Saturday, November 30, 2019
Ottoman Period Constitutional Movements Essays -
Ottoman Period Constitutional Movements Constitutional Movements During the Ottoman Period Constitutional movements during the Ottoman period commenced towards the end of the 18th century. During the period of the 1789-1808, Sultan Selim the Third envisaged the formation of an advisory assembly, called the Meclis-i Meshveret, within the context of the New System (called the Nizam-i Cedid) that he wanted to have set up, which is seen as a major step towards a constitutional government system. The Sened-i Ittifak, or Charter of Alliance, is seen as the first important document from the point of view of a constitutional order. Whilst the 1808 charter restricted the Sultan's exercise of power, it also delegated some authorities to a senate body, called the Ayan. The charter is a significant document as it was also recognized by the Sultan. The Tanzimat Reform era commenced with the issue of the decree entitled Gulhane Hatt-i Humayun in 1839. The subjects of the Ottoman Padishah were assured that their basic rights would be respected. The documents is especially significant for its recognition of equal rights in education and in government administration for those of Christian persuasion, exemplifying egalitarian principles. The 1875 document entitled the Ferman-i Adalet, or the Imperial Edict on Justice, provided for independence of the judicial courts and ensured the safety of judges. The most important step along the road to the rule of law was made with the introduction of the 1876 Kanun-i Esasiye, or Constitution, which also started the period known as the First Meshrutiyet, or First Constitutional Period. The basic concept in the 1876 constitution is that, although somewhat restrictive in the exercise of powers, it nevertheless, for the first time, recognized a parliamentary system. This constitution has provisions covering basic rights and privileges, the independence of courts and the safety of judges, among other aspects. After the 1876 Constitution had been in effect for one year, the Second Meshrutiyet period laid the foundations of a parliamentary system by adopting the 1876 Constitution with some amendments made thereto. The Constitutional System During the War of Independence When the Turkish Grand National Assembly congregated on April 23, 1920, this in itself marked a unique and important change in the exercise of sovereignty. During the Ottoman reign, the workings of Parliament were to an extent, the use by delegation of the powers of the ruler in the legislative process. Whereas, in the case of the workings of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, all authority was vested in Parliament itself. The Constitution of January 20, 1921 is called the Constitution Law, and when compared with the Ottoman legal system contains a radically new concept. According to this concept, whilst the power to legislate belongs to parliament, the executive powers can only be exercised by an executive council to be elected by majority vote from among the members of Parliament. According to this Law of Constitution, differences of opinion and disagreements between ministers are to be resolved in Parliament. In addition to this, the changing of ministers is also counted among the powers of Parliament. The name of the government during the course of the war of independence was the Government of the Grand National Assembly and the name of the regular army The Army of the Grand National Assembly. On the other hand, the government itself was vested with the power to dissolve Parliament or to renew the election of the Assembly. In this system, which did not have a Head of State, the members of Independence Tribunals were also elected from among the members of the Assembly. An important step was taken to establish a Council of Ministers with more freedom of movement when a motion that the form of the state should be Republic was enacted on October 29, 1923; the President of the Republic was to be elected from among the members of the Assembly for one term of office. According to law, the President would select the Prime Minister from among the members of the Parliament. In turn the Prime Minister would select the other Ministers from among the members of Parliament and, finally, the President would submit the whole of the Council of Ministers for the approval of Parliament. The Republican Era Constitutions
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Social Contract essays
Social Contract essays It might not be possible to live an ethical and law abiding life and still be able to maintain control of our destiny without being crushed by outside powers. However, we should try if we want to live as part of a community, we should try because we'll be going back to a state of Nature if we don't. When Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote The Social Contract he stated that ...a point was reached in the history of mankind when the obstacles to continuing in a state of Nature were stronger than the forces which each individual could employ to the end of continuing in it. (Rousseau, p.179) and that ...the human race would have perished had it not changed its manner of existence. (Rousseau, p.179). Thanks to this Social Contract individuals have abandoned a state of Nature where ethic and laws did not exist and they became instead a community developing a ...some sort of central direction... (Rousseau, p.179) and learning how act in concert... (Rousseau, p.179). Even when outside powers can control our destiny we should never stop trying to live an ethical and law abiding life. If we do stop well be affecting us and everybody else around us. It will be the first step towards downhill on the slippery slope. The slippery slope can be defined as: if A is permitted, then by a gradual series of small steps through B, C, ..., X, Y, eventually Z will be too. We should not permit Z so therefore, we should not permit A. Applying living an ethical and law abiding life to this concept we can state that if I stop doing it, my neighbor will stop doing it, and his neighbor will stop doing it, and so on and so forth until the entire society will stop doing it, leaving us in a completely state of Nature. Jean Jacques Rousseau affirmed that What a man loses as a result of the Social Contract is his natural liberty and his unqualified right to lay hands on all that tempts him.....
Friday, November 22, 2019
American Indians Essay Research Paper American IndiansThroughout
American Indians Essay, Research Paper American Indians Throughout the history of the United States, American Indians have be treated ill. Ever since the white work forces crossed the Atlantic ocean 200 old ages ago till the mid 1900 s, the hapless intervention and violent death of Indians neer ceased. US Policies passed between the Revolutionary War and the mid 1900 s hurt American Indians and set them at an utmost disadvantage. Before the Revolutionary War, the first intimation that the relationship between the American Indians and the white people would be rocky was when the British ordered the Proclamation of 1763. It prohibited any white colonists to settle West of the Appalachian Mountains because of legion struggles with the American Indians. After the Revolutionary War, the construct of Manifest Destiny, to spread out the state to the Pacific Ocean and perchance Canada and Mexico, motivated many Americans to look beyond their districts. After the Revolutionary War, they successfully gained all the land E of the Appalachian Mountains, from the St. Lawrence River to the 31st analogue. When the United States signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, it gave them the Great Lakes and Mississippi. The United States were able to spread out even more after they were able to press the Native Americans to give up their lands in the Northwest District in 1784 and 1785. In 1802, all the provinces had given up their districts to the federal authorities as portion of the new Constitution. Most significantly, when North Carolina gave up its districts, it stopped doing payments that were guaranteed to the Indians in earlier pacts. The United States were to pay off the debt, but they failed to make so. A big part to the enlargement of the United States was acquired through the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. Then in 1819, Florida was purchased from the Spaniards. Texas freed itself from Mexico in 1845, became an independent province, and joined the United States. Last, in 1848 the last major land the United States obtained was Californ ia and New Mexico from the Mexican Cession. On the seventy-fifth birthday of the state, the United States had fulfilled its Manifest Destiny and its boundary lines crossed the full North American Continent ( Jones, Pg. 9-12 ) . The problem for the American Indian began here. With all the new land acquired, many white Americans headed to the West and mid-west to settle. During these colonies, the Indians got in the manner. The colonists were taking their land off from them and the white colonists killed the Indians to acquire rid of their jobs easy. In the heads of many white Americans, the best manner to work out the job with Indians interfering was to kill off them. The first major conflict that erupted between the Indians and the Americans over land ownership and Indian intervention from the Americans occurred during the War of 1812. In 1813, the Indians along with their Alliess the British, fought the Americans at the Battle of the Thames River. Here Tecumseh died. Tecumseh was the leader of the Shawnee Tribe who besides led and united many Indian folks to drive the Americans off of their land. After he died, the Indians lost an of import leader and hence lost their sense of way and stopped contending fo r awhile. In 1828, Andrew Jackson, the war hero who defeated the Creeks and British became the new President of the United States. Andrew Jackson was considered a frontier adult male. The Americans on the frontier looked up to him and expected him to hold a no-nonsense policy toward the Indians ( Jones, Pg. 19 ) . The Cherokee Indians were the first Indians to be a victim of the Jackson policy. At the clip, the Cherokees were the most comfortable Indian state. The white colonists in the country began to bust the Cherokees. The federal authorities did nil about this. But when the Cherokees retaliated against the white colonists, the Cherokees were tried and punished badly. Finally, the Cherokees got fed up and appealed to the federal authorities and worked ferociously to maintain the pact duties that required the United States federal authorities to protect the Cherokees and their lands. But the federal authorities said that the white colonists who took their land were excessively legion to be moved and therefore were unable to assist the Indians. So alternatively of following the pact with the Cherokees, the federal authorities under the Jackson disposal took land off from them. The Cherokees brought their instance to the Supreme Court to seek justness. Rather, the United States Senate ratified the Treaty of New Echota and President Jackson signed the pact into jurisprudence leting the authorities to take all Cherokees from their land ( Satz Pg. 20 ) . This determination by President Jackson was the first in a series of monolithic Indian remotion ( Gilbert Pg.23 ) . Finally, the Cherokees were forced to fly to Indian Land, besides known as Oklahoma. After the successful remotion of the Cherokees, the federal authorities decided to take the Choctaws, Creeks, and Chickasaws to Oklahoma every bit good. The Indians were harassed by the Whites and suffered from diseases while going to Oklahoma on the trail known as the Trails of Tears ( Gilbert Pg. 27,28 ) . In 1832, US troop s chased the Sauk state across the Mississippi River. They killed at least 200 Sauks. As a consequence of this inhumane act, the federal authorities gave the staying Sauks their ain land in Iowa. Most of the remotions made by the United States authorities were conducted without believing about the comfort or wellness of the Indians. Most of the clip, they were conducted with ferociousness ( Jones, Pg. 23 ) . The Indians were forced to walk 100s of stat mis because the authorities did non supply them with good transit. Besides, the United States authorities promised lodging, nutrient, farm supplies, and farm animal to get down them out at their new locations, but they turned out to be false promised and hopes for the Indians. In most instances, the Indians were normally dropped off in the wilderness and left there to last on hardly nil. Other times when they reached their new locations, before they knew it, they were being removed to another location. This procedure was repeated over and over until the Westward Movement. The Westward Movement caused even more problems for American Indians. The Westward Movement began after gold was found in California. Many colonists and gold diggers traveled to the West for many different grounds. The authorities prepared to seek and forestall any struggle and confrontation between the Whites and the Indians before it happened by directing the US Army to modulate. They built garrisons and forts for this ground. Army functionaries were sent west to do understandings and pacts with the Indians. Besides, their occupation was to do certain that the pacts and understanding were non to be violated by both parties. From 1778-1871, the federal authorities made 389 pacts with the Indian states. The conditions of the pacts were that if the United States were to take any of the Indians billion estates of land, so the authorities would pay for the land and give them one-year rentes and supplies. Besides, the Indians would ever hold land for themselves. These lands would be free from revenue enhancement. Unfortunately, the pacts were frequently broken. Settlers ignored the pacts and invaded and settled on Indian district guaranteed under the pact. The Fort Laramie Treaty, which was signed in 1868 is an illustration of a broken pact ( Utley Pg.61,86 ) . The Indians were given sole rights to the sacred land of the Black Hills. Then in 1874, when gold was discovered at that place, the white gold diggers and mineworkers ignored the pact and invaded the Indian district. When these colonists invaded their land and the authorities did non make anything about it, the Indians took action and attacked the colonists. The victim of these Indian foraies felt that the authorities should be protecting them from the Indians, because they felt they had non done anything incorrect. Again, the authorities did non make anything. So this clip the colonists retaliated against the Indians by themselves. Besides killing guiltless Indians and occupying their land, the white colonists showed no regard for the land. They destroyed the grass and tree, about killed all the game for pleasance that the Indians depended on for endurance. By 1871, tenseness a nd struggle between the Indians and the colonists grew even stronger. The white people wanted the authorities to give them entree to Indian land while the Indians wanted the authorities to maintain their word, follow the pact, and protect their lands. In order to run into the demands of the white people, the federal authorities decided to hold a new policy. The policy was to hold no more pacts with the Indians. They were no longer be considered as independent states. Hostile Indians were to be captured by the US ground forces and set in Indian reserves. If they resisted to travel to a reserve they were considered hostile. To do it easier to direct all the Indians to the reserves, the authorities urged white huntsmans and sportswomans to kill off the American bisons. This was the most of import game that the Indians depended on to populate. Between 1872 and 1874, white huntsmans and sportswomans killed about four million American bisons, go forthing about 150,000 ( Brash Pgs. 62, 66,67 ) . Reservation life was awful for the Indians. Most of the Indian reserve were wasteland. They were inhabitable. Indians were frequently expected to farm on these barren, which was rather impossible. Indian Reservations became crowded as more and more American indians were being pushed and moved off their ain land. Another job was that the Indians were frequently sent to reserves that were non suited for them. For illustration, the Navajos, Indians who live in the hot desert, were sent to a reserve across the state to Florida. And the Sioux Indians, Indians who lived in the cool fields, were sent to reserves in the desert of New Mexico. The hapless and crowded conditions on the reserves caused lifelessly diseases to distribute and caused 1000s of deceases on the reserves. Many of the Indians became fed up with reserve life, and left. Many folks formed impermanent confederations with each other to salvage themselves. They were successful at the Battle of Bighorn in 1876 where they defeated General George Custer. Even though they were winning, this merely angered the white people even more. Armies were doubled as a consequence of this. As they lost conflicts, they found it more hard to contend on ( Billard Pg. 338-339 ) . Every clip they were defeated, all their properties would be destroyed. They would hold been lucky to populate. In 1890, Chief Sitting Bull and his 300 guiltless staying Indians were massacred by the US Army in South Dakota. As a consequence of this, many Indian folks gave up hope and surrendered. At the beginning of the twentieth, there were about 250,000 Indians in the United States. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was formed under the Department of War. The duty of the agency was to see that the best involvement of the Indians were served and to make up ones mind what those involvements were. But the Bureau was made up of white males. They were frequently bias towards the Indians. This hurt the Indian civilization and future coevalss because now the end of the agency and federal authorities was to educate all Indians and do them bury their old ways and traditions. Slowly, they were seeking to wipe out the Indian traditions and civilization off. The new coevalss of Indians were taken off to get oning school. They were non allowed to talk their native linguistic communication. They were forced to pattern Christianity. They were told that their Indian heritage were non approved by American society ( Billard Pg. 341-384 ) . As of today, Indians still live on reserves. They do non hold to pay revenue enhancements. The American Indians today are good treated. They are considered Americans today and have equal rights merely as any other ethic groups in the United States. Although the American Indians are treated every bit today, they were non treated every bit for the past 200 old ages. The white work forces came across the sea and invaded their land. All they could make was ticker and seek to contend back, but that did non work for them. The future coevalss were greatly affected by this because the sad events did non let them to hold every bit many chances and easiness to larn about their roots and tradition.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reactio paper 1 Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reactio 1 - Research Paper Example A Warm December aggrandizes the mystical and hidden understanding of the transcendental feeling of love and ameliorates one’s perception about being human. He was intelligent, grown up, tall, impressive and a tender natured father. She was a sweet, gentle and soft spoken single. However there was one contrast that he was as a whole ardent in nature: on contrary she was very reserved and stand-off-ish. She had a reason for being reserved and the reason was the Sickle Cell Anemia. Unlike Bette Davis and Ali MacGraw and all the other diminishing personas of Hollywood, this story is a timelier segment of a rare blood disease of this girl which remained imprinted in the hearts of the public for a long time. This film attenuated and switched the then discernment of love among the minds of the people and made an altogether new mystical and amusing version of love. The story engulfed the public from the very start as it will be explained in the upcoming context. The actual motivations and the objectives of the movie, "A Warm December" (besides gaining a good reputation) are friendliness with your kids and understanding them, domestic and homely care, affections and virtues, sentimental and emotionally embedded sex, touristic and inspiring and striking personality. It is like a very few hidden and unexpressed emotions which lay in the clandestine veil of the human emotions, which may or may not be understood, but cannot be told for sure. Dr. Matt Younger came to England for the sake of rest and relaxation and to show his daughter the dirt motorbike race. Catherine was also there with her uncle who was an African ambassador. They met, feelings developed Catherine always had a reserved attitude towards the happening around her despite her other capabilities and qualities. That was because she had this disease’s secret. Matt, on the other hand also had some secrets. The craving to live an ordinary life and to forget the bitterest fact that Catherine would liv e not much was so much impregnated in her. After their meeting the same wish mounted further in her heart. Dr. Matt Younger, however on the other hand was a compassionate person, an avid dancer and a racer also, who tried his best to be a good father, and succeeded in his goal. In the movie "A Warm December" the story line inclined towards the originality in expressions and reality. The movie depicts the very capital of west as well as a tour to the African art gallery and some formal musical presentations. The movie is an integration of different experiences, specially parents and children’, the rich and the poor, and the intellectual and the physical. At last when she is free , she cried in a joyous shriek that, â€Å"May I cook?, do all households, spend time with Stefanie?, and not to waste the left precious moments of her life in vain. The story depicts full and positive blend of fine people and set of realities about the Africans, blacks and the American-African tribes . It shows that the anachronistic prejudices and the racism against blacks have long been vanished but the biological effects remained. The fatal facts is the disease which was found to be common in Blacks, but still it was very promising to develop relations between man and a woman regardless of the severity of the illness, which does not count when it comes to the question of love, care and affections. For the romance part in the movie, the director Sidney Poitier, who
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Information Technology in Transport and Logistics Essay
Information Technology in Transport and Logistics - Essay Example This essay focuses on discussing the application of IT solutions to transportation and logistics that can improve their efficiency and to bring about better management of highways, shipping, airfreight, railroad and public transportation systems. The researcher also analyzes that it can help ease traffic congestion, enhance the efficiency and productivity of transportation services and logistics, and more significantly reduce costs. As it's observed in the essay, sustainable transportation in an age today when energy prices are uncertain but broadly increasing requires that efforts be made to shift passenger and goods transport to cheaper means of transportation. The application of IT solutions to large-scale transportation and logistic systems has certainly produced increased efficiencies even today, particularly in order booking and tracking, vehicle navigation, route planning, and safety and control systems. However, the researcher states that there is still more room for making s uch applications wider across the globe in future in tune with the rapid strides in information and communication technologies and the Internet revolution. Information technologies also need to be capable of graceful scalability when applied to traffic control, logistic management or vehicle system. In addition, many logistics and transportation companies serve a large clientele, transparency of information about real-time operations can also make a difference to clients, particularly in scheduling and tracking shipments.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ferguson Police Officer Essay Example for Free
Ferguson Police Officer Essay Why has the shooting of eighteen year old Michael Brown affected my community? Some say it was a race issue others say it was police brutality. Racism being a very sensitive matter in the community that I live in, all though I do not live in Ferguson City, it is only a twenty minute drive from my front door. It has effected where I live as it brings up civil rights, police use of unlawful and deadly force, and racism issues. The shooting of this young man has rocked our communities, and it is more than likely to get worse before getting better. How can we stop events like this from happening in our communities? The civil rights of several us citizens had been violated in the following ways. We as a people have the right to peaceful protest, freedom of speech, not be profiled, and not be unlawfully detained or restrained. One afternoon in Ferguson Missouri all of these rights got broken and started a horrible civil rights protest. Several Ferguson by police officers and other local law officials have been accused in recent lawsuits by citizen about civil rights violations. Some of these allegations include killing a mentally ill man with a Taser, hitting a child with a pistol. Choking and hog tying a child. Beating a man and charging him with property damage because his blood splatter on the officers clothes. A Mother (Tracey White) and her son was arrested for practicing her rights to freedom of speech while waiting for a ride home after peacefully protesting. When is it alright for an officer to use deadly force? Use of deadly force is acceptable if the suspect is a threat to the officer or the general public safety. The Ferguson police reported that Mr. Brown got fired on during a struggle with the officer. Dorian Johnson, the friend that was with Michael. Stated that the officer opened fire when the young men refused to move from the middle of the street. Police and protestors both agree that Mr. Brown was unarmed. Now with both parties agreeing that the young Mr. Brown had no weapon there was no threat that requires the use of deadly force. In the quest to understand the racial dynamics of police brutality, we are well overdue for a new visual beyond Rodney King getting, (Shedd, Jan). Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson (officer that fired the shots that killed Michael Brown) told authorities Brown reached for the gun during a struggle. Officer Wilsons account of the instance did not explain why he shot at Michael multiple times after emerging from his vehicle. Which now brings me to the racism side of the situation. If this was not race oriented. Then why this unarmed young black male was shot six times two of which were in the head. His body was allowed to lie in the center of Canfield Drive for over four hours. These have caused many different events to expire, and there has been looting of business like the market, tire and rim shop, and the salon. Businesses to be burned to the ground like the quick-trip after it got looted. The peaceful protest went on for the first week ended with a standoff between protesters and police. The police formed a line and engaged the protestors with tear gas. After long nights of back and forth daybreak would arrive, and things would mellow out slightly. First days of school in Ferguson had been postponed due to the facility did not feel it was safe to have children in the schools the first couple day. Racism is manifested or reflected in a multiplicity of ways, including: the teaching of basically Eurocentric curriculum; the paucity of research and courses on racism; the absence of an anti-racist pedagogy; incident of racial harassment and overt racism; the lack of resources allocated to implement effectively and anti-racism policies and practices; the power relations between white majority and minority faculty and staff; the polarization between white students and students of color, and the resistance to social change processes designed to eliminate racism. Despite the fact that racism is a pervasive and systemic force (Frances Tator, 1999). Two and a half months have gone by since Michael Brown was gunned down in the streets of Ferguson Missouri by police officer Darren Wilson. The social and political movements that were started by young Michael browns death are still raging on. People from Ferguson and from across the nation came together for a weekend of resistance. Those who attended took part in marches, rallies, and demonstration for several days. All leading up to a massive rally on Saturday October, 12 2014. There were reports of over Three thousand people in attendance for the march on Saturday being called justice for all. It was a diverse crowd of supporters in the streets of St. Louis Missouri. Protestors are demanding justice for Brown and other black men who have been slain by police officers. A lot of the protests have intensified because of the way that the police have responded. The events that have occurred could have been avoided. We as citizens need to understand that these kinds of issues happen everywhere. Issues of this sort do not just appear out of thin air. If we were more involved in our communities and the voting of our government officials, we would be heard sooner. Members of our society need to stand up for our rights, communities elect strong leaders ones that listen not just hear our options and make changes in our towns and cities. Together as one we can be heard and put a stop to all the violence and police brutalities. Participation will help us all as United States citizens win our civil rights back. References Frances, H., Tator, C. (1999). Racism and the university. _Canadian Ethnic Studies, 26.3_(74), 1. Shedd, C. (January 2010). Race and Police Brutality: Roots of an Urban Dilemma. _Contemporary sociology, 43_(39.1), 1.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Research and Critical Thinking :: Critical Thinking Essays
Research & Critical Thinking Research and critical thinking is such a crucial entity in the world of every single science and our every day lives. While a biologist is testing the effects of carbon monoxide on the environment, a little girl is pointing in the sky counting how many colors there are in a rainbow. Both of these scenarios involve research and critical thinking but are extremely different. There are no guidelines for the little girl but there are many that the biologist has to follow. The same goes for psychological research. Psychological research is almost exactly the same as scientific research. First you must make a hypothesis, experiment, collect data, and based off of the data you make conclusions as to whether or not your hypothesis was confirmed. The difference between psychological research and some other sciences is in what’s considered data and how that data is gathered and processed. Because psychology deals greatly with the mind and sometimes focuses on things that are not measurable, research has been restricted to things that are observable and therefore can be traced. To do research that successfully gives birth to credible data there are certain elements that must be followed as closely as possible. First your hypothesis must be researched and generalized. Secondly, before starting an experiment one must have a dependent variable, a control variable, and an independent variable. Third the data must be collected and translated properly. In the case of the researcher who studied college students he has completely abused all the elements of research. He has done almost everything wrong in his research, therefore making his research highly un-credible and almost bogus. Starting with the first step in the scientific method, which is forming a hypothesis, I have reason to believe that after reading this researchers hypothesis he hasn’t a clue how to properly conduct it. Comparing the four year college students to the two year college students is not the problem; it is the structure of the hypothesis. Instead of saying students at a four year colleges are more intelligent than students at two year colleges, the hypothesis should be if students who attend four year colleges and students who attend two year colleges take the same IQ test, than the students who attend the four year college will score higher than the students who attend the two year college. It is much more descriptive without being to constricting.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Entire Course (Managerial Economics) Essay
Firm Objectives. Why do some business firms pursue a triple-bottom-line outcome while others focus only on profit maximization? Please, use a real company example to illustrate your points Decision Making Under Uncertainty. To save on gasoline expenses, Edith and Mathew agreed to carpool together for traveling to and from work. Edith preferred to travel on I-20 highway as it was usually the fastest, taking 25 minutes in the absence of traffic delays. Mathew pointed out that traffic jams on the highway can lead to long delays making the trip 45 minutes. He preferred to travel along Shea Boulevard, which was longer (35 minutes), but rarely had traffic jams. Edith agreed that in case of traffic jams, Shea Boulevard was a reasonable alternative. Neither of them knows the state of the highway ahead of time. After driving to work on the I-20 highway for 1 month (20 workdays), they found the highway to be jammed 3 times. Assuming that this month is a good representation of all months ahead, should Edith and Mathew continue to use the highway for traveling to work? How would you conclusion change for the winter months, if bad weather makes it likely for traffic jams on the highway to increase to 6 days per month? How would your conclusion change if Mathew purchased a new smart-phone app that could show the status of the highway traffic prior to their drive each morning, thus reducing the probability of them getting into a jam down to only 1day per month (where on this day, the app showed no traffic jam, but a jam developed in the meantime as they were driving along the highway). Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump-sum of $10mln, or in parts, where $5.5mln can be provided in year 1, and another $5.5mln can be provided in year 2. Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 6%, what is the present value of the second alternative? Which of the two alternatives should be chosen and why? How would your decision change if the opportunity interest rate was 12%? Please, show all your calculations. 2. Volkswagen is considering opening an Assembly Plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for the production of its 2012 Passat, tailored for the US market. The CEO of the company is considering two potential options for the size of the plant: one is a large size with a projected annual production of 150,000 cars, and the other one is a smaller size plant, which is cheaper to build, but can only produce up to 80,000 cars per year. Depending on the expected level of demand for these cars in the US, Volkswagen has to decide which option is more profitable. The discount rate is 6% and for simplicity purposes, the CEO is only evaluating a two-year horizon. The initial factory setup cost, the expected demand scenarios, profit, and probabilities are shows in the below table. Calculate the Net Present Value in each of the two options. Which option should the CEO choose and why? Please, show all your calculations. 3. An angel investor is considering investing in one of two start-up businesses and is evaluating the expected returns along with the risk of each option in order to choose the better alternative. Business 1 is an innovative protein energy drink, which has ENPV of $100,000 with a standard deviation of $40,000. Business 2 is a unique chicken wings dipping sauce with an ENPV of $60,000 and a standard deviation of $25,000. a) Apply the coefficient-of-variation decision criterion to these alternatives to find out which is preferred by the angel investor, assuming that he/she is risk-averse. b) Apply the maximin criterion, assuming that the worst outcome in Business 1 is to lose $5,000, whereas the worst outcome in Business 2 is to make only $5,000 in profit. c) If you were the angel investor, what is your certainty equivalent for these two projects? Are you risk-averse, risk-neutral, or risk-lover? Week 2 Marginal Rate of Substitution. What is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) and why does it diminish as the consumer substitutes one product for another? Use examples to illustrate Demand Elasticity. Please, read the article Hainer, R. (2010), provided in the required readings section for this week. The tobacco industry is a prime example to consider when talking about price elasticity of demand. While nicotine use can be addictive for many users, it is not addictive for the so-called â€Å"social smokers†. What can we say about the price elasticity of demand for nicotine products (such as cigarettes, pipes, tobacco) in the group of nicotine addicted users, versus the group of â€Å"social smokers†? Can we say whose demand is likely to be more elastic? Why? Consumer Demand Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. Roshima is researching universities where she could study for her MBA degree. She is considering 3 major attributes that she considers important in her choice: ranking, price, and location. The value she places on each attribute, however, differs according to whether she remains full-time employed during her studies or quits her job and focuses on her degree. If she continues to work full time and takes all her courses online, then ranking is the most important attribute, twice as important as price and three times as important as location. If she quits her job and attends school full time, then location becomes three times as important as ranking and twice as important as price. She is considering two universities, respectively, the MBA program at Arizona State University (ASU) and the MBA program at University of Phoenix (UOP), both of which are priced at approximately $25,000. She has rated each attribute on a scale of 1 to 100 for each of the two schools. a. Which of the two options should Roshima pursue of she wants to keep her full-time job? (Calculate the total expected utility from each school option and compare. Graph is not required) b. Which of the two options should she pick if she plans to quit her job and dedicate to her studies? c. Which option should she pursue if the probability of being laid off and unable to find a new job is estimated as 0.6? Show your calculations and explain your reasoning. 2. The demand function for Einstein Bagels has been estimated as follows: – 40.73Px + 84.17Py + 0.55Ax where Qx represents thousands of bagels; Px is the price per bagel; Py is the average price per bagel of other brands of bagels; and Ax represents thousands of dollars spent advertising Einstein Bagels. The current values of the independent variables are , , and a. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for Einstein’s Bagels and explain what it means. b. Derive an expression for the (inverse) demand curve for Einsteins’s Bagels. c. If the cost of producing Einstein’s Bagels is constant at $0.10 per bagel, should they reduce price and thereafter, sell more bagels (assume profit maximization is the company’s goal)? d. Should Einstein Bagels spend more on advertising? 3. The consulting firm that you work for has been hired by the US Government to provide an independent analysis of the demand-side effects of a contemplated increase in the tax on gasoline. They provide you with a data set relating to the period 1962-1987, which they say contains valuable historic lessons relating to the impact of volatile pump prices due to the supply restrictions imposed by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations that required car manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of the cars they sold, while at the same time Real Disposable Income (RDI) per capita was rising, the number of passenger cars (NPC) almost doubled, and inflation was pushing up the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Week 3 Relevant Costs. Two partners own together a small landscaping business in North Carolina, called Summer Lawn Care. They have been specializing in summer grass seeding, installation, and maintenance. Recently, the partners acquired special technology and know-how for winter grass installations and maintenance. They also added a tree cutting service as recent storms in the area had caused demand for this service to soar. One of the partners insists that the name of the business should change to Lawn and Tree Care, so that it better reflects the range of services and, thus, generates more customer interest, and thus contracts. The second partner wants to keep the old name and argues, â€Å"We have already paid for business cards, vehicle paint, signage, and ads in Yellow Pages†. Evaluate the arguments of the two partners. Explain and illustrate their points by identifying the relevant and irrelevant costs for this decision. Contribution Analysis. Explain what is meant by â€Å"contribution analysis†. Carefully define the term and provide examples to illustrate it. Production Cost Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. Jennifer Trucking Company operates a large rig transportation business in Texas that transports locally grown vegetables to San Diego, California. The company owns 5 large rigs and hires local drivers paid fixed salaries monthly, regardless of the number of trips or tons of cargo that each driver transports each month. 2. The Palms Dry Cleaning Shop in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, faces a highly seasonal demand for its services, as the snow-birds retirees flock to Florida in mid-fall to enjoy the mild winter weather and then return to their main homes in mid-spring. Given this seasonality, Palms tries to keep the overhead costs as low as possible and therefore, often uses seasonal contracted labor to man its operations. The following table shows the labor costs in each month of operation over the past 12 months as well as the total number of garments that were dry-cleaned in each month. Palms pays fixed wages per hour to each employee, and we can assume that the costs of other variable inputs (such as chemicals, electricity, etc) have remained constant. 3. Over the past 12 months the Four Winds Novelty Company firm has recorded its internet sales (equals monthly output levels) and its monthly total variable costs (TVC) for a particular novelty item as shown in the following table. Sales have grown over this period with relatively few shocks due to uncontrollable weather, political and sporting events. This online retailer carries no inventories; when it receives a pre-paid on-line order from a customer, it simply buys the product from a supplier and ships it out to the customer. Week 4 Strategic Behavior Oligopolies. An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsoft’s investment in Apple (New Straits Times, 1997). The article is included in the Required Readings list. Facing tough anti-trust scrutiny from government agencies, Microsoft provided financial support to Apple in order to ensure Apple’s survival and, therefore, to ensure that competitiveness in the industry remains. Moreover, the partnership with Apple provided an additional market for Microsoft’s products – the MS Office and the IE products were to be bundled with the MAC OS as one of the conditions for this financing. Discuss this case in the context of market structure and strategic behavior. What market structure do these firms operate in? Why did Microsoft need to preserve competitiveness in the industry? What was Microsoft afraid of in the event that Apple did not survive? Local Market Power. Bulls Eye department store specializes in the sales of discounted clothing, shoes, household items, etc. similar to the offerings at a regular Walmart or Target. Bulls Eye is the only department store in Show Low and the nearest other discount retailer is Target, located 49 miles away in Eagar. Bulls Eye, therefore, has some market power in its local area. Despite having some market power, Bulls Eye is currently suffering losses. An analyst at Bulls Eye is recommending to the manager to raise prices, so that profitability can be improved. The manager is unsure of this strategy as recent data points to increasing numbers of individuals shopping more and more. What are the pros and cons of raising the prices at Bulls Eye and would that strategy be profitable? Market Structures and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. A small business which produces plastic vacuum-suction covers for round household dishes has a monopoly that is protected by a utility patent. The market demand curve for this product is estimated to be: – 25P where Q is the number of plate covers per year and P is in dollars. Cost estimation processes have determined that the firm’s cost function is represented by + 2500Q -0.25*Q2. 2. Greener Grass Company (GGC) competes with its main rival, Better Lawns and Gardens (BLG), in the supply and installation of in-ground lawn watering systems in the wealthy western suburbs of a major east-coast city.Last year, GGC’s price for the typical lawn system was $1,995 compared with BLG’s price of $2,100. GGC installed 9,130 systems, or about 55% of total sales and BLG installed the rest. (No doubt many additional systems were installed by do-it-yourself homeowners since the parts are readily available at har dware stores.) Week 5 Good Will in Price Bidding. Sometimes, a bidder on a work contract may bid lower than what would maximize his/her profit from the contract and the reason for that is to create goodwill (to increase expected future business from the buyer). How would you value the goodwill that is obtained in this way? New Product Introduction. Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany owns the Alka-Seltzer, which was launched in 1931 and was meant for relief of minor aches, pains, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, and hangovers. The Alka-Seltzer Plus was a spin-off of the original medicine, meant to relieve colds and flu. The company has recently introduced a new and improved Alka-Seltzer Plus, as described in the TV ad: â€Å"The Cold Truth†, (please, watch the ad listed in the Required Readings) Price Quotes and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. Maxim Motronics A.G. have been marketing a new product in Europe that has achieved notable market success and it now plans to introduce this product into the United States market. Week 6 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior. Suppose that GE is trying to prevent Maytag from entering the market for high efficiency clothes dryers. Even though high efficiency dryers are more costly to produce, they are also more profitable as they command sufficiently higher prices from consumers. The following payoffs table shows the annual profits for GE and Maytag for the advertising spending and entry decisions that they are facing. Based on this information, can GE successfully prevent Maytag from entering this market by increasing its advertising levels? What is the equilibrium outcome in this game? Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Describe the circumstances under which a firm chooses a low-cost strategy to attain sustainable competitive advantage. What about the situations when a differentiation strategy is chosen? Provide specific real world examples. Focus of the Final Paper Research a specific company of your choice and identify some of the managerial decisions that were made over time and in response to changes in its market or competitive environment. Use the Ashford University Online Library and web-based sources for your research. At least three external scholarly sources must be used. Address all of the following areas: Describe the company and provide a brief history of its operations. Find or use graphs to illustrate its financial performance over the years. Identify any sources of risk or uncertainty in its operations. Do the financial reports indicate risky or uncertain activities or changes to the economic environment that ultimately appear to have affected the company’s financial outcomes? Be specific. Are there any government regulations that have affected this company’s operations domestically or abroad? Explain.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
The novel, The Crucible was written in 1953 by Arthur Miller, which was based on the Salem Witch Trials existing in the late 1600s. In the play, Abigail and several other young women accuse innocent citizens of Salem for the action of witchcraft. During the trials, many individuals were unfairly persecuted; such as John Proctor. This event in history may be associated with the Red Scare, in which individuals were tried for their questionable influences of communism in the United States.When Miller compares the character of John Proctor to himself, the reader is able to relate the similar experiences that both men faced. The Crucible demonstrates the struggle against corruption involving the court, which lead to the death of many innocent individuals in Salem. The Crucible generates an allegory for Arthur Miller’s struggles with McCarthyism because of his similar experience relating to John Proctor’s battle against the Salem Witch Trials, and the relation between the act ions of the court in both situations.Arthur Miller uses several writing methods in order to convey The Crucible as an allegory for his struggles with McCarthyism. Miller demonstrates how the Crucible represents an allegory for his conflict with McCarthyism by relating his experiences with the plot of the novel. Miller relates the novel to his struggles by stating, â€Å"Should the accused confess, his honesty could only be proved by naming former confederates.†(Are You Now†¦ 34) Miller is explaining how the court operated, in terms of coming to their conclusions. He is showing the similarity between his experience with the trials involving the Red Scare, and the trials in Salem.The witchcraft trials were very much alike the communism suspicions in the United States, in which many individuals were falsely accused for crimes they had not committed. The court’s duty was to draw names of other participants of the so-called â€Å"crimes†. Miller indicates the s imilarity in Judge Danforth’s statement to McCarthyism in the quote, â€Å"Mr. Proctor. When the devil came to you did you see Rebecca Nurse in his company?†(Crucible 129) This displays how the court believed your testimony, only if you were to mention other members.Miller uses the technique of connecting the two experiences together by incorporating the approaches in which the court took to obtain valuable information. The court’s actions demonstrate how unjust they were in coming to conclusions. Another way that Miller creates an allegory for his struggles with McCarthyism in the novel is when Hale tells Abigail, â€Å"You must have no fear to tell us who they are, do you understand? We will protect you.†(Crucible 43) This technique pressures Abigail into falsely accusing others for acts they had not committed, although she is turning the blame away from herself.Miller relates this technique to his experience with the court in which they attempted to make him feel protected, if he would reveal his knowledge. This proves that the court did whatever they could to extract information from the suspects. The novel proves to represent an allegory for Miller’s struggles with the court, and the suspicion that the jury had among the suspects. He relates the Salem Witch trials to the Red Scare by stating, â€Å"In both places, to keep social unity intact, the authority of leaders had to be hardened and words of skepticism toward them constricted†(Are You Now†¦ 32).Arthur Miller is clarifying the fact that as the trials continued, the more strict and severe the court became. This often caused for false accusations against innocent citizens. As the trials developed, the courts were able to establish their own conclusions stemmed from the proceedings. Miller explains how John Proctor rebelled against the court’s unjust actions of jumping to conclusions before gaining enough logical reasoning. He claims that Proc tor, â€Å" [had] become the most forthright voice against the madness around him†(Why I Wrote†¦ 26).He relates his experience with the court to the Proctor’s relation with the Witch Trials because they both had stood their ground against the authority. Miller continues on to state, â€Å"I sensed that I had at last found something of myself in it,†(Why I Wrote†¦ 26) Miller is able to finalize his relationship with Proctor by professing how the character in the novel was an inspirational figure. Overall, this strategy of relating himself to the character of John Proctor proved to be effective in the representation of Miller’s fight against McCarthyism.The Crucible constructs an allegory for Arthur Miller’s struggles with McCarthyism because of his similar experience relating to John Proctor’s battle against the Salem Witch Trials, and the relation between the actions of the court in both situations. Arthur Miller is able to devel op an allegory from the play to his experience with several strategies. He relates the actions of the court to the way in which the court treated him. He then uses the similarity between the role Proctor played in the play, to the role he had in his struggles during the Red Scare. In conclusion, Miller used many effective tactics to create a compelling allegory of his struggles against McCarthyism in the novel, The Crucible.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay on I have a Dream - Dr King
Essay on I have a Dream - Dr King Free Online Research Papers I see a dream; I see the dream of Martin Luther King as he graphically describes his shared vision. I see that inspiring a vision is not easy to reach. But I can see that a leader with great credibility will be capable of such superiority. Such as influencing their followers or even convince their advocates to pursue in the same dream through encouraging and expressive speeches. Martin Luther King is an example of a great leader who was able to use his credibility as a leader and inspired people to share a common vision for the future. His famous â€Å"I have a dream†speech expressed his dream and vision for the African American population of America. The idea of using no violence to restore basic civil rights and equality to African Americans in America was desirable among his people and had not been done before, which made it extra exciting for those who can relate through his aspiration. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech demonstrates how he in spired a vision by appealing to others to share an exciting futuristic dream, he also exemplified the â€Å"big picture†of what he aspired to accomplish and he spoke with genuine conviction about the higher meaning and principle of his belief. In the â€Å"I have a dream†speech King was becoming fascinating to his audience because they all desired the same vision as far as the future was concerned. In other words, King’s dream was revolutionary and many people acknowledge that thus they were willing to share this dream. King stated in his speech that â€Å"†¦one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.†It is obvious that many African Americans as well as Caucasians had that same vision but did not know how to inspire upon it. King took this idea which he knew that many would die for and added it to his visualization of the nation’s future. King continued on â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’†He spoke about the vision o f the forefathers of United States; that they too believe that all humans are equal. In addition to the authors and believers of the Constitution, King incorporated â€Å"My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. The land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!†in his speech. King spoke of the vision of being free. This was something the Americans have fought for in the past, which King used in his speech to address something universally common to everyone. It was a vision for everyone in the audience to share. As a result, the crowd of followers and believers of his revolutionary idea of the future became a shared vision. To carry out this vision of the future, King delivered a photographic yet emotional speech. He painted the â€Å"big picture†so he can capture everyone’s attention and motivated others to follow. The speech addressed his deepest feelings as he described them all throughout his speech. For example, King said, â€Å"I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.†Those who have been wrongly accused and prosecuted would understand what King was mentioning. King allowed his audience to picture his vision emotionally when he said: â€Å"†¦the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.†It was a picture of something that was never intended by a lot of people, but it was also a picture that many African Americans dreamed of. I n addition, King exemplified his speech on a higher scale of respect when he announced with pride and dignity, â€Å"With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.†These were brave statements considering the danger he may face with the advocates, but King remained courageous. The speech was motivating and encouraged more participants because the words were emotional. Through his speech, King gave his followers an inspired vision that he imagine and he painted a beautiful dream. It is obvious that without being credible to their principles, a leader will not be successful in inspiring their vision. King was successful in the delivery of his speech because he spoke with authentic certainty about the principles of his belief and his actions. In his speech, he mentioned what he desired. He understood that his people were being judged and mistreated due to the fact that they have a different skin color. So in his speech, he said, â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.†This was the realistic aspiration that his people and King wanted. King was genuinely convicted of his principles. Thus he mentioned that he wanted to live in the nation with equality and respect. Another proof of his genuine confidence used the word faith wisely, â€Å"This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with†. King obviously knew that not everyone was a supporter of his principles, but that did not stop his actions as he believed in his own faith and the faith of the majority of the people. Hence, King was able to speak with genuine conviction about the higher meaning and principle of his belief in his â€Å"I have a dream†speech. From this in-depth analysis of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a Dream†speech, I see the vision that was inspired by King. Years after this great leader’s speech, King’s vision has become a reality. Today he can be considered as a leader who brought his people and followers the dream that they all shared together. His speech was appealing to others because it shared an exciting futuristic dream. I see the vision through King’s words because they were very visual and emotional. And he was clear and supportive of his beliefs; therefore King’s speech is a great example of how to inspire a vision for a team to share. Research Papers on Essay on â€Å"I have a Dream†- Dr KingEmmett Till BiographyHenderson the Rain KingThe Old Man and the Sea EssayCritical Analysis of HamletIntentism The Resurrection of the AuthorThe Rise and Fall of Napoleon BonaparteAnalysis Essay of the The RavenRacism and InjusticeBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-BarnettThe Equal Rights Amendment
Monday, November 4, 2019
Pathophysiology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pathophysiology - Case Study Example As the discussion outlines the changes in cardiac enzyme levels include the elevated troponin I, elevated myoglobin, elevated CPK and cardiac troponin T. However, cardiac troponin T, and I are the most common marker of myocardial injuries due to their high specificities and sensitivities for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. The most common pathophysiologic precipitating event s of ACS are plague rapture, hypertension, chest discomforts and pains that spreads to the left arm and lower jaws. The chest pains are usually associated with sweating and nausea. The other precipitating events can include anemia, acute thrombosis that is induced by rapture and an unstable angina. Bradycardias or excessive slow heart rate and tachycardias (excessive faster heart rate) may also precipitate the ACS. This study discusses that the rationale includes administering of reperfusion therapy either with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), thrombolytic therapy or bypass surgery in the failure of the two methods. However, pre-hospital thrombolysis (PHT) is more preferred than percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to the time factor. Consequently, all STEMI patients on COX-2 inhibitors except aspirin is to discontinue their use due to increased mortality risk, heart failure, hypertension, reinfarction and myocardial rupture related to their use. Additionally, IV Beta Blockers should be given during the first 24 hours. The use of morphine and nitroglycerin in managing ischemic chest pains is because morphine helps in reducing the discomfort as a pain reliever while nitroglycerin temporarily opens the arteries thus, enhancing the flow of blood to and from the heart.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Residentual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) at the Department of Essay
Residentual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) at the Department of Correcti - Essay Example Drugs that fall under this category include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opioids. Depending on the jurisdictions of various countries, drug and substance abuse may lead one to be convicted of criminal offence and penalty. Another category of drug abuse misuse is the abuse of clinical drugs such as sedatives, analgesic, stimulants, and anxiolytic. Drug abuse with these substances occurs when prescriptions are misused, or administered inconsistently, or intentional use misuse in order to intoxicate oneself. Continued abuse of drugs creates in the victim a state of tolerance for the drugs. This means that his central nervous system gets addicted to the drugs and cannot function well without the drugs in its system. a halt to the use of the drugs creates withdrawal symptoms on the user, adversely affecting his functionality. The Residual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) is a program for state prisoners aimed at enabling local governments and states to provide programs for treating substance abuse in their correction and detention facilities. Besides offering the services for the inmates while still in prison, the program extends its services to them after they are released as a form of community-based services. Those eligible for the services are prisoners in state prisons as individuals or groups. Requirements for the services include that the services last between 6-12 months, meaning that only prisoners imprisoned for such length of time only are legible. The second requirement is that the services be offered in a residential facility, a facility sent apart from the general population. The services focus duly on rehabilitation the inmate and nothing else such as the crimes he committed leading to his incarceration. The services are encompassing, integrating the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral,
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