Friday, May 22, 2020
Gandhis life and experiences in England Essays - 1531 Words
On September 4, 1887, Mahatma Gandhi stepped on board a boat bound for England with the intention to further his academic career. Naà ¯ve and intensely shy, young Gandhi did not fully appreciate the extent to which his beliefs were to be challenged, transformed and eventually strengthened during this sojourn into the unknown. Nearly all aspects of his identity, including diet, social traditions, culture and religion, were scrutinized by Westerners and, in turn, as he adopted their perspective, judged unmercifully by Gandhi himself. Yet though threatened by the new environment, Gandhi recovered a sense of identity in his Indian culture and heritage stronger than he previously experienced. His encounter with the West lent him incredible†¦show more content†¦His triumph was great indeed, for despite anticipating some inconvenience, he was unprepared for the extent of the sacrifices required in keeping true to this life style. Gandhi vegetarianism met with constant disdain and pity even among his friends. He was forced to walk miles upon miles searching for appropriate restaurants, all the while living off insufficient meals provided by his landlady. Although physically malnourished, with only cocoa, porridge, or bread in his belly, Gandhi stubbornly held to his sacred vow out of respect for his mother. Eventually, the quick-witted young man came upon literature in a restaurant advocating vegetarianism and was able to use Western ideas to strengthen his vow to abstaining from meat. The consumption of meat was reported to be inefficient in providing nourishment and energy to the body, and furthermore, livestock and poultry were treated with ruthless apathy throughout captivity. This development in favor of his vow, for Gandhi was able to justify vegetarianism to himself through Western as well as Indain eyes. This justification allowed him some independence of his mother’s advice and council, and gave him a sense of individual agency. In addition to his substantiating vegetarianism, â€Å"†¦the result of reading all this literature was that dieteticShow MoreRelatedMahatma Gandhi Speeches904 Words  | 4 Pagesis to lose yourself in the service of others.†( Mahatma Gandhi participated in many mentionable functions throughout his life. He help Indians gain rights in Africa, to going on a fast to promote what he believed was right. He was an important tribute to India, and many people look up to him for his bravery. His childhood experiences, adult life struggles, and middle age successes tell his story well. Mahatma Gandhi went through many difficulties throughout his childhood. He alsoRead MoreMahatma Gandhi : An Important Contribution Of Society925 Words  | 4 Pagesviewed as an important individual that has used nonviolent ways to promote change in his society. Religion played an important part in Mahatma Gandhi’s life. His father served as a chief minister in Porbandar. His mother was very religious and fasted regularly. Mahatma Gandhi was born into a Hindu family in 1869, and remained a faithful Hindu throughout life. Ideas from several other religions influenced Gandhi, and eventually developed his own ideas about religion and the way to live. He practicedRead MoreGandhi, The Most Popular And Influential Figures Of The World1584 Words  | 7 Pagespopular and influential figures in the world. His political work, religious beliefs, values and morals captivated millions internationally. His path to become such a respected person is shaped by his religion and experiments occurred throughout his life. His relationship to food becomes a powerful fixation that allows him to form a greater connection to God as Truth, while leading him to express controversial disagreements during certain health issues. Gandhi becomes interested in his own dietaryRead MoreGandhi As A Spiritual Leader Of India1207 Words  | 5 Pagesyoung age had to bear with this second shock in just a year as earlier that same year Gandhi’s father Karamchand Gandhi had also died. Gandhi had four more children’s: Harilal, born in 1888; Manilal, born in 1892; Ramdas, born in 1897 and Devdas, born in 1900 (Mishra 2). In his life, Gandhi had six main principles: Truth, Non-violence, Vegetarianism, Brahmacharya, Simplicity, and Faith. Gandhi dedicated his whole life in discovering the Truth or Satya. He tried this by learning from his own mistakesRead MoreMahatma Gandhi : A Leader Of India s Independence Movement1230 Words  | 5 Pagesfollowed Jainism, a morally rigorous ancient Indian religion that espoused non-violence, fasting, meditation and vegetarianism. At the age of 13 Gandhi married a merchants daughter, in an arranged marriage. After his father’s death, Gandhi’s family sent him to England in 1888 to study law, where he became interested in the philosophy of nonviolence. Gandhi returned to India in 1891, because he found little success in his attempts to practice law. Seeking a change of scenery, he accepted a positionRead MoreMahatma Gandhi, An Inspirational And Non Violent Leader Essay1425 Words  | 6 Pageswhen many people began to analyze his practices. By compar ing Gandhi’s real life examples of leadership with the theories and concepts provided from various sources we can begin to understand how these principles can be used to lead in a multitude of environments. Gandhi had plans to study medicine but his father and family pushed him towards a career in law, wanting him to become a government minister. After attending university in England and an unsuccessful stint in India he signed a 1-year contractRead MoreGandhi : A Moral Exemplar1457 Words  | 6 Pagesabout the motivation that lay behind his power. Gandhi s values and philosophy grounded his work, evident in how he balanced his family and work, his sense of right and wrong, and how he carried out his beliefs through his civil disobedience. While Gandhi’s philosophy and values were exemplary, they primarily served to better his image rather than to better the world. Gandhi is most known for his actions of civil disobedience , which exemplified his values of kindness and righteousness, while alwaysRead MoreGandhi : The Father Of India1223 Words  | 5 Pagesyoung age had to bear with this second shock in just a year as earlier that same year Gandhi’s father Karamchand Gandhi had also died. Gandhi had four more children’s: Harilal, born in 1888; Manilal, born in 1892; Ramdas, born in 1897 and Devdas, born in 1900 (Mishra 2). In his life Gandhi had six main principles: Truth, Non-violence, Vegetarianism, Brahmacharya, Simplicity, and Faith. Gandhi dedicated his whole life in discovering the Truth or Satya. He tried this by learning from his own mistakesRead MoreGandy and the Ahimsa Philosophy Essay844 Words  | 4 PagesMost of Gandhi’s intellectual, social and political ethics and beliefs developed in the search of truth and non violence, or ahimsa, the opposite being himsa. Ahimsa is simply defined as to not injure, and himsa defined as to injure. Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, according to many religions (Indian) it applies to all living beings including. â€Å"Ahimsa is a comprehensive principle. We are helpless mortals caught in the conflagration of himsa. The saying that life lives on life has aRead MoreComparation of Gandhi to Socrates, to buddha, to Jesus and to St. Fancis of Assisi924 Words  | 4 Pagesbut through the cogent example of a morally superior conduct o f life†. Other tributes compared Gandhi to Socrates, to Buddha, to Jesus, and to Saint Fancis of Assisi. The life of Mahatma (great soul) Gandhi is very documented. Certainly it was an extraordinary life, poking at the ancient Hindu religion and culture and modern revolutionary ideas about politics and society, an unusual combination of perceptions and values. Gandhi’s life was filled with contradictions. He was described as a gentle man
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Field Of Data Analytics Essay - 1119 Words
In today s mind boggling business environment, the field of data analytics is developing in acknowledgment and significance (Grant and Jordan, 2015). It is assuming a basic part as a basic leadership resource for officials, particularly those overseeing expansive organizations. Notwithstanding the development in significance of Planned/Analytical and its prospects for the future, other focal subjects emerged, incorporating the differed routes in which Planned/Analytical is organized and oversaw inside these ventures (Grant and Jordan, 2015). This flags the act of analytics, while advancing as a decision-making resource, stays in its initial advancement organizes and will proceed to develop and develop the length of it creates unmistakable budgetary advantages for the company. Planned/Analytical has arrived and it is as of now an essential focused asset for some organizations, with less than 20 percent of respondents expressing that Planned/Analytical does not yet bolster their corporate systems (Hofer Schendel, 1978). In addition to the development in significance of Planned/Analytical and its prospects for the future, other focal subjects emerged, incorporating the changed courses in which examination is organized and oversaw inside these endeavors (Grant and Jordan, 2015). This flags examination, while advancing as a basic leadership asset, stays in its initial improvement arranges and will proceed to advance and develop the length of it produces substantial budgetaryShow MoreRelatedThe Field Of Data Analytics1642 Words  | 7 Pages In today’s complex business environment, the field of data analytics is growing in acceptance and importance. It is playing a critical role as a decision-making resource for executives, especially those managing large companies. To shed more light on how companies are taking advantage of analytics, Deloitte Analytics commissioned The Analytics Advantage, the first in an annual series of surveys focusing on the state of analytics readiness at leading corpor ations and what the future holds. BusinessesRead MoreAnalytics In Oil And Gas Essay1068 Words  | 5 PagesRole of Analytics in Global Oil Gas Introduction: The usage of oil and gas goes on increasing day by day. So, the methods used for extractions must be changed to face the normal need of these oil and gas in future. There are many challenges which the oil and gas industries are facing to satisfy the demand of these resources. To overcome these challenges, the use of digital data kicks in the form of Big Data and Analytics helping to collect and analyze vast amount of data which are obtained duringRead MorePersonal Statement : Marketing And Finance804 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Statement Growing up in a business background where my family had been in the international trade business for the last hundred years, I was always amazed to see how data science gradually involved in our family business. I have also gained insight into the data science tools and how data science improved our business decision-making and performance. During the past three years, I have found my post-graduation in Marketing and Finance comes out to support my success on my professional careerRead MoreAnalytics, Quantitative And Statistical Models1451 Words  | 6 Pages Analytics, quantitative or statistical models to analyze problems may be applied to a variety of business problems, including customer management, supply chains, financial performance and many other. It is the back bone of any organization which helps in effective decision making. Today, it has creeped into each and every industry and has created a â€Å"perish or persist†scenario to the industries. Describe your company s position and ability to compete on analytics Analytics plays a major roleRead MoreHuman Computer Interaction And Analytics Technologies Essay1723 Words  | 7 PagesHuman Computer Interaction and Analytics A Term Paper Presented to CMPS 5443: Adv Top: Human-Comp Interaction Department of Computer Science Midwestern State University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Degree Master of Science By Manju Yadav Akkaraboina Fall - 2016 Abstract This paper explains the development in the human computer interaction by using the analytics technologies. The analytics technologies act as a decision support system for the further development in theRead MoreImpact Of Big Data On Businesses1298 Words  | 6 Pages The impact of big data to businesses CIS 5681 Research Project Big Data Solution for Businesses Summer 2015 06/24/2015 Sai Kireety Kokkiligadda â€Æ' Abstract Big data is buzzword in every field of business as well as research. Organizations have found its application across various sectors from Sports to Security, from Healthcare to e-Commerce. Information when rightly put in use can cease the market. For instance, with the rise of smart phone purchases, transactions throughRead MoreWhat Is Mapreduce For Clinical Analysis1032 Words  | 5 Pages BIGDATA ANALYTICS ASSIGNMENT-2 HITESH BANDARU ID#1174297 MapReduce for clinical analysis: Introduction: The huge data in the clinical settings shows the challenges in data storage and analysis. Advances in data and correspondence innovation exhibit the most feasible answers for Big data analysis as far as proficiency and adaptability. It is fundamental those Big data solutions are multithreaded and that information get to approaches be absolutely customized to huge volumes of semi-organized/unstructuredRead MorePredictive Analytics : A Gold Mine1554 Words  | 7 PagesPredictive Analytics: A Gold-Mine Yet To Be Exploited To Its Zenith Akanksha Pandey Information Technology Department, VESIT, Mumbai-74, India. Abstract 1. Introduction The proliferation, ubiquity and increasing power of computer technology has increased the volume of data oday`s mobile technologies and social media have collection and it`s storage manifold. This led to unleashed an exponential increaseRead MoreAnalytics Is The Discovery And Communication Of Meaningful Patterns883 Words  | 4 Pages Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance. Analytics often favours data visualization to communicate insight. Why you need analytics? ïÆ' ¼ To measure and track your results across time ïÆ' ¼ To understand your visitors, leads, prospect ïÆ' ¼ To understand, track and improve the mechanismsRead MoreDisruptive Innovation: a New Era of Crowdsourced Data Analytics!1581 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract: The existing business paradigm of data analytics is set for a transformation. Today, companies are experimenting to replicate the â€Å"Outsourced data analytics†model to â€Å"Crowdsourced data analytics†. Companies like Kaggle, Crowdanalytix and others are hitting the headlines of top analytics blogs across the globe. The reason is that the new business model promises a drastic decrease in the cost of analytics for companies long with the flexibility to get the problem solved anytime with much
Saturday, May 9, 2020
What Are The Ethical Issues Involved - 989 Words
Step 2: What are the ethical issues involved? If LeBlanc orders the t-shirts from China she knows that it has low wages, rigorous work schedules, poor safety regulations, and a lack of worker’s compensation and benefits for its employees. After all, she had witnessed firsthand similar conditions when she visited a Bulgarian clothing factory while with the University of Virginia. She also had to think about the global recession, and how it would make the company look by outsourcing for cheaper t-shirts instead of supporting U.S. companies. However, if she orders the t-shirts from the San Francisco company, which she had worked with in the past, she knows good working conditions exist for the employees there. Also, even though the t-shirts were more expensive they were made of good quality, fair-trade, organic, and eco-friendly. Step 3: Who are the stakeholders impacted by the situation? Stakeholders impacted by this situation would involve CEO, clients, LeBlanc, business image, and the China and San Francisco companies. The CEO is impacted because if LeBlanc fails, it will reflect on the decision making of the CEO in giving such an important project to an intern. Also, the clients, because if LeBlanc makes the decision to go with the China company the t-shirts will not be of as good quality, and stylish as from the San Francisco company. LeBlanc is also impacted because her grade, and her reputation is on the line. If she decides to order from the China companyShow MoreRelatedEthics Game Dilemma755 Words  | 4 PagesEthics Game Dilemma ETH/316 Ryan Busch 04/16/2013 The Ethics Game simulations of The Mysterious Rose and The Cold Feet Dilemmas address the following ethical issues: The first ethical concern is regarding a company employee by the name of Gayle Dornier. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Values In Early American Literature - 1346 Words
Values in Early American Literature We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, says the Declaration of Independence. This phrase encompasses three major values shown throughout early American literature. The strong belief in religion, freedom, and a strong will for a better life. Each piece had one or more of these themes within them. A strong value within almost all the writing was religion, both Native American and Puritan. Most Native American tales are based around a god or a moral expressed by a god. In Coyote Finishes His Work Coyote does all his work†¦show more content†¦The Puritan religion was the basis for other works such as Anne Bradstreet. And to my God my heart did cry, to strengthen me in my distress, and not leave me succorless. This is from a poem called, Here Follow Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House, July 10 1666. This particular piece entails the happenings of the Bradstreet homestead burning. During this difficult time Anne often speaks to God about letting go of her worldly possessions. Religion is one of the many things that helped new settlers through the beginning years of America. Another value that helped during this time was freedom. Freedom, its been ever present since the pilgrims first set foot upon the land soon to be called America. It was the reason for coming over and the reason for fighting against British rule. It is one of the values that stayed with every member of this country to this day. America will never be happy till she gets clear of foreign dominion. So states Thomas Paines From the crisis, No.1. This discusses the wish to free the American colonies from British rule. Most Americans did not believe England had the right to tax and create laws for America when they were an ocean away. They felt it was time to free them entirely from English rule and become an inde pendent country. Freedom was even present before the time of the Revolutionary war. WhenShow MoreRelatedPuritanism in American Literature Essay1149 Words  | 5 PagesPuritanism in American Literature The Puritans had a large influence in American literature and still influence moral judgment and religious beliefs in the United States to this day. Puritan writing was used to glorify God and to relate God more directly to our world. 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Well into the early 19th Century the idea of ‘The American’ was far reserved from what we recognize now, due in a large part to the the lack of a credible sense of culture and history emitted from the settlersRead MoreEssay on Ethnic Literature959 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Literature Paper Randy Hale University of Phoenix ENG.301 American Ethic Literature Michael Cromwell December 24, 2012 American Ethic Literature Paper What makes American literature American? American literature is just that American literature. American literature is stories of people lives that are based on American standards. Early American standards where based around slavery and oppression but now they are based on freedoms like freedom of speech and press. America hasRead MoreNative American And American Literature Essay1351 Words  | 6 PagesIn all my years of studying literature while living in America, I have only one memory of ever having read anything Native American, and that was in grade school. Native American literature is typically left out of studies in general American Literature, although there do exist plenty of programs for studying these types of narratives separately and individually. It has yet to become a prominent area of study and there a differing reasons as to why this is. Part of the lack of study in this subjectRead More The Presentation of Native Americans In Childrens Literature1615 Words  | 7 PagesThe Presentation of Native Americans In Childrens Literature In the 1970s the seed of change began to grow in childrens literature. Because American Indians and knowledgeable cultural anthropologists became authors of childrens books, Native American people and culture is now being seen in a more true and distinguishing light. Literature is immensely important when it comes to learning. There are four areas of development that literature takes a huge part in. The first area is languageRead MoreThe Dangers Of Early Sexual Activities848 Words  | 4 Pagesteenage pregnancy rates, with the highest group beginning the Hispanic American community. To what degree are the parents involved in communicating to their teenage girls about sex, and are they providing the proper information to help protect their teenage daughters from pregnancies and STD’s? Academically this issue will continue to be examined, so that we can learn to help educate young teen students about the dangers of early sexual activities and how to help prevent teen pregnancies, STD’s, andRead MoreThe Emergence Of Self Concept1489 Words  | 6 PagesThe Emergence of Self Throughout our history the idea of self has developed and proved to be a dominant concept that Americans have come to understand. Not defined or found in lineage, religion, or history, the concept of self is defined by a collection of values. 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If early American transcendentalists were living among civilians tod ay, would present day civilians think the earlierRead MoreChildhood During Early American Literature1447 Words  | 6 PagesChildhood in early American literature: In the early part of American history literature played a significant role in defining on how America would be shaped and molded. For the Puritans, coming to America provided the opportunity to express their opinions and beliefs. This opportunity was what they had been striving for and finally had the chance to implement. The Puritans took full advantage of this opportunity and utilized literature to provide values and rules to be followed. The literature writtenRead MoreEssay about Family Values Richard Rodriguez Analysis1270 Words  | 6 Pages2012 Family Values Because of the opposing cultures and ideas that collide in the mind of Richard Rodriguez, his arguments tend to break boundaries of traditional philosophical writing. As a Catholic, a homosexual, a Mexican immigrant, and an intellectual, the meaning of family values can differ significantly from one aspect of his life to the next. By gathering input from each of those sectors, Rodriguez composes an array of personal anecdotes and hypothetical examples in â€Å"Family Values,†to profess
Analysis and Summary of If by Rudyard Kipling Free Essays
English ISU Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865 and through the years of living in Bombay, he learned about the British Empire. Kipling gave much too English literature and wrote poetry, short stories, and novels1. When Kipling was five, his parents sent him to boarding school in England so he could learn more about his British background. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and Summary of If by Rudyard Kipling or any similar topic only for you Order Now While living in England, Kipling was inspired by the imperialistic views of the British demonstrated around the world. During his school years, Kipling had a very difficult at boarding school. He was physically abused throughout his time in college. After finishing college in 1882, he returned back to India to work as a journalist and editor. Also in 1882, Kipling married an American woman Caroline Balestier and immediately moved to America to live with her. He stayed in Vermont until 1899, and went back alone to England to write literature. The majority of his poems dealt with his opinion of inspiration and imperialism. An analysis of â€Å"If†and â€Å"The White Man’s Burden†makes it clear that Rudyard Kipling uses literary devices effectively to fortify his message of inspiration and imperialism. If†is one of Kipling’s best known poems and it contains one of his most powerful messages of inspiration. In the beginning of the second stanza in â€Å"If†, Kipling uses personification â€Å"If you can dream- and not make dreams your master. †The beginning of the stanza focuses on reality; dreaming is good, but do not let it take control of yourself. Meaning, there are other impor tant goals in life that are needed to be achieved. The second personification used by Kipling is on line 10 and 11 â€Å"If you can meet with triumph and disaster/ and treat those two imposters the same. This explains that failure is a benefit; mistakes are guaranteed to happen. No one is perfect and people learn from their missteps. The final personification on line 21 and 22 Kipling uses is â€Å"If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew/ To serve your turn long after they are gone. †This means to put your heart and nerve into your actions in the future and learn from the past. Also, having to accept the past and move on from it with your heart and gut. Alliteration is expressed twice in â€Å"If†to fortify Kipling’s thoughts and expressions throughout his poem. In line 12, the alliteration â€Å"treat those two imposters just the same. †emphasizes Kipling’s point of treating people with equity and respect. This quote implies how Kipling sees society’s disapproval towards other people and he interprets that everyone including (imposters) should be fairly treated without criticism or judging based on societal influences. Another example of Alliteration is â€Å"With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,†on line 30, expressing Kipling’s opinion of time. Meaning to try and put an effort in constantly; even when feeling exhausted. Repetition and diction is used in â€Å"If†to strengthen Kipling’s message of inspiration. First off, â€Å"you†is used repeatedly in the poem to enrich Kipling’s message directly to the reader â€Å"The white man’s burden†, is one of Kipling’s best views of imperialism throughout the poem. In lines 19 and 20, Kipling uses the personification â€Å"Fill full the mouth of famine/ and bid the sickness cease. †Thus Kipling proclaims that the imperialist nation is going to aid and feed the conquered land. Kipling uses another personification in the sixth stanza â€Å"Nor call too loud on freedom/ To clock your weariness†. Thus, Kipling explores the meaning of individual freedom and that the use of individual freedom should not be an excuse to cover up ones weariness. Also, not aiding others by refusing to â€Å"Take up the White Man`s burden†. Anaphora is used in â€Å"The White Man’s Burden†to give emphasis to Kipling’s points. The first example is found in the fourth stanza, â€Å"The ports ye shall not enter, /The roads ye shall not thread,†have the same â€Å"The _ ye shall not _†. This represents Kipling’s repetitive thoughts of the imperial nation being denied to enter and live in the captured nation. Another example of anaphora is used in the sixth stanza â€Å"By all ye cry or whisper, / By all ye leave or do†. Kipling is poetically conveying the ruling of the conquered nation founded by the bequest of the imperial territory. Kipling also expresses the poems theme of Imperialism with the significant use of repetition and allusion. The line â€Å"Take up the White Man’s Burden-†is used at the start of each stanza establishing the basis of the poem. How to cite Analysis and Summary of If by Rudyard Kipling, Essay examples
Competitive Strategy AAA-framework †Free Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Competitive Strategy AAA-framework. Answer: Introduction Globalization has become a major factor in the business of the modern world. The organizations in the modern world has adopted different approaches that has helped them in being sustainable globally. One of the major approaches has been identified by Pankaj Ghemawat as the AAA-framework, which stands for Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage. The main objective of this study will be to analyze the global strategies that will help in efficient management of the tourism and the beverage industry. The tourism industry in Australia faces tough competition as there are a number of operators who caters to the needs of the tourists (Ghemawat 2013). The two companies of this industry need to improve the turnover and shares in the market by maximizing their operations on the local grounds. The companies have to increase their economies of scale by operating on the domestic and international level. Arbitrage will help the companies to exploit the disparities that are present in the local and the foreign market as well (Teeratansirikool et al. 2013). The beverage industry has to make strategic choices that will help them in making a degree of prioritization. This framework will help the industry in a better way. There is a possibility of making advancements on the different strategies but the industries need to keep their focus on building a competitive advantage in the market. By using the framework, it will help the industry to attain the goals and objectives that has been set by the companies. The beverage industry and particularly the two company Coca-Cola Amatil and Fosters Group will benefit by locating the different supply chains that are present in local markets for maximizing their revenues (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). Tourism Industry (Overseas Adventure Travel and Kensington Tours company) Beverage Industry (Coca-Cola Amatil and Fosters Group) Adaptation strategy in Tourism industry The hospitality of the tourism industry is a domain that is being recognized as sensitive because it involves more than one supplier in the form of tour operators and has a high demand of stakeholders that is the tourists. It directly creates an impact on the concerns that arises through tourism. Firms like Kensington Tours and Overseas Adventure Travel caters to the needs of the tourists in both domestic and international markets. The main aim of Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) is to be the dominant company in the tourism industry by providing the customers with intercultural experiences that will help in creating an impact on the life of the customers. The company to a great extent depends on the macro economic cycles that is present in the industry and keeps up with the customer trends that are evolving on a constant basis (Bova 2015). It is important for the company to keep a watch on the parallel sectors as it helps in the performance of the tourism industry in a positive or a n egative way. The innovation of the products and the development of the demands on a seasonal basis plays an important factor in determining the role companies in the tourism industry. The vision of OAT is to create an atmosphere, which will help in upgrading the communication with the tourists and accepting the global standards of the industry (Fraj et al. 2015). The Kensington Tours provides custom made schemes that helps in adapting to the changes that is taking place on a daily basis in the emerging markets. It also provides unparalleled experiences to its customers. Both the companies have taken the integrated business model in their business policies, level of flexibility and partnership as the adaptation strategies that help them to meet the constant demands of the industry (Comas Mati and Seifert 2013). Adaptation strategy in Beverage industry The beverage industry in Australia is undergoing various things of differed proportions. The conditions and the complexities that are present in the market helps in the functioning and the operation of the industry. Company like Coca-Cola Amatil has aimed to make its strategies regarding the packaging and keep up with the products that are health conscious as the trends in the market is changing as far as customers are concerned (Jopp et al. 2013). The company recently launched Coke Life in the country, which is low in calorie content and contains natural flavors. The management of the company has predicted a profit of more than 100 million AUD, which also includes the measures related to cost savings over the next couple of years. The firm also wants to expand by exploring the opportunities that are present in New Zealand and the Australasian region, which will help in boosting up the sales of the products (Chopra et al. 2016). The Fosters Group in the country is also seeing a growth in the sales and the profits. Due to the effects of globalization and the economic meltdown, the consumers have changed their drinking habits in the country. The company is aiming to target the customers by introducing Carlton light, which will help in boosting up the chances of the firm to make a comeback in the market. The product will aim to target consumers who are especially women, corporates and the young customers (Lim-Camacho et al. 2016). The company aims to expand its products by acquiring the New South Wales company, which will help in increasing the market share in the country. The company has already acquired five companies in Australia and has become the major producer beer in the region (Probstl-Haider and Haider 2013). Aggregation strategy in Tourism industry The aggregation strategy helps in overcoming the differences by implementation of cross border means. The Australian tourism sector is largely dependent on the aggregation strategy that exists in the business environment. The tourism industry in Australia is divided in to small and medium scale organization that offers various packages to the consumers. OAT is focused on engaging the operations by introducing package schemes for the tourists, which includes the islands of Australia and exotic destinations like Queensland, Mackay and Great Barrier Reef (Radlo 2016). Kensington Tours on the other hand aims to introduce packages that are cost effective in the tourist destination areas such as Ayers Rock, Auckland and Sydney, Rotorua in New Zealand, which helps them in earning revenues of 4941 AUD. This helps the company to make profit in spite of the differences in the preferences of the country. OAT uses the strategies that help them in creating the economies of scale that is necessary for the company to thrive in the market (Schegelmilch 2016). The design of the products is based on the regions of its operations, which is located between the geographical boundaries that help in the creation of demand. The separation of the designs of the products depends on the cultural and the economic aspects of the regions where the company is operating. This helps the companies in gaining competitive advantage over each other respectively. This is one of the best example of aggregation strategy in the tourism industry (Porter and Ronit 2015). Aggregation strategy in Beverage industry The beverage industry is dependent on the aggregation strategy largely due to the environment in which it operates. The Coca-Cola Amatil company in the country has to execute the strategies, which will help the company in benefitting in the long run. The company has partnered with the Coco-Cola company, which will help in developing the carbonated products with the help of advancements. The company aims to expand in the domestic market by introduction of the products that will help the local customers to benefit from their products. This strategy cannot be applied in the international market and the company plans to diversify its products to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals (Surkminski 2013). Fosters is a major company in the country, which looks after the demands of a large number of consumers who are from different economic background. The aim of the firm is to target the market that is present within a specific territory of the country where it will serve to the demands of the local consumers by offering a variety of beverages. The company has to deploy various marketing strategies such as advertisement strategies and the marketing mix, which will help the company to fulfill its goal in the target market. Arbitration strategy in Tourism industry The tourism sector is dependent on the arbitration strategies that is widespread in the tourism industry. The overall success of the firm depends on these strategies. The Overseas Adventure Travel company is very efficient and they would exploit the market by giving the services to the customers at a high price, which will help them in segregating their target clients, which will lead to a substantial amount of profit generated by the tour packages (Caiazza and Ferrera 2016). Kensington Tours on the other hand, helps in manipulating the disadvantages that is present in the local industries by capitalizing on it by providing premium and better service to the customers, which helps in generation of funds for the company. The company designs its tour packages that are based on popular culture that will help in grabbing the attention of the customers. This helps the company in gaining competitive advantage over other organizations and grow steadily in the future (Rothlin and McCann 2016). Arbitration strategy in Beverage industry The beverage industry in Australia is on the verge of globalization, which is inclusive of various factors. Coca-Cola Amatil is aiming to introduce its products in the markets where the rival and global companies are not very effective. Products such as Diet Coke and Powerade aims to explore the internal markets of the regions that the company has targeted. This will give less opportunities and business prospects to the rival companies. The focus of the firm will be to control the differences in labor and capital. It will exploit the cultural side of the country and introduce cost effective products, which will attract customers not only for the price but also due to health consciousness. The alcohol market in Australia is worth 20 billion out of which beer amount to a majority of 10 billion USD (Snyman 2015). Fosters have many opportunities to increase its profits and even utilizes the shortcomings of the other beverage companies. This helps the company in targeting its market and manipulates the regions that is devoid of the alcoholic beverage market. In simple terms, the company wants its presence to be felt in that environment where it can have an advantage over other firms. Recommendations It can be recommended that in the adaptation strategy, the tourism industry will regain its business by investing in areas that have future prospects and companies like Kensington Tours will aim to offer its clients premium and luxurious services at a cheaper price. The Coca-Cola Amatil group will depend on its packaging and offer health products to the customers due to their changing preferences on a local basis. The aggregation strategy will help the tourism industry in aiming to exploit the regional and geographical aspect, which will help in the administrative and economical perspective on a global level. The Fosters group on the other hand, will implement various strategies that will help in fulfilling the goals of the organization in a particular target market. From the perspective of arbitrage, both the companies in the tourism industry will aim to take advantage of the varied cultural, administrative and economic conditions of the country. The beverage industry will aim to in troduce its operations in the target market, which does not consist of any domestic and international companies. This will help by giving them a competitive advantage in that area. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the AAA-framework helps in analyzing the key marketing areas. The analysis has shown that both the industries have accepted globalization and due to the various factors, that are present in the market, the industries have adopted different business interest that will help them to serve in their domains respectively. The tourism industry aspires to accomplish its core competency on the basis of regional jargons. This is possible as both the company depend on the innovative packages, which is centered around the customers. The beverage industry is dependent mainly on its products that are cost-effective for the customers. 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