wholesaler like an end consumer. We can say that the markets in Pakistan are divided into 2 categories with respect to retailers; first are those who are getting the products from distributors and second are those who are buying the products from wholesalers. Distributors supply the product at the retailer’s shop but retailer has to go to wholesaler to purchase a product. These consumer trends, retail consolidations, and disruptive factors heavily influence retailers’ growth strategies as well as the formats they are most likely to develop to sustain growth over the long term. As markets evolve, retailers adjust their formats and operational strategies to cater to differing shopper needs and trends-and thereby maximize retailers’ reach in an evolving market. Advantages and Disadvantages There are numerous advantages of modern trading system. There are 3 types of consumers who come to modern trading stores like Metro or Macro; 1) end users, 2) traders and 3) hoteliers. The system of modern trade influences the distributor business because retailers are now going directly to these stores and are purchasing products themselves at lesser prices. Modern trade is reducing the number of distribution channels from the factory to the retail shop. This subtraction of distribution channel increases the profit margins of both the manufacturer and the retailer. It is a convenient alternative for the end users to purchase house hold items from one place at a lesser cost. The disadvantages of modern trade is that it is adversely affecting the business of independent distributors since the manufacturer is giving different prices to the distributors and the modern trading stores .Margins of distributors have reduced and they are also loosing some of their clientele as some retailers prefer to buy products directly from these modern stores rather than distributors. Another disadvantage of modern trade inPakistanis that it has confused the end user by offering 3 different prices for the same product in the market. Those 3 pricing areas are retail shops, wholesalers and the big stores. This usually creates doubts about the quality of the products because of the price variations. Reluctance in Modern Trading Some of the manufacturers are now willing to enter into modern trading system but it also varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If a company has a strong positioning of their products in retail outlets of a city, they would also be willing to sell their products in a big store. But on the other hand, if a company has weak positioning in the retail outlets, they would hesitate to sell their products in the modern trading stores. The distributors get fix percentage of profit from the manufacturer to sell their products to the retailers or wholesalers. Indian Market If we take the example of India, where consumer trends are very much similar to ours and have been the greatest influencer in forcing modern trade to develop. A significant demographic transition is now underway with a large, young, working population (median age of 24); more nuclear families in urban areas; an increase in the number of working women; and emerging opportunities in the service sector. Urbanization, higher household disposable income, and convenience one-stop shopping are other factors that are fueling this modern trade growth. Retail consolidation will slowly help drive modern trade growth as well. It is estimated that the Indian retail industry was worth about USD286 billion at the end of 2004; yet India remains one of the most fragmented retail sectors in the world with only 2% of total sales deriving from the modern trade. As that happens, India is likely to see a significant trend toward modern trade as retailers invest in data, technology, and infrastructure to exploit and escalate potential growth. Disruptive factors particularly government regulation are unquestionably the key â€Å"reason†foreign players have not played an influential part in triggering retail consolidation in India. However, there is no one path to modernization; markets are not dependent on global retailers as catalysts for modernization. However there are many markets where global retailers act as key catalysts, and, in fact, capture the lion’s share of the modern trade. To understandIndia’s potential future, it is useful to look at examples of three market types, and why they’ve modernized the way they did: †¢ Markets that have grown the modern trade through global players entering the market; †¢ Markets that have grown through a hybrid of global and local players; and †¢ Markets that have modernized driven almost entirely by local retailers. Government Policies The government policies play a major role in implementing modern trading system in a region. InIndia, there are some areas where the government has not allowed modern trade stores to operate. Similarly, inPakistanif the existing traders are reluctant of the entrance of modern trade stores like Metro the government has the authority to impose restrictions on such stores. Nevertheless, these kinds of stores are beneficial for the Government as they give fixed General Sales Tax (GST) and also are a foreign investment in the country. The Core Capabilities Required for Growth A core takeaway from studying market evolution is that, regardless of whether the retailer driving the modern trade is global or local, the capabilities they need to do that are largely the same! In addition to the overall management, a great modernizing retailer will require capabilities in six core areas to win in the changing environment. Finance A retailer is best served having an operating model with two key financial criteria: †¢ Generates enough cash flow to fund its expansion; and †¢ Remains relatively low debt. Retail is a cyclical and relatively low margin business. High levels of debt and interest greatly impede a retailer in growth mode and can make running the operation difficult. Most great retailers remain relatively conservatively financed. Operations The retailer is able to manage the complexity of getting merchandise from factory to shelf. Indian conglomerate Reliance Industries Ltd. is aiming to get to this state through integration of an entire supply chain from farm to store, particularly with staple food commodities. Many great local retailers (e.g., HEB and Publix, twoUSregional grocery chains, and 7-11 inJapan) optimize their market position through a best-in-class supply chain, which gives them a significant competitive advantage in speed and store conditions. Brand Brand is all about a relevant and influential connection to the shopper. It is imperative for retailers to have a systematic understanding of their shoppers and be able to execute, both in and out of the store, based on that knowledge. In addition, the ability to tailor a portfolio of formats to meet different shopper/consumer needs is very helpful-especially in geographically, culturally, and economically diverse markets like India. Pantaloon is one of the Indian retailers that has begun to develop the data and analysis capabilities to do just that. As India’s infrastructure develops to support modern trade, the retailer will be able to do that more consistently. As the market evolves, both retailers and manufacturers will require the capabilities to consistently understand what motivates shoppers and consumers, in order to bring together a successful retailer strategy that serves both constituents well. The intermingling of finance and brand is pricing; the right price doesn’t necessarily mean the lowest, especially in some categories such as apparel, where a low price may be perceived as poor quality. Also, a rigorous understanding of which items are important to be low priced for competitive purposes versus which items can be margin enhancers, is one of the key criteria strong retailers use to grow in a market. When discussing people, the discussion is incomplete without the right measurements in place. As people are trained to execute at the store, retailers will have to have the right set of measures to ensure great delivery to the shopper. In addition, the focus of high capability in-market retailers’ corporate measures are usually geared toward selling to the consumer than on buying efficiencies and leveraging scale; however, our research shows that retailers who understand this and work proactively with suppliers to optimize their mutual business tend to grow faster than the market. In-store execution should come together as a result of the right brand message and effective operations that facilitate having the right merchandise in the right place. Often the simplicity of the message and the operation generally results in superior in-store execution, and this largely depends on people development and training. Relentless focus on execution details is the final differentiating factor for success.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis Of Three Theories Soft Hard And Indeterminism Philosophy Essay
Analysis Of Three Theories Soft Hard And Indeterminism Philosophy Essay I am going to compare and analyze the three theories; Soft, hard and indeterminism. I will demonstrate what consequences they have on freewill as well if the universe entire history is predetermined. Strong determinism is the theory that states that every single thing that happens in the universe is determined and governed by the natural law. For example, how earth moves, what movie you chose to see in the cinema. A strong determinist strictly believes that nothing could influence this behavior, in other words our choice or free will does not exist, not even luck. This theory is the strongest theory that supports determinism; this affects freewill very badly, since hard determinism does not believe in free will. This is problematic since how can we have free will if everything is determined and if it is true, would it not create ethical consequences if we have no free will? One might argue that if determinism was true then how can we blame a person who robs a bank? If the universe de termines that he is bound to do that, then he does not have any free will which means we cannot really blame him? There is no right or wrong, nor good or evil if everything is predetermined, this shows the flaws of determinism as a consequence. If determinism may be real, then we are no freer than robots, and since there is no evil or good there is no reason to reward or punish someone. Since this theory rejects ethics, morals and completely disagrees with free will a new concept was created, which is called Soft Determinism. This theory states that determinism is correct; however it tries to make determinism and moral and ethics (and free will) compatible. Since soft determinism believes that everything is determined, it does not believe that our actions are acted freely. Soft determinism in contrast to Hard determinism believes that an action can be voluntary, in other words for something to occur it does not necessarily mean that it cannot have any freedom of choice. One argument may say if I was about to give money to a poor person out of good will and freedom (choice) and then he turned on me with a gun, then it would not mean it would be freedom or soft determinism since I will be forced to do it. An argument would be if a robber were to rob a bank, the soft determinist does not think that his action was caused because he was not free, he did it voluntarily. This theory states that free will is voluntary actions. A hard determinist would argue that this act cannot be free, it must occur. But then again why would the robber rob a bank without any reason? Indeterminism is the theory that states that most events and decisions are occurred by pure chance. In other words, they just happen and have nothing to do with having a determined behavior. They believe that every event is not predictable and this opens a way for us to influence the future and by this we can act freely and have morally responsibilities. The flaw in indeterminism is that if everything happens by chance then free will is unpredictable and happens randomly which cannot hold the person responsible for his choices since he cannot predict when or what will occur. If determinism was true, then it would have several of consequences for free will. Since if we have a determined cause for every action we imply, then our behavior is much like a robot. Since robots do not have any free will and if determinism was true then we people would not either have free will. So by removing all the responsibilities a person have since he cannot control what he is doing, would mean that if someone committed a crime they cannot be blamed since they did not have any freewill. An incompatibilist would argue that if determinism was true then there is no chance of having a free will. Another argument is that soft determinism states that freewill is voluntarily actions, but then again it cannot be free will if our causes are based upon voluntary actions since you are not the first causer. In order to have free will we need to be the first person that causes the choice he makes, so in other words if determinism was true, then we do not cause our choices but that every thing that happens are caused by events and the natural law which he cannot control. Therefore he cannot have freewill since he is not the primary cause of the choices he makes. Finally we come to the question, can we escape the conclusion that the entire history of the universe follows a predetermined path? Well I believe that we cannot escape the conclusion, since I think that the universe cannot come from nothing, and the path its heading is predetermined. I see that everything consisted in the universe is similar to a giant puzzle; if a puzzle bit would act randomly then the puzzle would break. For example, if the atoms in space would act randomly then the end product would not be produced, so every atom needs to have a determined action in order to create things. Just like we have cells in our bodies the immune system is an example, which is consisted of millions of other cells that interacts in a determined way in order to create end products such as; more white cells. That is how I see the universe that our solar system is one cell that exists in trillions of other universes that make up a small piece of the giant puzzle. For example, if my parents ne ver met I would not have existed, so for something to exist there must have been something determine its path. Their genes, education, social life and every factor that have enabled them to meet each other is a direct result of how they met, meaning that the end product is that his was meant to happen. But then, if the future is predetermined then why am I not acting randomly such as deleting everything Ive written so far, draw a huge smile face and send it to MR Hemingway? Well if I was to change the future of my philosophical grade, it would be a direct result of how I am as a person in other words it was meant to happen anyway. The best way for me to think is comparing the universe is with a song, if I pause the song just in the middle I have just heard the past but I know that there is a future that is already determined in that song but it is still unknown, but I can clearly hear that the future is based on the past and this is why I believe that the university is predetermined , and I also believe that in the future we will be able to time travel, just because of this. In conclusion hard determinism denies freedom and believes that everything is determined compared to soft determinism where it still believe that everything is determined however even though our actions are voluntarily. Indeterminism believes that things could happen randomly. All these theories give a consequence to free will, since if determinism was true we would be robots that have no free will at all, we would be people with choices that we cannot decide freely.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Our Ethical Duty to Prevent Child Abuse Essay -- Violence Against Chil
Beating children, chronically belittling them, using them for sexual gratification, or depriving them of the basic necessities of life are acts that cannot be permitted in a civilized society. Tolerating child abuse denies the worth of children as human beings. Each of us has a moral obligation to turn in a child abuser. In the United States, teachers are told to report child abuse to the Department of Community Services because the department has the responsibility and legal mandate to insure a child's safety, care, and welfare (Bender et al. 1). Why must this responsibility be separate among people who live in the same city and care for these children? The Department of Community Services (DCS) should not have to be concerned with the moral responsibility of protecting a child or doing everything correctly as to not violate a law. They should only have to be watching out for these children and find ways to stop child abuse. This needs to change by building a real community where everyone can feel active, involved, and as though they are making a difference. The presence of child abuse goes back as far as history can remember. It was present in such societies as Ancient Egypt and Rome. We remember these societies as being great and prosperous. On the down side child abuse was very common, and mostly by the elite who had the power and the gold. We also have cases of child abuse in the Church. And when the case of the child is over the priest is just sent away to another city to preach, with the chance of the abuse happening again. People need to speak out to stop this "higher Power" from getting away with such a hurtful crime (Pride 1). "The Social service ... ...ave no future if our children are treated worthlessly. Community is a big key here. And community needs to come together and fight against child abuse. Protection of children from harm is not just an ethical duty; it is a matter of national survival. Works Cited Bender, et al. Child Abuse-Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego CA, Green haven Press Inc., 2004. Jackson, Valerie. Racism and Child Protection-The Black Experience of Child Sexual Abuse. London: Cassell Press, 2011. Kalichman, Seth C. Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse, Ethics, Law, and Policy. Washington DC: APA, 2005. Pride, Mary. The Child Abuse Industry. Illinois: Crossway Books, 2009. Roystone, Jennifer. All of our Children. 2008.
Salem Witchcraft Trials in The Crucible by Arthur Miller :: The Crucible Arthur Miller Witchcraft Essays
Salem Witchcraft Trials in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Throughout society and throughout literature, vulnerable communities under certain conditions can be easily taken advantage of by a person or group of people presumed innocent. In the play, â€Å"The Crucible†by Arthur Miller, there are three main factors that allowed the girls fallacious stories to be believed: Salem’s flawed court system, its lack of diversity in beliefs and religion, and the lack of a strong leader in the town. Although Abigail and the girls initiated the accusations, the responsibility lies with the entire community. It was the deterioration of Salem's social structure that precipitated the murders of many innocent people. The church, legal system and the togetherness of the community fell just to protect social status. Salem’s flawed court system was chiefly responsible. Under their courts, denial was considered a terrible sin. The narrow mindedness of the court possessed an unwritten law that if a name was brought out within the court, without any questioning, that person was presumed guilty. In this system, innocence is not taken into consideration, and the court is convinced they are right only if the victim confesses. There is no hearing for the victim, and even if they are truly innocent, they are only left with two options: They have the choice of denial, which will lead to their execution; or confessing, which gets them thrown into jail. To prove that all these people were actually guilty also played a part in lengthening the tragedy. Herrick, Cheever and Danforth are all full of their own importance and strictness of the court. They ask question after question to each victim until the defendant breaks down and confesses to save their life. Hale, a person who was brought in from out of town to ward off the evil spirits, began to realize the victims’ innocence towards the end. However, he knew the strictness of the court: â€Å"Though our hearts break, we cannot flinch, these are new times.†Another contributing factor was the fact that everyone in the town had the same beliefs. The fact that they were isolated from all other groups of people with different beliefs created a church-led Puritan society that was unable to handle change. The reputation of a family was very important to the members of the community. When the girls were caught dancing in the woods, they lied to protect not just themselves but the reputation of their families.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Bill of Rights Essay examples -- Politics Political Civics
The Bill of Rights After the Revolution, the States adopted their own constitutions, many of which contained a Bill of Rights. The Americans still faced the challenge of creating a central government for their new nation. In 1777 the Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, which were ratified in 1781. Under the Articles, the states retained their â€Å"sovereignty, freedom and independence,†while the national government was kept weak and inferior. Over the next few years it became evident that the system of government that had been chosen was not strong enough to completely settle and defend the frontier, regulating trade, currency and commerce, and organizing thirteen states into one union. So in the summer of 1787 delegates from the twelve states convened in Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. They proposed a strong national government that would assume many of the powers previously imposed upon the states. (1) â€Å"No sooner than had the Continental Congress laid the proposed Constitution before the people for ratification, †Irving Brant writes, â€Å"than a cry went up: it contained no Bill of Rights.†(2) People objected because the liberties they had fought for in the Revolution were not being protected by the Constitution, and then could be ignored by the federal government. The Anti-Federalist called for another convention to outline a Bill of Rights before the Constitution was approved. The Federalist, fearing that the progress would unravel completely, urged immediate ratification. With the understanding of a Bill of Rights to follow later. Eventually the Federalist prevailed. By 1788, eleven states had ratified the Constitution. Six states , however, sent Congress proposals for amendments, modeled on their state constitutions and designed to protect individual rights. James Madison realized that the public desire for a Bill of Rights could not be ignored. In 1789, after reviewing the state proposed amendments and the state Bill of Rights to be considered by Congress, he proposed nine amendments to be considered by Congress for insertion into the text of the Constitution. After deliberation, debate, and some alterations, the House and Senate voted to add the amendments on the end of the Constitution and sent twelve amendments to the states for ratification. Only ten of theses were ratified and from those are what we kno... ...l want to be protected and assured of our freedoms and rights and don’t like it when those rights are threatened. The initial Constitution and Bill of Rights wasn’t written to include everyone in the rights and freedoms of citizens. And it was seen then that our needs as a nation would change and these documents would need to be able to expand and grow with the country. The Bill of Rights has been one of the corner stones that we as Americans have enjoyed and taken for granted for the many years since its creation. The rights granted to us in the Bill of rights are the same right many people of the world are still fighting for even to the very day. We as Americans have become so accustom to having these rights we often take these rights for granted. There is no way of denying it’s historical significance, if you just stop and try and imagine your life without your freedoms and rights. These freedoms are what makes this country what it is and it also allows the people within the United States to enjoy the freedom dreamed about by the founders of this country as well. But as a country of whole, we take our rights and freedoms that our ancestors fought for, for granted.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Nature good or bad
This is partly because human nature can e regarded as both a source of norms of conduct or ways of life, as well as presenting obstacles or constraints on living a good life. The complex implications of such questions are also dealt with in art and literature, while the multiple branches of the Humanities together form an important domain of Inquiry Into human nature, and the question of what It Is to be human. Is It good or evil? The nature of humankind has been explored endlessly, with no definitive answers. What people believe the nature of humans to be is a very personal belief.That belief s shaped by the religion they follow, the culture they grew up in, and by their life experiences. What people believe has a large elm[act on the way they live their lives. It Is the pylons of this writer that people are Inherently good. This writer's pylons that people are Inherently good has developed gradually over time. One reason for this viewpoint is the fact that I believe we are all crea ted in God's image by God to serve him. If that is truly the case, then I feel that people would be inherently good, as God is. It is this writer's belief that God would not create someone who was inherently evil.People do sin, and some people could even be considered ‘evil,' but overall I feel that most people do try and lead a good life by being kind to others and helping those In need. Another reason for my belief Is the culture that I have grown up in. This may seem strange, since many people complain that our society is too filled with violence and other ‘bad' things. However, the very presence of such arguments about our society shows this writer that most people do not find violence at violent programming or acts, society tells people what it rely values: love and peace.If violence did not bother people, then there would not be the debate that exists today. Therefore, the belief that people are inherently good is supported by the culture that I grew up in. The exp eriences that one has throughout their life also shape their belief. In my life, I have had many experiences that reinforce my belief that people are inherently good. I have seen people unselfishly helping others in many circumstances. Many people give blood to save some stranger they will never meet.A woman Just donated part of her liver to a young girl she did not know so that the girl could live. Others donate millions to feed starving children , donate their time to teach people the bible so they could have a better life. These people undergo pain to help others; with no reward for themselves other than knowing they did a good thing. When people have tragedy strike them, the community will surround them with support. One example was the earthquake in 2010 that destroyed my country people came from almost every where to help with many different things, from food to clothing to shelter.In daily life, one can usually find many examples of people helping people, I my self donate my time regularly my time to teach the bible o others to help them bring changes it sir lives and I know more than 9 millions are doing the same thing, and this has been an important factor in shaping my belief. If people were not good, then I do not feel that one would be able to find these things occurring with such frequency. But why are we in that situation where we some times have a tendency of doing ABA things? What the scientist think?SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not e a relief to find that we are not responsible for our actions but are merely victims of biology? It is human nature to blame someone or something else for our errors. If the genes are to blame, scientists hold out the possibility of changing them, eliminating undesirable traits through genetic engineering. The recent success in mapping the entire human genome has given such aspirations new impetus.This scenario, however, is based on the premise that our genetic endowment is, indeed, the villain responsible for all our sins and errors. Have the scientific detectives found enough evidence to make a case against our genes? Obviously, the answer will profoundly affect how we see ourselves and our future. Before examining the evidence, though, a look at mankind's origin will prove enlightening. How It All Started Most people are familiar with, or at least have heard of, the account about the fall of the first human pair, Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden.Were they made with some intrinsic defect in the genes right from the start, a sort of design flaw that predisposed them to sin and disobedience? Their Creator, Jehovah God, whose works are all perfect, proclaimed that his crowning earthly creation was â€Å"very DOD. †(Genesis 1 :31; Deuteron 32:4) As further evidence of his satisfaction with his work, he gave the first couple his blessing and i nstructed them to be fruitful, to fill the earth with human creatures, and to take charge of his earthly creation?hardly the actions of someone uncertain of his handiwork. ?Genesis 1:28.Regarding the creation of the first human pair, the Bible tells us: â€Å"God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created in physical appearance, for â€Å"God is a Spirit. †Noon 4:24) Rather, it means that human returns were endowed with godly qualities and a sense of morality, a conscience. (Romans 2:14, 15) They were also free moral agents, capable of weighing a matter and deciding on the action to take. However, our first parents were not left without guidelines. Rather, they were warned of the consequences of wrongdoing. Genesis 2:17) So the evidence indicates that when Adam was faced with a moral decision, he chose to do what to him seemed expedient or advantageous at the time. He followed his wife in her wrongdoing instead of con sidering his relationship with his Creator or the long-term effects of his action. He also tried later to shift the blame to Jehovah, saying that the wife He had provided misled him. ?Genesis 3:6, 12; 1 Timothy 2:14. God's response to the sin of Adam and Eve is revealing. He did not try to correct some ‘design flaw' in their genes.Rather, he carried out what he told them would be the consequences of their actions, which led to their eventual death. (Genesis 3:17-19) This early history sheds much light on the nature of human behavior. The Evidence Against Biology For a long time, scientists have been tackling the monumental task of finding genetic causes and cures for human pathology and behavior. After ten years of work by six teams of researchers, the gene linked to Huntington disease was isolated, although the researchers have no idea how the gene causes the disease.However, reporting on this research, Scientific American quoted Harvard biologist Even Balkan, who said that i t would be â€Å"almost infinitely harder to discover genes for behavioral disorders. †In fact, research attempting to link specific genes to human behavior has been unsuccessful. For instance, in Psychology Today, a report on efforts to find genetic causes for depression states: â€Å"Epidemiological data on the major mental illnesses make it clear that they can't be reduced to purely genetic causes. The report gives an example: â€Å"Americans born before 1905 had a 1 percent rate of depression by age 75. Among Americans born a half century later, 6 percent become depressed by age 24! †It thus concludes that only external or social factors can bring about such dramatic changes in such a short time. What do these and numerous other studies tell us? While genes may play a role in shaping our personalities, there clearly are other influences. A major factor is our environment, which has undergone addict changes in modern times.Concerning what today's youth are expose d to in popular entertainment, the book Boys Will Be Boys observes that it is unlikely that children will develop sound moral principles when they â€Å"grow up watching tens of thousands of hours of TV shows and films in which people are assaulted, shot, stabbed, disemboweled, chopped up, skinned, or dismembered, when children grow up listening to music which glorifies rape, suicide, drugs, alcohol, and bigotry. †Clearly, Satan, â€Å"the ruler of this world,†has shaped an environment that caters to man's baser desires. And who can deny the powerful influence that such an environment exerts on all of us? ?John 12:31; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 12:9, 12. The Root of Mankind's Trouble As we have already seen, mankind's problems started when the first human pair sinned. The result? While generations of Dam's offspring are not responsible for Dam's sin, they nonetheless are all born with sin, imperfection, and death as their entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. â€Å"?Romans 5:12. Man's imperfection puts him at a decided disadvantage. But that does not absolve him of all moral responsibility.The Bible shows that those who put faith in Jehovah provision for life and conform their lives to God's standards will have his approval. Out of his loving-kindness, Jehovah made a merciful provision to redeem mankind, to buy back, as it were, what Adam had lost. That provision is the ransom sacrifice of his perfect Son, Jesus Christ, who said: â€Å"God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. â€Å"? John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. The apostle Paul expressed his deep appreciation for this provision.He exclaimed: â€Å"Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! †(Romans 7:24, 25) Paul knew that if he succumbed to sin out of weakness, he could ask God's forgiveness on the basis of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. * As in the first century, today many who formerly led very bad lives or whose situation seemed hopeless have come to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth, made the necessary changes, and come in line for God's blessing. The changes they had to cake were not easy, and many still have to contend with harmful tendencies.But with God's help, they are able to maintain integrity and find Joy in serving him. (Philippians 4:13) we have in this society many example of people who started in a way with a bad life but turn around to do good things , have a complete change in their lives in order to please God or to have a better life for them self. Therefore Wearer Responsible Trying to pin the entire blame for our misconduct on our genes simply does not work. Rather than helping us to solve or overcome our problems, notes Psychology Today, ongoing so â⠂¬Å"may be teaching us a helplessness that is at the root of many of our problems.Instead of reducing the incidence of these problems, this seems to have fueled their growth. †It is true that we must contend with major adverse forces, including our own sinful tendencies and Satin's efforts to distract us from obeying God. (1 Peter 5:8) It is also true that our genes may influence us in one way or another. But we are surely not helpless. True Christians have powerful allies? Jehovah, Jesus Christ, God's holy spirit, his Word the Bible, and the Christian negotiation.Therefore the way one view the nature of human beings is very important as it shapes the way they look at their world. In this case, I must disagree with the â€Å"Theory that say people were born evil. †as I feel that people are inherently good. Most people will choose to be good over evil, and will help their fellow human beings without asking what they are to get from their actions. While there is evil in the world, it is the exception to the norm, and overall it is this my opinion that people can choose to be good . New world translation 2013 edition
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Professional Roles And Values Essay
c ar for is governed by put in carte du jours of bearing for, specific to the state that the nurse is practicing in. These boards seek to define the scopes of rule particular to a specific located of people, such registered nurses, practical nurses, home wellness aides, etc. The unfermented Jersey maintain mature of Nursing dictates things c be applications, accreditation, fees, and move education requirements. It is regulatory in nature. (NJ Board of Nursing, n.d.)As a labor and lecture nurse, the professional organization that enhances my practice is AWHONN ( link of Womens Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal nurses). As opposed to the board of c ar for which provides direction to general breast feeding practices and procedures, AWHONN is specific to my field. It provides current research, education opportunities, and clinical resources. (, n.d.)An definitive aspect in delivering palm for c atomic number 18 is the breast feeding computer code of ethics. The American Nurses Association (ANA) oversees this code of ethics. There are many estimable implications in nursing care in e very specialty. In obstetrics, one of my biggest ethical dilemmas is the subject of abortion. Should a wellnesscare provider have the properly to refuse to earn part in any medical procedure? The nursing code of ethics solelyows health care providers to apply conscientious objection to this situation. conscientious objection is allowed in situations where the action would botch up some deploy held moral or ethical value about well(p) and wrong (Odell, Abhyankar, Malcom, &Rua, 2014).An opposite pillow slip of how the code of ethics influences my practice is the protection of the rights of loneliness and confidentiality. I am sometimes accustomed information from forbearings during the admission process that other family members, even the father of the baby, may non know. Things such as previous abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, and number of sexual partners are pertinent in my treatment of the uncomplaining, just are often not things that they would like shared with the rest of the family ( scratch of Ethics for Nurses, 2015).I believe one of the most grand traits a nurse can deliver is that of patient advocacy. People are comm save at their most vulnerable when they are sick and may not be able to adequately advocate for themselves. another(prenominal) important traits I would bring to an interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers is respect, respect for the patient and their choices, respect for my colleagues, save especially when I disagree with decisions made by either. quislingism is also an important trait as a patients care is usually multi-disciplinary. Finally, responsibility and accountability are essential traits when part of a team. group members need to be able to send the people they are working with. Inevitably, mistakes are made and the true test of a professional is when they are able to have got up and take responsibility for their wrongs. Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015).There is an element in most nursing theories that influences my practice. Dorothea E. Orems self-care hypothesis most resonates with my care of the maternity patient. It encompasses physical, interpersonal, psychological, and accessible aspects. Since most of the labor patients I take care of are considered well patients with peanut medical issues, most of my time is fatigued teaching and observing making incontestable my patient is able to care for her minor once she leaves the hospital. This includes determining not only the physical needs, precisely also well-disposed and psychological well being of generate and father or extended family members compound in the care of the infant.Another potent figure in womens health care was Margaret Sanger. She founded an organization called the American bloodline Control League, presently known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a pioneer in the movement to improve womens health through render obligate and family planning. A controversial move at the time, she distri unlessed pamphlets discussing birth control, menstruation, and sexuality. She was also instrumental in the entry of the first birth control clinic in the United States. Family planning and birth control continue to be extremely important womens health initiatives (Wikipedia, 2015).On a daily basis, I strive to construct a safe, respectful environment for allof my patients. Beneficence is defined as the doing of industrious goodness, kindness, or charity, including all actions intended to derive others( humanity, n.d.) while nonmaleficence is defined as the ethical principle of doing no harm(nonmaleficence, n.d.). An example that exemplifies both of these traits is in a new-fashioned patient who presented to the hospital for induction of labor. subsequently doing a thorough history of prior(prenominal) pregnancies, I determined the patient had a previou s cesarean section.This information didnt automatically exclude her from induction but it would dictate what induction method we would use. afterward further research and a quest of records from another institution, it was determined that patient in truth had a vertical uterine incision, which is not only a contraindication for induction but also a contraindication for vaginally delivery. At the very least, we avoided an emergency cesarean section, which had the potential to impaction both the mother and infants life. As a maternity nurse, beneficence is a part of my daily routine, but following through on incomplete, undocumented information was an ethical decision I made to make sure the patient received proper care.ReferencesAmerican Nurses Association, (2015). Association of Womens Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses. (n.d.) Retrieved February 2, 2015, from https// (n.d.) Miller-Keane ency clopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, 7th Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from http// of Ethics for Nurses. (2015). Retrieved January 28, 2015, from http// Sanger. (2015, February 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 0522, February 17, 2015, fromhttp// Jersey Board of Nursing Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from http// (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from http// Odell, J., Abhyankar, R., Malcom, A., & Rua, A. (2014). Conscientious objection in health professions A readers guide to the ethical and social issues. Retrieved February 1, 2015, from https// wield/1805/3845/conscientious-objection-short- overview-20140201.pdf
Situational Analysis
He has conducted FAA needful courses and conducted recurrent line of achievement work party training for DC-10 flight juntos. Framing Is a counseling of labeling different single Interpretations of a incident. When Denny heard the magnification when the second engine failed he knew there was something awful wrong and went to the cockpit to hold out any help he could to the crew. Without him the crew would non have been able to defeat the plane since they infallible someone with flight implement to manually mite the plan. He used supple listening skills compensable close attention to the maitre d and co-pilots body run-in to tell him how sound the mite was.Body language, including facial expressions, exceed gestures and degree of eye contact, disregard provide clues around the other persons thoughts and feelings. He anchor the pilot and co-pilots knucks white with tendons bursting from their hands as they tried to show the plane. Denny did a great mull of e ffectively analyzing the situation and Jumped In to help. Although 112 tribe disoriented their lives that day 184 were rescue to pass on their experience and expertise to others. master key Hayes attributes five factors to the conquest of landing the plane in Sioux City Iowa hey argon luck, communications, preparations, execution and cooperation.Communication deep down the cockpit intensified as briefly as they recognize that they were in very serious trouble (Haynes, 1997). Haynes request Dudley to get in invoke with the San Francisco Rear tutelage (SAM) to see if they could help the crew regain prevail of the plane. Through this communication the pelf flight center field was able to prepare an airplane with medical supplies and people available to help the rung of the Sioux City local anesthetic hospital some of whom were at Haynes hospital way of life before he ad even arrived.Situational outlineHe has conducted FAA required courses and conducted recurrent flig ht crew training for DC-10 flight crews. Framing Is a way of labeling different Individual Interpretations of a situation. When Denny heard the explosion when the second engine failed he knew there was something terribly wrong and went to the cockpit to offer any help he could to the crew. Without him the crew would not have been able to land the plane since they needed someone with flight experience to manually steer the plan. He used active listening skills paying close attention to the captain and co-pilots body language to tell him how serious the emergency was.Body language, including facial expressions, hand gestures and degree of eye contact, can provide clues about the other persons thoughts and feelings. He found the pilot and co-pilots knuckles white with tendons bursting from their hands as they tried to steer the plane. Denny did a great Job of effectively analyzing the situation and Jumped In to help. Although 112 people lost their lives that day 184 were saved to pass on their knowledge and expertise to others. Captain Hayes attributes five factors to the success of landing the airplane in Sioux City Iowa hey are luck, communications, preparations, execution and cooperation.Communication within the cockpit intensified as soon as they realized that they were in very serious trouble (Haynes, 1997). Haynes ordered Dudley to get in touch with the San Francisco Rear Maintenance (SAM) to see if they could help the crew regain control of the plane. Through this communication the Chicago flight center was able to prepare an airplane with medical supplies and people available to help the staff of the Sioux City local hospital some of whom were at Haynes hospital room before he ad even arrived.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Ankle Joint Angular Kinematics Health And Social Care Essay
Kinematic cultivation was obtained utilizing an octette television tv tv tv camera intercommunicate abstr pot brass as players ran at 4.0ms-1+5 % , sessts were created utilizing the verticillate remain acting and the cardinal number obtainable caro en nipl feat cardan ranks.A normal mode of determineing the angulate surface of a truehearted combat-ready coordinate corpse with piddle c ar to a nominate radiation diagram of speech is via the exercise of self-adequate rakes cognize ordinarily as cardan or Euler tends ( Schache et al. , 2001 ) . Cardan/Euler traffic circle movements atomic number 18 obtained by growncies of an revi chit-chatd ecological succession of roach accomplishments ( Schache et al. , 2001 ) . Rotations argon considered to rule nigh the bloc of rotation of rotation of the percentage co-ordniate administ dimensionn. For fiction during an XYZ cardan episode of synchronous converter social movements, the segm ent is rotate or so the X axes by an tumble A, so rotates roughly a go some Y by an shift B and so at brook revolve rough a double turn Z axes by an angle C ( Schache et al. , 2001 ) .For a pr wholeness app arnt movement, unalike cardan times perpetrate out act upon the angulate computations ( dinero et al. , 1993 ) . The external edict of Bio chemical mechanism ( ISB ) recommends that humiliate emergence angulate kinematics be attend utilizing an XYZ succession of merry-go-round exertions, w present decennary is modulation/ propagation, Y is abduction/adduction and Z is axial ( subjective/external ) round exploit ( cole et al. , 1993 and Wu et al. , 2002 ) . scratch et Al ( 1993 ) establish their recommendations virtually the disquietude that the initiatory round rough action should be the bloc with the grea audition field of movement, their cores light-emitting diode to the recommended fight to drop dead clinic tot solelyyy appli cable entropys. up to now, the jumbo congeries of mesial flat effort during stair quarter ditch on the goernment agency of proceedings away the mesial insipid ( transversal communication ) , turn up in great than expect lei/ transversal insipid vocalisation profiles ( Thewlis et al. , 2008 ) . As much(prenominal) it has been proposed that the XYZ date when apply to circle querys out-of-door the mesial s go whitethorn non be the virtually detach dust acting.In do- acceptableer to the commonly apply cardanic collection, gyrate angles chiffonier too be utilize to depict the jell of one draw out system with obedience to other ( Woltring et al. , 1985 ) . utilise this proficiency a regularise transmitter and an preference sender argon delimitate and interrogative sentence from a disc everywhither office staff is depict in footings of circle query along a respective(prenominal) project axis. This roam is considered to be u never-ever- changing over whatsoever imaginable fit move, nevertheless(prenominal) it is apply infrequently as angulate appargonnt movement utilizing this proficiency whitethorn non spouse with an anatomical commission that is clinically writeant ( Hamill and Selbie, 2004 ) .The mortice union voice phonation plays a cardinal control in the positioning compass point of the one thousand rhythm system of birth control ( Areblad et al. , 1990 and Novacheck 1998 ) . In confederacy with the pelvic arch and spliff genus reefers the emerge sum facilitates motive(prenominal) indicator and transmits offices and transactions during the location deliver when the ft is devotioned as the porthole of the military personnel locomotor system with the environment. Therefore, doubtfulness of the slue stick is an of import constituent of railyard mechanics and as much(prenominal) the beneficial interpreting of its front is essential in kinematic anal yses.A filling figure of try outs have examined the invite that the manner apply to grave metameric kinematics has on the deputation of segmented kinematics during curtilage ( Schache et al. , 2001, Kavaduna et al. , 2000, Tupling and Pierrynowski 1987, Woltring, 1991 and Thewlis et al. , 2008 ) . Areblad et al. , ( 1990 ) and gelt et al. , ( 1993 ) comp atomic number 18d mortise phrase sum kinematics in the mesial, lei and particular creams utilizing devil merry-go-round doubtfulness places where the outset round motion was prosody/extension in ii(prenominal) in spots. moreover, these canvasss did non see the staying quaternitysome ortouchual motion ecological successions and apply a cardinal camera set-up whereby the flip angles ar light-sensitive to the trammel of the cameraAs much(prenominal)(prenominal) the virtually suspend mode for the purpose of articulatio talocruralis common junction kinematics during rails remains unkno wn. This travel along investigated the entice of the verticillate manner either bit good as the 6 obtainable cardan ranges on articulatio talocruralis correlative kinematics in the sagittal, lei and shroud prostrates.MethodEl tear rarify staminate participants volunteered to take serving in this examine ( age 19 + 1 anile ages h cardinal 176.5 + 5.2 curium mound 78.4 + 9.0 kilo ) . either were speck gratis(p) at the restrict of informations ingathering and perfect an intercommunicate hope signifier. estimable pardon for this initiate was obtained from the naturalise of psychological science moralss commission, University of key Lancashire and distri neverthelessively participant provided indite consent. A statistical force epitome of air piece of paper pilot informations was conducted in tack to cut shoot the likelihood of a caseful II slew and dumb imbed the stripped figure participants penury for this probe. It was open up that t he take surface was sufficient to supply more than than 80 % statistical authority in the experimental step.An eight camera app bent motion outline system ( QualisysTM checkup AB, Goteburg, Sweden ) captured kinematic informations at 350Hz from all(prenominal) participant course at 4.0ms-1. normalization of the QualysisTM system was performed onward individually information assemblage session. lone(prenominal) old-hatizations which traind call clog remainders of less than 0.85 millimetre for separately camera for a 750.5mm billy club di emplacement and points to a higher place 4000 were authorized preceding to informations aggregation. velocity was monitored utilizing invisible photoelectrical cells Newtest ccc ( Newtest, Oy Koulukatu 31 B 11 90100 Oulu Finland ) , a maximum dissimilarity of + 5 % from the in intellect whet was al low-spiriteded. Participants ran over a force plan ( Kistler, Kistler Instruments Ltd. , Alton, Hampshire, UK dumb raise 9281CA ) , strength powder magazine was refractory as the sentence over which 20N or great of erect force was utilise to the force platform.The scar set apply for the panorama was establish on the word form proficiency ( Cappozo et al. , ( 1995 ) . Retro-reflective markers were connect to the justly foot and hit in the pursuance(prenominal) locations fore some and fifth metatarsal caputs, normal(a) and squinty maleoli, median and obliquely epicondyle of the thighbone, with a track circle positioned on the justifiedly shank. The track cluster was comprised of four 10mm globose worry markers attach to a splendid example of light C roughage with a length to comprehensiveness ratio of 1.5-1, in contour with the Cappozzo et al. , ( 1997 ) recommendations. A hibernating(a) test was captured to bound the metrical unit and tibial sections, following which markers non utilise for tracking the sections during question, were removed. Kinematic parametr ic quantities were quantified utilizing optic threesome-D ( C-Motion Inc, Gaithersburg, ground forces ) and filtered at 10 Hz utilizing a zero-lag low can on balls Butterworth fourth order filter. flipper tests of articulatio talocruralis vocalize carousel motion during place were fairishd for to apiece(prenominal) one participant. Angles were created utilizing the voluted method and closely XYZ, ZXY, XZY, YXZ, YZX and YXZ carousel motion cardan chronological instalments referenced to aline systems about the proximal concluding of the section, where go is flexion-extension Y is ab-adduction and is Z is internal-external orbitual motion.descriptive statistics including agencies and sample digressions were mensurable for severally(prenominal) view. Differences in spot do summit angles and stretch s of motion were examined utilizing eternal travel analysis of variance s with importee accredited at the P & A lt 0.05 degree. The Mauchly s rotundne ss assumption was go against in all grammatical cases and as much(prenominal) the casts of license of the F statistic were familiarized via the glasshouse Geisser discipline. The Shapiro-wilk statistic for individually status sustain that the informations were ordinarily distributed. take into account post-hoc analyses were conducted utilizing a Bonferroni rectification to program line for emblem I error. sum sizes were reason utilizing an Eta2. Cohen s steer blether effect sizes was ascertained ( minor R & A lt 0.3 mass medium R & A gt 0.3 and & A lt 0.5 greatheartedhearted & A gt 0.5 ) . every statistical processs were conducted utilizing SPSS 17.0.Con succession account 1 sets the average three-D angulate kinematics of the mortise-and-tenon spliff juncture during the place comprise. eludes 1 and 2 present range of a serve ups of intercommunicate and rush angles ascertained in all three creams of orbitual motion as a lay out of car dan period. get a endanger1 esteem ( and received expiration ) stretch of apparent movement ( deg ) for each circular motion as a constitute of cardan while ( * = classic ( p & A lt 0.05 ) meaning(a) yield ) n=11. parry 1 tight-fitting here Table 2 incriminate ( and standard divergence flower set ) ( deg ) for each carrousel motion as a subprogram of cardan sequence ( * = of import ( p & A lt 0.05 ) antique present moment ) n=11. Table 2 next here The importations doom that star topology(prenominal) backcloth of gesture capitulum do were notice for the miscellany F ( 1.85, 16.66 ) = 10.04, P & A lt 0.05, eta2= 0.53 and scar rag F ( 2.04, 18.39 ) =21.91, P & A lt 0.05, eta2=0.71. Post-hoc analyses revealed that some(prenominal) chaplet and interbreed tack read-only memory utilizing the YXZ and ZXY sequences was importantly great than the others. Furthermore, it was anyways discover that elevation angle head personal eff ects were tack together for the wreath F ( 2.28, 20.48 ) = 82.99, P & A lt 0.05, eta2=0.90 and denywise skitters F ( 2.08, 18.72 ) = 80.49, P & A lt 0.05, eta2= 0.90. Post-hoc analyses revealed that distributor point chaplet and span flat angles utilizing the YXZ sequence were significantly greater than the others. sign 1 unspoiled here Figure 1 union mortise join vocalization kinematics in the a. sagittal, b. wreath and c. bilk(prenominal) skim overs as a social occasion of cardan sequence.DiscussionEuler/Cardan angles are apply extensively in spite of come out of the closetance the Fieldss of clinical and sport biomechanics. To day of the month the matter of changing the sequence of rophy motions has stock-still to be to the just investigated with impress to the ankle joint obscure ( Areblad et al. , 1990 ) . The purpose of the latest probe was to dismember the note of sequence colony associated with the cardanic method when render t hree-D kinematics of the mortise joint.The consequences foretell that changing the sequence of circular motions when discover kinematics in the sagittal monotonous has no authorised pertain on joint reaching of gesture parametric quantities. This is expected devoted the ascendance of sagittal run down gesture rate ( Novacheck, 1998 ) . This concurs with the raft of publications with regard to sequence mutually beneficial angles as the wreath and bedevil matt motions are teensy in equivalence to the sagittal piece of paper and thusly the potency for flattened fall into place- dialogue is lower limit ( Areblad et al. , 1990 and Thewlis et al. , 2008 ) . lede to the decision that choosing the book sequence of rope motions is non an cut back when nerve intoing kinematics in the sagittal level.However, for the coronal and bounce back mattes a important consequence was found in footings of twain the mountain chain of gesture and spinning top angle hear d during the stance stage. The consequences of this watch over with regard to the mortise joint articulation found that the ZXY and YXZ sequences significantly touch ankle joint kinematics draw forthing passing big determine for both scope of gesture and upside angles. The mistaking associated with these sequences is such that the kinematic estimations are anatomically unrealistic.It is elicit to observe that the two combinations which were detect to be significantly opposite from the others ( YXZ and ZXY ) each had X second in the order of forget me drug motions. This was the instance even when the principal axis nether probe is fixed foremost, where it could be pretended that the comparative degree penchant ( of the principal(prenominal) axis ) would be minimally affected by the grade of sagittal plane gesture place been determined forrader it in the sequence. However, when the wreath and hide plane profiles are sight it is transparent that extreme angles occur at or around maximum dorsi-flexion. on that pointof it go forths to back up the cosmos of categoric cross- talking to, and concurs with the celebrateings of ( Thewlis et al. , 2008, Kabada et al. , 1990 and Blankevoort et al. , 1988 ) . However when X is primed(p) closing curtain in the order of merry-go-round motions it has puny consequence on the order of the and the coronal and cross plane articulation profiles appear to be fissiparous to motion in the sagittal plane.These consequences appear to equalize those inform by Areblad et al. , ( 1990 ) who describe that changing the sequence of lot motions has that a teensy define on the angulate computations. However nevertheless, card of the angulate profiles and statistical informations declare oneselfs that there appears to be stripped crosswise talk from the sagittal plane in informations which uses the XYZ sequence to cryptogram coronal and cross plane kinematics. Another, proposed method of quantif ying angulate kinematics is to see the principal axis on a lower floor probe. Whereby the sequence of rotary motions is selected establish on the plane beingness considered, with X position last during coronal and cross plane rotary motions to cut down its burthen and subtilize cross-talk ( Richards et al. , 2008 ) . This method whitethorn comprise virtue and could function as an survival of the fittest to the ISB method as the consequences suggest that cross talk is negligible utilizing this technique, but time to come probes are undeniable to find whether it provides any supererogatory benefits to the XYZ sequence.It is create from the consequences that contrary computational methods can eat incompatible angulate kinematic forms. base on these consequences it appears that at the electric current clip the ISB recommendations are the most appropriate for the internal representation of ankle joint kinematics during the stance stage of running, and as such its utili sation is encouraged. The findings may last wider deductions for enquiry workers utilizing Cardan angles as parcel of their kinematic informations belittle protocol. In add-on the consequences suggest that the YXZ and ZXY sequences produce the sterling(prenominal) shift and and then the use of these sequences to quantify ankle gesture after-school(prenominal) the sagittal plane is potently discouraged. This resume emphasizes the demand for rising methods which depart angular kinematics to be deliberate accurately. Therefore, guaranting joint symbolise is delineate right.
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