Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Social Justice - Essay Example First of all, it is highly important to know about different forms of organizational justice. Distributive justice and procedural justice are two different forms of justice that can be implemented in organizational operational process. Distributive justice generally developed upon several distribution principles. This distributive justice generally has three important elements, such as equity, needs and equality. Equity generally exists when the possible outcomes are proportional to the specific contributors. In terms of equality, the recipients generally receive similar level of result. In terms of needs, the end results or outcomes are proportionate to the needs (Hegtvedt, 2005). On the other hand, procedural justice can be considered as the study subjective evaluation of justice for people considering some specific procedures, whether they are ethical or unethical and fair or unfair. These specific procedures have several key organizational elements, such as interaction, problem solving, decision making, leadership, management and interpersonal dynamics (Tyler, 2005). These two approaches are very much important in the effective operational process of modern day organizations. The organizational leaders, such as CEO needs to develop and implement unique strategies in order to ensure effective organizational within the workplace. First of all, it is highly important to ensure effective leadership style in order to confirm effective workplace environment. Democratic leadership style will help the organizations to ensure effective corporate governance, ethical operational process and workplace diversity. Secondly, adoption and implementation of stakeholder engagement in the strategy development and decision making process will help the organization to increase the motivation level of employees. According to these strategies, the leaders of organizations can ensure effective organizational justice for both employees and employers
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
English Mock Exam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
English Mock Exam - Term Paper Example Anyone can be arrested suddenly, and for no valid reason, at any time of the day or night. There can be no recourse to the law, or appeal for justice. The ‘knock on the door’ can happen at any time to anyone. In both the poems, all citizens are the helpless victims of state sponsored terrorism. The government is absolutely ruthless and does not tolerate any form of dissent. The background of both poems is an atmosphere of fear. Both First They Came and Not my Business share the common theme of the impossibility of isolating oneself from injustice. It can be said that the underlying message in both the poems is the brotherhood of man. Niemoller and Osundare emphasize that no man can live in isolation from his society. What affects one man will have its repercussions on all others. No one can live in a cocoon and remain untouched by the experiences of others. If injustice is left unchecked, it will inevitably engulf everyone. The poets are united in their call for every ma n to speak out against injustice. Both poems urge every individual to give voice to the demand for justice and protest against wrong: even if one is not personally affected. The writers call for everyone to overcome their fear and have the courage to stand up and be counted for their convictions. If we remain passive spectators to wrongdoing, we will definitely be the next victims. The themes of the poems can be said to be almost identical. Niemoller writes from his personal experience as a protestor against Nazi rule in Hitler’s Germany, and his active opposition to state control of the church. He has actually lived the lines of his poem, having been arrested and sent to the notorious concentration camps, where he has spent seven years. The line, â€Å"Then they came for me,†is based on his real life experience. It is a true account, which was written after the fall of Nazism and his release from the camps. His poem is biographical. However, although Osundare has not been subjected to such actual arrest and imprisonment, his empathy for his countrymen makes his poem as vivid and intimate as First They Came. Osundare’s poetry is so personal, that it remains as true-to-life and genuine as Niemoller’s. Both the poems reflect their own culture. Niemoller, as a Protestant clergyman in Nazi Germany, bases his list of the various kinds of people on religion: Communists, Jews, Catholics and Socialists. This is in accordance with the anti-religious sentiments which Hitler established as part of his Nazi ideology and also with Niemoller’s strong religious identity as a churchman. Niemoller focuses on religious belief in his poem and conveys the message that one should stand up for everyone’s right to practice their own faith. On the other hand, Osundare’s poem reflects the realities of Africa, where the scarcity of resources is a fact of everyday life. Hunger is a very real threat which hangs over every person. In accor dance with this fact, he focuses on food. Osundare asserts that one should speak out in defense of others, even at the cost of losing one’s daily food: represented in his poem by the humble yam. It is clear that Not my Business is based in a country where poverty is widespread. The names used by Osundare, and the mention of yam as a staple food, also speak of Africa. The writers use similar forms in their poems. First They Came and Not my Business both have short stanzas and are not lengthy. However, Osundare’s indentation of the repetitive lines forms a kind of chorus, while
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of Smartphones on Students
Impact of Smartphones on Students Problem Statement With the advanced technology nowadays, smartphone is viewed as a important device and an integral part of the Malaysian society. According to The Sun Daily Report, a last year concluded analysis revealed that Malaysias smartphone penetration has increased to 63% in year 2013 from 47% in 2012, while tablet penetration has increased almost three times to become 39% from 14% (Afrizal, 2013). University students are among the highest contributors to the increasing number of smart phone sales (Jacob Isaac, 2008). However, often use of smartphone can become a habit or dependency of student and indirectly affect their lifestyle. There are several general aspects of lifestyle have been categorized, such as health, education, psychology, socialization and security, in which may be in the positive side or the negative side. Regarding impact of smartphone in business field, Rashedul Islam, Rofiqul Islam Tahidul Arafhin Mazumder (2010) states that the drastic growth of the businesses during past few years is mainly because the rising use of smartphones and the mobile application. Smartphone has made the feature of advertising business sector becomes interesting and effective. However, the negative impact of smartphone is towards the PCs market as shown in survey result of year 2011, smartphone’s shipment in that full year was 487.7 millions, exceeds PCs with 17.63%. Smartphones nowadays are much more fomidable than the PCs that 10 more years ago, people are now using the smartphone to check news feed, status update and photo posting as well (Mogg, 2012). Microsoft-Intel Alliance as the long dominated of PCs also faced pressure to get into the market of mobile device. Soon, PCs may be replaced by smartphone as smartphone seems to have a optimistic growth in the future although there is still millio n sales of PCs in every year (eWeek, 2012). Accordingly health surveys regarding smartphone done by Sarwar Soomro (2013), most of the users in USA use smart phone to search for the information and facilities related to health. Many health mobile applications are available stimulate users for prescription management, encourage other options of treatment, offer price comparison and verification of prescriptions as well. However, Russian and Eastern European scientists issued the earliest reports that low level exposure to RF radiation of smart phone could cause a wide range of health effects, including behavioural changes, effects on the immunological system, reproductive effects, changes in hormone levels, headaches, irritability, fatigue, and cardiovascular effects (Russian National Committee, n.d.). In addition, research of World Health Organization suggested this behaviour is similar to a compulsive-impulsive disorder, whereby an inability to access the services are associated with negative health consequences, including wi thdrawal and depression and other negative repercussions such as social isolation and fatigue (WHO, 2011). According to Coleman (2013), smartphones can also contribute to the deterioration of our eyes, squash our spines, give us saggy jowls, damage our hearing, damage our sleep cycle and cause dark circles under our eyes. Meanwhile, in term of education, Sarwar Soomro (2013) indicated that smartphone has provided society to be exposed towards huge amount of educational and learning purposes due to internet availability and increasing demand of smartphone. Regarding the survey of King (2012), majority of the American adults think that smartphone usage contributes a positive impact towards the youth’s education in America, eg. E-readers for study purpose. Students with the help of technology are able to access educational programs (Font, 2013). For instance Dell has launched Youth Learning (an alphabetization initiative) which support the learning programs. Besides that, smartphone provides a basic human need to help students relieve their boredom and decompression between tasks (Shawn Knight, 2012). However, there is some negative impact of smartphone dependency on education. Over dependency of smartphone can leads to addiction, means although there is no real need’s communication, still hope to have constant communication with outside through social network. (Lee, 2012). According to the The Times of India: Health, (2013) experts said that our memory will be reduced and cognitive thinking will be killed when using the smartphonealthough it makes the life more convenient and easier. People now depend much on the search engine through smartphone cause them to become poor thinker and getting more lazy than before. For impact onto psychology, based on another research of Sarwar Soomro (2013) conducted, there is a positive impact onto human psychological, smartphone is used for reduction of tension work life. Nowadays, keep update with the latest news is very vital process for reducing tension. However, negative impact of smartphone dependency exists. Spending more than seven hours a day using smartphones and experiencing symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia and depression when cut off from the device is considered as addiction (Nam, 2013). Students who are addicted to smartphones not only distract themselves from studies, but also damage their interpersonal skills. According to Sarwar and Soomro (2013), addiction to smartphones affects our quality of sleep as well as creates friction in our social and family life. For lifestyle of socialization, the survey of Yi-Fan Chen done in U.S. College shows that students have several strong socialization motives for using the mobile phone to contact both family and friends (CHEN, 2007). Smartphone features, for examples, text to speech, GPS and social Websites, people can easily remain integrated with society especially those with special needs and elderly age (Sarwar Soomro, 2013). However, the report of Amanda (2012) shows that over dependent of smartphone brings the impact of there is only 35% of the teens who owns a smart phone have face-to-face socializing outside of school. According to Teoh (2011), Americans are socializing and spending the average time of 2.7 hours per day on their mobile device. The time people used to socialize via mobile device is twice of the time spending on eating and is more than one third of time spending on sleeping per day. For impact of smartphone on security, Sarwar Soomro (2013) stated that safety of children can be known by parents with the availability of Internet connection through a Smartphone. Furthermore, by setting up password security, it can protect the sensitive data inside the smartphone and also restricts access in case the smartphone was lost or been stolen. (BullGuard Security Centre, 2013) According to Enisa’s report (2010), the data leakage from smartphone may affected our assets throughout such as personal data, corporate intellectual property, classified information, financial assets and etc. If smart phone user lost the smartphone, for example, every information like address, e-mail, log data in web browser, SMS (Short Message Service) and etc. can be exposed if there is no appropriate security solutions (Smith, 2011). Next target for criminal attacks likely will be smartphone and social networking site (Sarwar Soomro, 2013). According to WhoCalledMyPhone.Net (as cited in Darrell, 2013), 24% of smartphone users check their phone while driving, which can directly cause accidents or fatal accidents. In short, smartphone has contributed positive impacts to human, but too much dependent on smartphone also cause negative consequences. Hence, our study will put more effort on the impacts of smartphone dependency into lifestyle. Smartphone brings impact to various fields such as business, health, education, psychology, socialization and security as well. However, during our research, the target of study area is among undergraduate students in UUM. Hence, some fields are not suitable for students for instance business. In short, there are only five lifestyles which will be used for our survey, include health, education, psychology, socialization and security. References Afrizal. (2013, September 5). Malaysia’s smartphone penetration rises by 16%. The SunDaily. Retrieved March 2, 2014 from Amanda, L. (2012). Teens, Smartphones Texting. Pew Research Center’s Internet American Life Project , pp. 1-34. BullGuard Security Centre. (2013). Eight ways to keep your smartphone safe: Mobile Security. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from CHEN, Y.-F. (2007). The mobile phone and socialization: The consequences of mobile phone use in transitions from family to school life of U.S. college students . Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society , pp. 1-152. Coleman, C. (2013, July 21). How your mobile can give you acne†¦not to mention asaggy jaw and sleepless nights. Daily Mail. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from nights.html?ITO=1490ns_mchannel=rssns_campaign=1490 Darrell, R. (2013). The impressive effects of smartphones on society (infographic). Bit Rebels. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from eWeek, September 5, 2012, †Intel Microsoft Influence Declining as Smartphones Tablets Rise Analysts 342948†, ENISA (n.d.). Top Ten Smartphone Risk. Retrieved 17 March 2014, from Gehi, R. (2013, December 3). Your smartphone is destroying your memory. The Times of India. Retrieved 23 March, from Jacob, S.M. and Isaac, B. (2008).The mobile devices and its mobile learning usage analysis. Proceedings of the International Multi-conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, Vol. 1, March, 19-21, pp. 782-87. King, R. (2012). Mobile devices have positive impact on education, survey says. Retrieved from Knight, S. (2012, September 26). Retrieved March 17, 2014, from Lee, C.-s. (2012). Smartphone addiction: disease or obsession? Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Korea Times: Md. Rashedul Islam, Md. Rofiqul Islam,Tahidul Arafhin Mazumder. (2010). Mobile Application and Its Global Impactà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬-, International Journal of Engineering Technology, IJETIJENS, Vol: 10, No:06, Mogg, T. (2012). â€Å"Smartphone sales exceed those of PCs for first time, Apple smashes record†. Digital Trend. Retrieved from Nam, I. (2013, Jul 23). A rising addiction among youths: Smartphones.Wall StreetJournal (Online). Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Russian National Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection , Sanitary Rules of the Ministry of Health (Russia): SanPin 2.1.8/ point 6.9. Sarwar, M., Soomro, T.R. (2013, March). Impact of smartphone’s on society. European Journal of Scientific Research, 98 (2), 216-226. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Smith, M. (2011). A Practical Analysis of Smartphone Security. Salvendy (Eds.): Human Interface, Part I , pp. 311–320. Font, S. (2013). How smartphones narrow the achievement gap in education. Retrieved 23 March 2014, from Teoh, L. (2011). Mobile Stats 2011: 91% Use Mobile Phone to Socialize. Retrieved 16 March 2014, from WHO. (2011). Mobile Phone Use: A Growing Problem of Driver Distraction. Journal of WHO , pp. 1-50.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Women In Western Society Essay -- essays research papers
WOMEN IN WESTERN SOCIETY Since the beginning of mankind women have been dominated by men. They were to obey and serve man. Their main role in society was to bear children, take care of the household and to be loyal and faithful to their husbands. They were to remain subjects to males. Many viewed women as slaves to man and that should be placed in a household where they belong because women could not perform the tasks of men. During the renaissance family played a crucial role for women. Parents, often to strengthen business and to tighten family bonds arranged many marriages. The male figure was the head of the family. He had authority over everyone. He was in charge and managed of all legal and finical problems. The woman managed only the household. Due to the arranged marriages, women had no emotional feelings for their husbands, which led to temptations. Women were sometimes killed for having an affair, where as men were aloud to have a mistress. Most women family life was their only destiny. Witchcraft affected the lives of many women during the 16th and 17th century. Lots of women were burned at the stake for being accused of being a witch. Most witchcraft trials women of the lower classes were most likely to be accused of witchcraft. But by the mid 17th century this witchcraft craze was starting to vanish. The Enlightenment questioned the role of women. For centuries men have dominated what the role of women should be. Many male writers believed that that women were lower intellectually value to men. But there were some philosophies, which showed some positive feed back for women. They argued that women were capable of all that men are. It was the woman thinkers who added new perspectives to the women question by suggesting better improvements for woman. Those thinkers believed that woman should be better educated. They should be able to learn what men are learning. A English writer Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was the fonder of modern European feminism. She began the women movement arguing the rights of women. She declared, that women should have equal rights with education and in economic and political life. During the French Revolution woman began to show that they weren't afraid anymore. After the Declaration of Rights of Man and citizen on August 26, 1789. Women started questioning themselves , do this rights include women. These law br... ...were women because men believed that women's natural role was to take care of children. There was still being paid lower salaries. In 1830, a number of women in United States and Europe worked together in several movements. They wanted more improvement for women. They wanted to secure divorce and property laws. Some women were able to get access to higher education. First they took over teaching them the medical field. This movement soon entered the political world. They believed women should have the right to vote. Only in a few countries and states the women won. Both Mussolini and Hitler believed that women should stay home and bear children. They both wanted women out of the work force. The women worked to hard to get where they are. No dictator would drive them out. They both failed. After World War 2 things started to change. Women made up lots of the work force. They occupied the same traditional jobs. But salaries still didn't change; they were being paid less then men. Many women still faced inequality. They still had to raise a family. They were many women protests after the war. After all the battles and protests women finally got what they deserved a right to vote.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Influences of Language on Meaning and Perception
Language is the main communication tool which influences meaning and perception. Language can be verbal (sounds, words) and non-verbal (signs, gestures, mimic, facial expression, behavior, and physical setting, etc). Interpersonal communication includes any behavior that another person perceives and interprets. As such, it is one person's understanding of what another person means. Behavior itself is a form of communication. Interpersonal communication occurs through symbols and signs decoded by the sender and encoded by the receiver. Using language (verbal), people name and describe objects, events and processes. Clarity and precision of presentation have a great impact on meaning and perception processes. The main problem is that the receiver can ‘encode’ the information differently which influences his perception and meaning of the message (Wood, 2003). So although it is true that names must precede descriptions in the sense that they provide the atomic terms of a description, it is also true that some (possibly holophrastic) ostensive assertions must be primitive in all category naming (Guerrero 1999). Verbal communication means sending messages to another person to inform about something, to persuade people to do something, to develop positive attitudes, and to cause other changes in people's thinking and behavior. Following Russell (2000) one interpretation of perception: â€Å"focuses on attending and concentrates on surveying the environment. Another focuses on interpretation and concentrates on language and mental activity after initial contact with stimuli. Viewing perception as an attending process and as an outcome of attending can both serve well†(4) The speech sounds of a language vary in many ways. Only some of these differences signal a difference in meaning in the language. These are called â€Å"phonemic†differences. The rest of the differences are â€Å"phonetic†differences that are less salient, less readily perceived, and less easily produced than the phonemic differences. In this case, if a person has poor articulation or speech defects the receiver can encode information is a wrong way and misinterpret the meaning. It is important that every person remember that specific words may not have the same meaning and significance for different people. The choice of words and vocabulary is one type of symbol that possesses emotional and psychological properties. It is possible to say that language shapes the meaning and allows the receiver to perceive its meaning. A unique pattern of language comes to be regarded as equivalent to a unique pattern in the receiver mind. Meaning and perception depends upon experience and views of the receiver and differs in what is perceived and how information is stored, and because the nature of the mapping may differ for â€Å"different types of cross-modal linkages†(Guerrero 1999, p. 56). I suppose that my language is clearly understood because I carefully chose vocabulary and meaning of words. Active listening helps me to learn new words and understand their usage correctly. So, it is possible to say that if a person wishes to communicate effectively with other people (verbally or non-verbally), he must somehow put themselves in each other's shoes. Effective interpersonal communication requires that people have a common set of meanings and definitions. Such a common set of meanings derives not only from the language, but refers more broadly to the pattern of beliefs, codes, and feelings on the basis of which people learn to live with their environment. To enlarge my vocabulary I read a lot of printed matters: books, magazines, scientific article, etc, and use new words and phrases in practice. For instance, non-fiction writing has ideas followed by arguments, by examples, before returning to a second argument. Seeing the structure of paragraphs is to see the pattern of the argument. This technique will help me to create a clear message and communicate with different people. One more important fact is that mass media is intended to be an example of language norms: vocabulary and grammar. References 1.Guerrero, L. K. et al. (1999). The Nonverbal Communication Reader: Classic and Conteporary Readings. Waveland Press. 2.Russell, Ch. (2000). CULTURE, LANGUAGE AND BEHAVIOR: Perception. A Review of General Semantics, 57, 4. 3.Wood, J.T. (2003). Interpersonal Communications. Wadsworth Publishing.       Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Oj Simpson Trial
O. J Simpson was an all-star running back for the University of Southern California (USC) and won a Heisman trophy. On his road to the NFL he was drafted to the Buffalo Bills on the 1st round. He had a career in advertisement as the Pitch man, Herts Rental Car, and was a football commentator after his career. On June 12, 1994 in 875 South Bundy Brentwood, California 35 year old Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were found dead in the entrance of their condominium both were stabbed to death outside Nicole Simpson's Los Angeles condominium.The investigation was difficult because there were no eyewitnesses and no murder weapon was found. However, in Nicole’s ex-husband Orenthal James Simpson house a lot of evidence was found like a bloody sock and glove that matched the blood in the crime scene and a shoe print that was approximately size 12 when OJ wears a size 12. There were hair samples that were found on Goldman's body after his murder. Forensic geneticists matched the DNA fr om the hair samples to DNA retrieved from O. J. Simpson.During the police interrogation of Simpson, it was discovered that he had a cut on his left hand, and OJ had a fishy statement on how he got the cut. On June 17 there was a warrant for OJ’s arrest. Lawyers convinced the LAPD to allow Simpson to turn himself in at 11 am on June 17, at around 6:20 pm, a motorist in Orange County saw Simpson riding in his white Bronco, driven by his friend, A. C. Cowlings, and notified police. At 6:45 pm, a police officer saw the Bronco, going north on Interstate 405.The officer that we he drove up to the car OJ had a gun to his head so he backed off and followed the vehicle. Simpson reportedly demanded that he be allowed to speak to his mother before he would surrender. The chase ended at 8:00 pm at his Brentwood home. In the Bronco the police found $8,000 in cash, a change of clothing, a loaded . 357 Magnum, a passport, family pictures, and a fake goatee and mustache. Simpson hires a famous LA attorney Robert Shapiro who hires a dream team of lawyers including. F.Lee for strategy, Gerald Uelmen for procedure, Alan Pershowitz for constitution Law, Dr. Henry Lee for forensic science , Barry Scheck for DNA lawyer, and best friend Robert Kardashian. Simpson's defense was said to cost between US$3 million and $6 million. The Criminal trial lasted almost one year with Simpson found not guilty. Before this Robert Shapiro wanted to plead bargain 5-12 years because he believed that they couldn’t win. When Acosta 2 choosing the jury they believed that middle aged African American women will be the perfect jury for this case.Oj’s trial was a media circus and attorneys were treated like celebrities. When they used the bloody glove on Simpsons house Shapiro wanted to plead a cope a plead for manslaughter. On February 5, 1997, a civil jury in Santa Monica, California unanimously found Simpson liable for the wrongful death of and battery against Goldman, and battery against Brown. Daniel Petrocelli represented plaintiff Fred Goldman, Ronald Goldman's father. +In Simpsons civial trial 8 and a half million dollars were payed to the Goldmans. Oj Simpson Trial Nabil Arnaout Eng 111/ Enf 09 March 18, 2013 Trial of the Century To this day, OJ Simpson's famous murder trial, â€Å"The People vs. OJ Simpson†, remains one of the most publicized and famous murder trials in recent history. It attracted the attention of every major news network, and caused quite a stir in the daily lives of Los Angeles, if not all American lifestyles. The infamous car chase was such an important incident that many news networks dropped coverage of the 1994 NBA Finals, which was happening at the same time, to show the chase in all its glory.The combination of the high profile murders, publicity, and the â€Å"dream team†of Johnnie Cochran and Robert Kardashian have cemented the OJ Simpson case in the minds of many Americans. After the murders, when attorney Robert Shapiro informed Simpson that he needed to turn himself over to the police, Simpson failed to show. Shortly afterwards, his white Ford Bronco was spotted and the police began pursuit (Linder 8). It would be one of the most famous car chases in American history.Claiming a hostage situation in the car, he led them on a 35 mile an hour chase, which, as mentioned before, disrupted many of the local news channels' broadcasts as they switched to the chase. He was allowed to go home and talk to his mother before he was arrested for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goodman. The case would take many twists and turns, with plenty of evidence being twisted, and in some cases not accepted at all.It started in 1995, but as of 2008, some evidence was still in dispute. The glove, found by officer Mark Fuhrman, had both victims' blood on it, but was rejected because it apparently was â€Å"too small†for Simpson's hand to fit, prompting Johnnie Cochran's infamous line, â€Å"If it don't fit, you must acquit! â€Å"(Baley 6) In the Ford Bronco, the blood of both victims was also found on the center console, and it came to light that the knife (murder weapon) was purchased by OJ a few weeks earlier.This evidence was also not accepted in court because the person who sold OJ the knife had sold his story to a tabloid magazine, which deemed it unacceptable to court. Although the murder was committed in Santa Monica, due to the extreme public attention to the case and the media craze attached to it, they moved the trial to downtown Los Angeles, and was presided there by Judge Lance Ito. The duration of the trial (almost 8 months), made many of the participants of the case into TV celebrities.After numerous attempts to prove Simpson's innocence, Cochran and Kardashian (the Dream Team, as the media called them), called Simpson's mother and daughter to the stand. After a tearful display where they lauded Simpson's good nature and pleasant qualities, the jury began to sway towards Simpson, even though it was already proven that the relationship between Simpson and his ex-wife had been abusive. (Sherwell 9) After an 8 month trial, the verdict of the t rial finally was published: â€Å"Not Guilty†.Some say the building racial tensions resulting from the case affected the verdict (political reasons), while others maintain that the jury had been bribed or swayed with improper evidence. Simpson walked out. Some also believe the Simpson's son was involved in the murders. Jason Simpson had an even worse background than his father when it came to domestic abuse. Numerous accounts of psychotic tendencies and physical violence brought Jason to light as a possible suspect. Add to that that he was a chef and always had a knife in arm's reach. (Truman 20)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Green Power Policies in the USA
Green Power Policies in the USA The United States of America is the largest consumer of oil in the world. Its total oil consumption accounts for a quarter of the world’s oil consumption (Zuckerman 323). Zuckerman further estimates that America consumes approximately twenty one million barrels of oil daily (323). Over the past few years, there has been a rise in the uses of energy in the United States.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Green Power Policies in the United States of America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This can be attributed to the sudden upsurge in the demand for energy across the nation, both domestically and industrially. The main factor that has led to this is the continuous establishment of factories and industries at an alarming rate. The invention of a wide range of electrical gadgets has also led to an increased consumption of energy in American homes. This increase in the rate of energy consumption has necessitated th e formulation of policies that will guarantee fuel efficiency in America for the next fifty years. This essay will look at some of these policies that the United States of America can adapt for the next fifty years in a bid to regulate energy consumption and attain energy conservation. The government and other non-governmental organizations should join hands in implementing policies that will aim at reducing the current high rate of energy waste in homes and companies. Currently, the United States of America spends a lot of revenue on importing oil. In fact, America only produces a mere third of the total oil it consumes. Energy conservation and efficiency policies will go a long way in allaying these costs. Al Gore (301) points out that the American economy is on the verge of collapsing if the country continues spending billions of dollars annually on oil imports. In his article â€Å"Stop the Energy Insanity,†Zuckerman explains why it is high time that America started expl oiting its own oil reserves (324). This would be the first step towards the revitalizing of the fuel efficiency of America. America’s oil reserves are estimated to be about a hundred billion barrels. This large quantity of oil is enough to take the country for fifty years. The occurrence of these oil reserves is coupled with natural gas which is estimated to be about 420 trillion cubic feet.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The natural gas can be used to replace over 1400 coal-powered electric plants to reduce air pollution (Friedman 297). Furthermore, the exploration of domestic oil reserves by the U.S will encourage other oil-producing countries to expand their exploration leading to a global oil sufficiency (Task Force 314) There is a dire need for the adoption of renewable sources of energy by the United States of America. Solar energy is the most prefe rred source of energy in this category. This is because this source of energy is environment friendly as it doesn’t lead to any type of pollution. The United States should consider investing more on solar energy in order to cut down on oil imports and consequently conserve the environment. According to Friedman (297), a seven-hundred-fold increase of solar power will go a long way in saving the earth from pollution caused by coal-fired power. The government can promote the popularity and use of solar energy by boosting the manufacture of solar panels and increased advertisement of the same. Many Americans have a personal bias against the use of solar energy. It is deemed to be highly inadequate and inefficient. Solar energy is regarded as one which can’t support large factory and industrial operations that require a substantially large amount of energy. However, the truth is that solar energy can effectively support these operations. This can be achieved if the product ion of this type of energy is carried out on large scale. A number of large solar panels have the capability to generate the same amount of energy as that generated by oil or other non-renewable sources. Wind energy is yet another type of renewable sources of energy that can be included in the United States’ policy to curb energy consumption and wastage in the highly industrialized nation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Green Power Policies in the United States of America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With the uncertainties in the oil market and the rapid deterioration of other sources of energy, it is time that the American government and other concerned organizations considered revolutionizing this source of energy in order to generate extra energy. Wind energy can help in reducing the polluting effect of coal-fired power if its use is increased fortyfold (Friedman 297). Over seventy percent of total en ergy consumption in the United States of America is used in transportation, mostly by personal cars (Zuckerman 323). Policies to improve the fuel efficiency of a vehicle will therefore help to reduce this high consumption rate. For instance, using modern aerodynamics increases the fuel efficiency of a vehicle by reducing the drag. Increased fuel efficiency of the vehicle will in turn save on the amount of fuel consumed by the vehicle. The government should also allow only vehicles that are made of composite materials. This is because these vehicles are light and hence reduce the level of fuel consumption. Another way to increase fuel efficiency in vehicles is by using wheels that have a reduced road to tire friction. The role of these wheels is to reduce the grip of the tires on the road. This enables the vehicle to move at a faster speed which then reduces the rate of fuel consumption per mile. Other miscellaneous ways of improving the fuel efficiency of a vehicle is by inflating t ires up to the most accurate pressure and replacing air filters that are clogged. A policy should be put in place that advocates for the above changes to be made on all vehicles in the United States of America. If this policy is operational in this country for the next five decades, it is without no doubt that the overall impact that it will have on the fuel consumption of the country will be breathtaking. The third policy that can be implemented by the United States of America to curb energy consumption majorly involves industries. In the production processes, most industries end up producing wastes that have the potential of being used to further yield other forms of energy.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of these forms include heat and steam. For example, a firm can generate electricity or steam using its waste products which can then be used as sources of energy in other activities that require the energy. The electricity can be used to heat water in order to produce steam which can then be used in another operation such as heating. It is also recommended that the industries use modern technologically advanced boilers which use less fuel but sufficiently operate at high temperatures. The government should formulate policies that oblige each and every single industry to recycle its waste products that can be converted into other forms of energy. By doing this, the industry will be diversifying its sources of energy. This will then reduce the high demand of oil and lead to an efficient system of energy consumption in the country. Adoption of this policy for a span of fifty years or more will safeguard the United States against any energy uncertainties and contribute to the eradi cation of environmental pollution. Simple initiatives taken by individual consumers of energy can also go a long way in increasing energy conservation and reducing energy wastage in the United States of America. Some of these measures include using the power-saving mode in electrical gadgets such as computers, refrigerators among many others. In this mode, the machines are able to operate normally and efficiently but using less energy than when not in this mode. Currently, such energy-saving practices are not common in America because of lack of knowledge and understanding about this particular issue among the citizens. The government should come up with ways of educating the citizens about these energy conservation steps. If each and every single American citizen was to practise these simple but useful energy conservation measures for the next fifty or so years, the energy efficiency of the United States will be greatly improved. Some steps to conserve energy may seem too simple an d so unnecessary but their significance in contributing to energy conservation cannot be overlooked. For example, using compact and efficient fluorescent light bulbs conserves more energy than when using incandescent bulbs. This is because the latter consume more energy. Fluorescent bulbs consume two thirds less energy than the incandescent bulbs. If every American energy consumer was to get rid of incandescent bulbs and turn to using fluorescent bulbs, the overall impact on energy conservation will be great. The government and other authorized bodies should formulate policies that advocate for the use of fluorescent bulbs throughout the nation. This policy can go as far as banning the use of incandescent bulbs and allowing incandescent bulbs only. Efforts geared at controlling energy consumption in buildings will greatly help in environmental conservation. This is due to the fact that forty percent of carbon (IV) Oxide emissions comes from these buildings (Al Gore 303). A lot of en ergy wastage also occurs inside buildings. Efforts to reduce this energy loss can include the use of Passive Infra Reds (PIRs) to switch off lights in rooms that are not being used. Use of architectural features that reflect some light into a building can also remove the necessity for artificial lighting, hence conserving energy. Businesses also have a role in energy conservation and prevention of environmental pollution. While other businesses overlook environmental risks and invest in carbon-intensive projects, there are some who have taken measures to avert this. For instance, Google provides free bus rides for its workers to and from work (Lubber 319). This has reduced the number of workers driving to work in personal cars, hence reducing the energy consumption. Other companies such as Microsystems have allowed some of their employees to work from home in order to reduce transport costs. In conclusion, the United States of America is faced with a major challenge of putting in pl ace certain policies that will guarantee efficient use of all forms of energy. The main policy is the turning form the use of non-renewable sources of energy to the use of renewable sources of energy. In addition to this, the government of the United States and concerned organizations should stage up a campaign that is aimed at educating the general public on the ways of conserving energy. These ways could include how to improve the fuel efficiency of a vehicle, how to save energy while using electrical gadgets and many others. From the foregoing discussion, it can be concluded that America should put in place an energy conservation policy that will improve its efficiency in the next fifty years. Al Gore. â€Å"The Climate for Change.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Ed. Behrens, Lawrence and Rosen Leonard. Longman Publishing Group, 2010. 86-88. Print. Friedman, Thomas. â€Å"205 East Wat to Save the Earth.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum . 11th Ed. Behrens, Lawrence and Rosen Leonard. Longman Publishing Group, 2010. 83-85. Print. Lubber, Mindy. â€Å"Balance Sheet the Climate Crisis: How America Businesses Can Help.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Ed. Behrens, Lawrence and Rosen Leonard. Longman Publishing Group, 2010. 77-79. Print. Task Force. â€Å"National Security Consequences of U.S. Oil Dependence.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Ed. Behrens, Lawrence and Rosen Leonard. Longman Publishing Group, 2010. 80-82. Print. Zuckerman, Morton. â€Å"Stop the Energy Insanity.†Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Ed. Behrens, Lawrence and Rosen Leonard. Longman Publishing Group, 2010. 89-91. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Oil Spills
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: the Harm That Followed Almost 14,000 oil spills are reported each year. The Exxon Valdez oil spill is one these reported and also one of the world’s most known. It was not the largest spill, but it had the most detrimental environmental effects known today. The Exxon Valdez spill is also the most expensive spills to date. The spill occurred in Prince William Sound of Alaska. This is a large commercial fishing industry, plus it is home to migratory birds, sea otters, and many other marine mammals. The Exxon Valdez spill sadly could have been prevented. Because of the negligence of the captain of the Exxon Valdez, the tanker struck a reef with detrimental effects. The Exxon Valdez tanker was loaded with 40 million gallons (952,000 barrels) of oil in Valdez from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The captain of the ship, Captain Joseph Hazelwood, came on board after having drinks with a friend at the port. Once the ship was filled they wasted no time and began their journey to the refineries in Long Beach, California after dark on the evening of March 23, 1989. When the captain boarded the ship, he knew many things about the ship. For example, when the 987 foot long ship is fully loaded it rides five stories deep in the water (Blashfield, 17). Bligh Reef, which they would be passing by is only 40 feet below the surface of the sea. This massive ship takes at least two miles to stop. Knowing all of this information Captain Hazelwood decided to cut it close by trying to turn the tanker in the narrow space between the ice and the reef. (Schoowe, 11). With all of this known, the captain did three strange things. He ordered the helmsman to put the ship on automatic pilot, he ordered the engines accelerated to a speed normally used only in open seas, and he left the bridge, with a junior officer, third mate Gregory Cousins, in charge while he went to his cabin. What happened next will later be a ... Free Essays on Oil Spills Free Essays on Oil Spills The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: the Harm That Followed Almost 14,000 oil spills are reported each year. The Exxon Valdez oil spill is one these reported and also one of the world’s most known. It was not the largest spill, but it had the most detrimental environmental effects known today. The Exxon Valdez spill is also the most expensive spills to date. The spill occurred in Prince William Sound of Alaska. This is a large commercial fishing industry, plus it is home to migratory birds, sea otters, and many other marine mammals. The Exxon Valdez spill sadly could have been prevented. Because of the negligence of the captain of the Exxon Valdez, the tanker struck a reef with detrimental effects. The Exxon Valdez tanker was loaded with 40 million gallons (952,000 barrels) of oil in Valdez from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The captain of the ship, Captain Joseph Hazelwood, came on board after having drinks with a friend at the port. Once the ship was filled they wasted no time and began their journey to the refineries in Long Beach, California after dark on the evening of March 23, 1989. When the captain boarded the ship, he knew many things about the ship. For example, when the 987 foot long ship is fully loaded it rides five stories deep in the water (Blashfield, 17). Bligh Reef, which they would be passing by is only 40 feet below the surface of the sea. This massive ship takes at least two miles to stop. Knowing all of this information Captain Hazelwood decided to cut it close by trying to turn the tanker in the narrow space between the ice and the reef. (Schoowe, 11). With all of this known, the captain did three strange things. He ordered the helmsman to put the ship on automatic pilot, he ordered the engines accelerated to a speed normally used only in open seas, and he left the bridge, with a junior officer, third mate Gregory Cousins, in charge while he went to his cabin. What happened next will later be a ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysing The Qualities Of An Effective Communicator Education Essay
Analysing The Qualities Of An Effective Communicator Education Essay The qualities of an effective communicator in the early learning centre are establishing and maintaining meaningful and respectful relationships with Educators, families and children. As an Educator, communicating effectively demonstrates interest, trust, commitment and professionalism. Educators communicate through a variety of different ways. Communicating effectively can be through forms of writing, speech, verbal, non-verbal and body language. Communication is the key to success and importantly what brings the world together. An effective communicator is an effective listener. The quality of an effective communicator in the early learning centre provides families and parents important and relevant information and the willingness to discuss positive aspects of the child. Communicating effectively demonstrates a high level of quality and reassurance for both parents and the educator. Important information that is discussed and carried out within the early learning centre is the ch ild’s progression (daily information). This information that is relevantly discussed is the child’s routine, meal times, sleep times, the child’s developmental areas which are social skills, communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, emotional and cognitive skills and the child’s well-being. Informative discussions that are held between educators and families are based on the child’s interests and motives. This information is beneficial for the parents and demonstrates how an educator shows initiative and companionship towards children and their education that the educator brings into the child’s environment. Families also are benefiting and gaining this information which allows them an understanding and good results of how their child is progressing in the centre. This includes what the child may need to focus on and the positive side of the child. As children are all individuals, educators are to include children with special needs to experience literature, language skills and all areas of development skills. Children with special needs have special aids that teach children communication skills and different ways of communication which involves mostly how to understand communication which is non-verbal. Within the daily program that is carried out in an early learning centre, educators are to also include diversity. Including language through diversity promotes children the ability to learn different languages, culture and most importantly how to speak different languages. As an Educator, communicating effectively to children develops their social, emotional, physical and intellectual skills. While communicating to children it broadens their understanding on reading and literacy. These main two qualities of development help children to improve on their pronunciation skills and their language skills. As children are developing such an important skill in their life, they are developing self-confidence within th emselves. As an educator, demonstrating effective communication skills enhances children’s awareness of how to talk, read and write. Children learn by hearing words, therefore when educators are communicating to children within the learning centre, children are capable of matching the words together and making meaning of what is being heard. As quoted, â€Å"Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read.†– Marilyn Jager Adams.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critically Engange with the concept of Leadership in the hospitality Essay
Critically Engange with the concept of Leadership in the hospitality Industry. Evaluate and critically assess the theory and pra - Essay Example ..4 3.2 Transformational†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 3.3 Transactional†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....5 3.4 Issues †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 3.4.1 Corporate vision and mission†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 3.4.2 Cultural diversity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....6 3.4.3 Nurturing and delegation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 3.4.4 Teamwork†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 3.5 Impacts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 3.5.1 Unity of working teams†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 3.5.2 Setting organizational tone, strategy and right culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 3.5.3 Improved individual employee personal performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 4. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 5. ... It is one of the most dynamic industries across the globe in the modern day context with so much differentiation of products and embracing varying leadership styles in order to cope with the ever-increasing pressure in competition. To be more specific, it is a common observation of new and emergent organizations as well as dominant players within the industry to adopt different types of leadership styles in order to be more relevant within the industry and compete more favorably. It is in this understanding that this paper intends to critically analyze the leadership style upheld by the Hilton global hotel with special attention to the leadership of the serving CEO, Christopher J Nassetta. 2. Introduction Leadership is the art of imparting influence to people and making them willingly cooperate towards realizing an organizations purpose. In our analysis, Christopher, the CEO to Hilton Hotels exhibits great aspects of a leader and practices a range of leadership styles. In particular, he practices strategic leadership styles which entails the capacity of a leader to shape an organization’s decisions, deliver high value over time through not only his/her own efforts but by inspiring and guiding other people in the organization too (Wong, 2003, p. v). He also shows transactional leadership traits which are explained through the ‘exchange’ aspect that he cultivates between the leaders and the subordinates. Besides, Christopher practices transformational leadership styles, which shows high level of responsibility in creation of interactions and motivations (emotional attachment) within the leadership structure of an organization. 3. Discussion There are some basic aspects of a leader, which are used to explain and describe strategic leadership. These are
Choose a global company and criticly analyse the structure Assignment
Choose a global company and criticly analyse the structure - Assignment Example The business has originated from United States (US) and has more than 4000 branches all over the world. The most attractive feature of this organization, which brought huge recognition for it, is the customer service, quality of the product it serves and the cosy environment (Businessstudents, n.d.). The study focuses on analyzing the organization structure and the various strategies that they adapted to become successful. Methodology The study deals in critical analysis of the changes in the organizational structure and its impact on the business. In this regards the changes in the organizational structure of Starbucks has been studied and then the impact has been evaluated. The data has been collected from secondary sources and various theoretical concepts have been used while doing the analysis. Critical Analysis Organizational Structure In 2008 Starbucks has made several dramatic changes in its organization structure in order to focus its effort towards enhancing the customer exp erience. This decision was made after Howard Mark Schultz, joined as the CEO of the firm. The modifications in the organizational structure were done in order to focus more on customers in US and consolidate the support function of the organization. The organization in US will have four divisions such as Northeast/Atlantic, Southeast/Plains, Northwest/Mountains and Western/Pacific (Starbucks Corporation, 2008). The new organization structure not only helped the organization in creating more capacities for the field team but also aligned the leader close to the partners and the customers. The senior vice president working in each division will be directly working under the president. Under each division the employees who are supporting finance, partner resources, marketing and store development will be directly reporting to their respective functions and is accountable for the result of that division. The team created will be centralized to form an infrastructure with effectiveness, capability and global span (Starbucks Corporation, 2008). Again in 2011 the corporate structure of the organization was changed. Three new regional organizational structure was formed namely China and Asia Pacific, Americas and EMEA (Europe, United Kingdom, Middle East and Africa). The presidents who will be responsible for each of these regions will be looking after the business of the company related to the retail business. They worked closely with joint-venture and licensed business partners of each market. In order to build the Starbucks brand and channel in each region, each of the units closely operates with Starbucks Global Consumer Products and Foodservice team (Starbucks Corporation, 2011). Environmental scanning technique Starbucks aims to reduce the impact that they make to the environment through their operations. But doing this they aimed to make sustainability as an integral part of the company’s culture. In 1990 through Guiding Principles, Starbucks embed the v alue of providing positive contribution towards the environment and the community. Again in the year 1992 Starbucks committed themselves to play the role of environmental leadership in all the aspects of their business through their statement of Environmental Mission. As the organization has integrated the environmental policies in all the areas of their operations, so for all their
Short essay philosophy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Short philosophy - Essay Example He believed in the ability of man to do good. His philosophy entailed the inability of man to be evil. Socrates held that all the evil that occurred in the world did so because of the ignorance of man. The exact dates of the birth of the Buddha have been a subject of debate among historians; however, he lived in India during the fifth century B.C. his philosophy is similar to that of Hinduism. He emphasized on the importance of gaining freedom from desire. This he believed, would grant man freedom from the cycle of life and death to which one was confined otherwise. Man’s salvation lay in a detachment from worldly affairs. seventeenth century. He believed in the rational nature of being and attempted to arrive at something that he would be able to label as the truth. He believed that thought was the one feature that was unique to man and defined him. The thoughts of a man were what made him what he was. Elizabeth of Bohemia was a contemporary and regular correspondent of Descartes. Her work in philosophy concerns the relationship between the mind and the body. This is related to the work that was produced by Descartes, who worked on the relationship between man and the thoughts that originate in his mind. She however, is critical of the divorce that Descartes effects between the body and the mind and places great emphasis on the effect that both have on each other. The philosophers that have been discussed here belong to different ages and nationalities. Their contributions to the field of philosophy, however, are great. Contemporary researchers and philosophers have been able to see the connections between these different ideologies and in them, man’s eternal quest to understand his own nature and position within the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Globalization, Education, and Cultural Identity Assignment
Globalization, Education, and Cultural Identity - Assignment Example As the essay declares in recent decades, the push towards globalization had been unrelenting. Seen mainly as a means by which countries could improve its competitiveness in the global market for goods and services, nations of the world embarked on an all-out race to adopt the international (read: Western) manner of speaking, dressing, and acquiring a taste for music on the MTV, products sold on eBay, or movie stars on HBO. Children are especially vulnerable, because their minds are much like a blank book for anyone to write in, so unguarded are they in discerning right from wrong. It is therefore a valid concern for policy makers to determine whether educational stress on globalization benefits a country economically at the expense of its unique cultural heritage. Answering this would provide direction for institutionalized education on how to deal with unfolding developments in this area. As the paper discusses Christoph Wulf, professor of general and comparative educational sciences in Freie University in Germany, outlined some crucial points in the transmission and learning of intangible heritage. Focusing, for example, on the cultural element of rituals and practices, Wulf is of the view that what makes rituals and other practices socially and culturally effective is the performative character of the body. Rituals are valuable social functions. They help to organize the transition from one social status to another, at socially and existentially central moments such as marriage, birth and death.
LAND LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
LAND LAW - Essay Example He was not regular in visiting his property since he purchased it in year 1952, when he had asked his seller to plant Christmas trees on the land with the idea of harvesting it in later years. However, he could not tend to his land since he was posted at Bonn between the years 1955 to 1967. Subsequent to his return, between the years 1967-1972, the McFarlane’s could make few visits to the property site, but it was clear that his interest in his property was waning. The McFarlanes did not suspect that their land was under the possession of Powell until, in 1972, they noticed the new fencing on their land, which gave rise to suspicion in their minds that perhaps all was not well regarding their claims to the stated property. Powell brought action stating that he was in adverse possession of the said disputed land since 12 years from the period 1960 to1972.In order to substantiate this statement, he had to prove that he had actual possession and control over the said land for the last 12 years. The facts, as observed by Slade J, were that for a person to be in possession, whether legal or illegal, he should be able to bring action for trespass, against any trespasser or squatter, who comes into the said land, without his permission. This is except in the case of a person who has a better title to the land then what he himself has.. In other words, he had to maintain animus possidendi.This means that, when the law has to attribute possession of a land to person who does not have paper title on the said land, he must be in a position to prove that he has both the factual possession as well as the requisite intention to possess the said land. (Farlane 1977). The main issue in the event of alleged possession is that the squatter is dealing with the land as though it is his own, and in a manner that would be used by the true owner, and nobody else. The essence of animus posited is that the squatter, in his own
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Short essay philosophy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Short philosophy - Essay Example He believed in the ability of man to do good. His philosophy entailed the inability of man to be evil. Socrates held that all the evil that occurred in the world did so because of the ignorance of man. The exact dates of the birth of the Buddha have been a subject of debate among historians; however, he lived in India during the fifth century B.C. his philosophy is similar to that of Hinduism. He emphasized on the importance of gaining freedom from desire. This he believed, would grant man freedom from the cycle of life and death to which one was confined otherwise. Man’s salvation lay in a detachment from worldly affairs. seventeenth century. He believed in the rational nature of being and attempted to arrive at something that he would be able to label as the truth. He believed that thought was the one feature that was unique to man and defined him. The thoughts of a man were what made him what he was. Elizabeth of Bohemia was a contemporary and regular correspondent of Descartes. Her work in philosophy concerns the relationship between the mind and the body. This is related to the work that was produced by Descartes, who worked on the relationship between man and the thoughts that originate in his mind. She however, is critical of the divorce that Descartes effects between the body and the mind and places great emphasis on the effect that both have on each other. The philosophers that have been discussed here belong to different ages and nationalities. Their contributions to the field of philosophy, however, are great. Contemporary researchers and philosophers have been able to see the connections between these different ideologies and in them, man’s eternal quest to understand his own nature and position within the
LAND LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
LAND LAW - Essay Example He was not regular in visiting his property since he purchased it in year 1952, when he had asked his seller to plant Christmas trees on the land with the idea of harvesting it in later years. However, he could not tend to his land since he was posted at Bonn between the years 1955 to 1967. Subsequent to his return, between the years 1967-1972, the McFarlane’s could make few visits to the property site, but it was clear that his interest in his property was waning. The McFarlanes did not suspect that their land was under the possession of Powell until, in 1972, they noticed the new fencing on their land, which gave rise to suspicion in their minds that perhaps all was not well regarding their claims to the stated property. Powell brought action stating that he was in adverse possession of the said disputed land since 12 years from the period 1960 to1972.In order to substantiate this statement, he had to prove that he had actual possession and control over the said land for the last 12 years. The facts, as observed by Slade J, were that for a person to be in possession, whether legal or illegal, he should be able to bring action for trespass, against any trespasser or squatter, who comes into the said land, without his permission. This is except in the case of a person who has a better title to the land then what he himself has.. In other words, he had to maintain animus possidendi.This means that, when the law has to attribute possession of a land to person who does not have paper title on the said land, he must be in a position to prove that he has both the factual possession as well as the requisite intention to possess the said land. (Farlane 1977). The main issue in the event of alleged possession is that the squatter is dealing with the land as though it is his own, and in a manner that would be used by the true owner, and nobody else. The essence of animus posited is that the squatter, in his own
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Delta Air Lines Essay Example for Free
Delta Air Lines Essay The Delta Airlines boasts of an affluent history that tells the story of how it came to be the successful airline company that it is at present. It all started when the Huff Daland Dusters got involved with crop-dusting in Macon, state of Georgia. In 1925, Huff Daland Dusters relocated to Monroe in the state of Louisiana where it was known for being a successful private company, owning eighteen planes. Due to the growing success of Huff Daland Dusters, C. E. Woolman who established Delta Air Lines purchased the private dusting company. The company was then named Delta Air Service. (Delta, 2008a) In 1930, Delta Air Service begins to operate in Atlanta, Georgia where it discontinued services for passengers, and became Delta Air Corporation. When the company was approved to provide mail services again, which was unsuccessful in 1930, it continued to provide services for passengers. In 1942, Delta became involved with the war, with its active involvement in transforming and refurbishing over one thousand aircrafts to be utilized during the war, and in providing instruction for pilots belonging to the army and aircraft technicians. After three years, the company was renamed as Delta Air Lines, Inc. (Delta, 2008a) In 1961, Delta launched the first direct flight from its base to Los Angeles. In 1972, Delta became a much bigger company through the Northeast Airlines merger, the Western Airlines merger in 1987, and the company’s purchase of Pan Am. The Pan Am purchase allowed Delta to become a global carrier. (Delta 2008a) The current CEO of Delta Air Lines is Richard H. Anderson in September last year, although being just a new member five months prior to that. Anderson acquired a wide ranged of airline experiences during his twenty years in the business. Prior to his membership to the Delta Air Line Board of Directors, he served for Continental Airlines, and jumped from one post to another higher position in the Northwest Airlines. Moreover, he worked for UnitedHealth Group where he was a president of the Markets group. After his three-year service with the company, he joined Delta Air Lines. (Delta, 2008b) At present, the Delta Air Lines is based still in Atlanta Georgia where it provides their customers 310 flight destinations for all over 54 countries in the world. In 2007, Delta just announced the addition of 50 routes all over the world. (Delta, 2008c)This just proves how successful they are in what they do that they are able to cater to thousands of people who have the luxury of choosing where to go from numerous destinations locally or abroad. Delta Air Lines became successful because of its innovativeness and openness to mergers that made it one of the largest company airlines in the history of the United States. Moreover, Delta Air Lines is linked to several other airline companies and are allied with other foreign airlines. In the past, Delta was able to do mergers with several airlines and from then on continued to expand by targeting international destinations and partnership. Its success may also be attributed to the wide range of services that they can provide to their customers. Perhaps, the company fosters good relationships with its employees, primarily because of the concern that Delta exhibits to them. In September 2005, Delta was awarded as one of America’s Safest Companies as it implemented strict rules and policies on health and safety for employees in the workplace. (Delta, 2008d) Currently, Delta has expanded its target market to include even the lower classes of society with its launching of Song ®. The air service offers low prices on flights and lessens the time for aircrafts to continue services. This means that Song ® is able to provide as many flights as possible to the people in order to make up for their time. (List, 2003) Moreover, Delta is in partnership with SkyMiles, which enables their customers to earn free tree miles, which is gained by the number of flights one purchases. They also support several foundations and organizations, such as The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, etc. that helps to build their image and reputation, and gain more followers for the expansion of the airline. These changes have References Delta Air Lines â€Å"Delta Through the Decades.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. 2008a: 15 April 2008. Delta Air Lines â€Å"Richard H. Anderson.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. 2008b: 15 April 15, 2008. Delta Air Lines. â€Å"New Routes Mean More Sources.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. 2008c: April 15, 2008. Delta Air Lines. â€Å"Awards Recognition.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. 2008d: April 15, 2008. List. B. â€Å"Operations researchers say Delta Air Lines’ Song has cut turnaround time of aircraft by 25%.†Innovations Report 2003: April 15, 2008.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Strong Brand Since The 1950s Marketing Essay
Strong Brand Since The 1950s Marketing Essay Brands are of high importance to companies since they have the ability to bring attributes and associations to consumers minds and add value to the producing company and the product itself (Kotler, 2003). Adidas is a globally very strong brand since the 1950s. Adidas manufactures products that cover a wide spectrum of the total global sport market. Their products are divided in three main categories which are: Adidas Sport Performance, Adidas Sport Heritage and Adidas Sport Style. The wide variety of products that Adidas manufactures is the core problem since it is difficult for the company to establish full communication with its potential consumers. As a result of adding value only to some of the product segments is the possible association, in the mind of the consumer, of the brand with only some of the segments. Adidas in the eyes of the consumers is mostly associated with football which as a sport is by far known as a mens sport. Women on the other hand the previous years werent prioritized for the communication and sales promotion strategies. But the last decades women are involved in sports in a much higher percentage equally to the one of men. This has led the female sportswear market and industry to grow rapidly in order to cover the gap. In many households women are making the final decisions for the products that will be bought. This has led many companies to change their advertising position and make their advertisements more attractive to women. Advertising and communication strategies are the power to create associations and perceptions to a brand and enhance its brand image so that the brand will be more attractive and interesting in the mind of the consumer (Nilson, Torsten, 2000). In order to succeed in reaching out to women Adidas followed the changes, adapted to the needs that modern women have and came up with a deal with world famous designer Stella McCartney developing a new product line extension known as Adidas by Stella McCartney. STRATEGIC DECISIONS Question 2 Prepare positioning maps and perceptual maps for the chosen-appointed subgroup. Present appropriate explanations in order to support your proposals. Positioning Map Male Innovative Classic Adidas Female Adidas by Stella McCartney is generally positioned in the positioning map as a new innovative stylish top collection designed for women. Sportswear apparel for women exists as a product line in Adidas product categories for many decades. The new top line collection by Stella McCartney is an innovative new collection in womens sportswear that combines performance and functionality with high quality. Perceptual Maps High School Graduate or more Some High School or less Economically strong Economically weak Adidas Adidas by Stella McCartney collection is mostly addressed to women who are educated and in a way wealthy because of their personal success in business environment as a result of personal achievements. By being economically strong women can buy this collection rather searching for products which are best value for money, or for special discounts and offerings; the Adidas by Stella McCartney does not have discounts or special offers. Big Spender Out of Fashion In Style Stingy Adidas Adidas by Stella McCartney new top line collection targets women who spend a lot of money in cloths and shoes and in sports apparel in general. They usually look to purchase sportswear by famous designers to fulfill their need and desire to be attractive, different and stand out in the crowd. Sport Active Expensive Cheap Sport Inactive Adidas The new top line collection Adidas by Stella McCartney is addressed to women who are sport active and are willing to pay more money to purchase sportswear designed by a famous designer. Big City Income 15000-30000 $ Income Rural Adidas Adidas by Stella McCartney is addressed to women living in big cities and having an average income of 23000$. In big cities the trends are a daily phenomenon and economically strong women want to be in the trend and always look stylish because of the competition that exists sometimes in big cities. Every successful woman likes to be different and attractive because of her stylish and famous designed outfit. ANALYSIS OF THE PROMOTIONAL MIX Question 3 Critically present the advertising and sales promotion objectives of the specific subgroup. Through advertising companies try to attach certain values to a product and make it more attractive to the needs of the consumer. Advertisements are paid announcements which usually target a specific market target group and are made or designed in a way to influence the consumer to buy the product or service being advertised. For that reason advertisements can be promoted by television, radio, newspapers, magazines and internet (Cohan, 2001). The last years Adidas has launched a new collection which is released every six months and is designed especially for women; it is called the Adidas by Stella McCartney. Adidas by Stella McCartney new collection is communicated and advertised through some types of media and the Adidas Group itself and both sides hope to increase the brand awareness and enhance the brand equity. Adidas believes that the most suitable way to communicate with women that their target group consists of is through womens magazines. For that reason every womans magazine in Greece has ads of the Adidas by Stella McCartney collection. These ads are published at the magazine issue that is around the date of the new collection release, before and during major holidays such as Christmas and Easter. The collections distribution on the other hand is limited. The head offices in Athens Greece control the places where the collection will be available for purchase. Such cities are the centre of Athens, Thessaloniki, and Larissa. But also in those cities only some selected stores have the permission to sell Stellas collection and that occurs after being very carefully chosen complying with a number of criteria. The image of Adidas and Stella McCartney can not be risked by having stock products. This new top product line is targeting people in large cities; on the other hand the Woman Indoor classic line is available in Adidas stores all over the world and is addressed to general women consumers. Because of the fact that Adidas is planning on spending a bigger budget every year on the woman segment the company looks for spokespersons that can promote their new line and add value to it. Of course Stella McCartney can be considered as the first but some other agreements have been made too. Such spokespersons who can also be considered are among other world famous athletes, tennis player Maria Kirilenko, and 400 meters hurdle runner Fani Halkia from Greece. Both of these athletes have signed not only to model but also to wear Adidas by Stella McCartney collection in every athletic event or major training day. Adidas does not prefer television ads to advertise the womans collection. The company uses the female magazines to organize events and festivals in large department stores and promote its womans collection through direct marketing communication. Also Adidas has never used discounts on Stella McCartneys collection. Instead the company prefers to organize fashion shows with runways, competitions and snack and beverage happenings to promote their top line collection for women. Question 4 Present the market segments that you propose to be targeted. The target group(s) shall be reported in demographic and mental-psychographic and purchase motives terms. Adidas main target group for their womens collection should be consisted of 20 and 35 year old women, maybe 37. Such a woman should live in a city or in a suburban area near a big city. She can still be in college or she is older, independent and working in preferred position in a company. The targeted segment is able and spends a large amount of money on clothes, shoes and apparel. In mental psychographic and purchase motive terms she can be characterized as sexy and seductive for the group of 20 to 27 and economically independent and successful for the group 28 to 35. She believes that by purchasing and having a world famous label in her cloths and shoes she improves her image, which is the reason why she buys world famous designers expensive brands for cloths and shoes, because by that purchase she believes that her well known cloths make her being perceived accordingly by her environment. That targeted woman is very stylish in a peculiar way sometimes but likes to capture attention and glances of the people around her, she likes giving stylish and purchase advises and generally she likes to be unique in a crowd. Sports on the other hand play a very important role in her everyday life. She wants to be perceived as an athlete for her leisure time but she takes the chance every time there is a competition. She wants her clothing to be functional but by all means they have to be stylish as well so that she can feel secure. She usually spends her time on training in different kinds of sports 3 to 4 times per week and simultaneously she can also have a subscription in a gym or even a fitness center for relaxation, because staying fit and being healthy is among her priorities. Question 5 In brief present your sales promotion (of any type) proposals, in order to support marketing communication program and help to succeed the 2010 sales goals of the specific Adidas subgroup. Since 2004 Adidas has decided to spend more and more economic resources every year to increase its brand awareness towards women. As result a business agreement, more like collaboration, was established with word famous designer Stella McCartney. The Adidas by Stella McCartney collection is more stylish and fashionable including each years new fashion and style trends and separating from the previous collections designed for women which were targeted more into sport type women. Having TV commercials is not suitable for the advertising of the new collection. TV advertisements cost a lot and are a difficult task to try communicating efficiently with the companys target group in all countries; plus if TV ads are not controlled effectively can lead to an overexposure of the collection and as a result to the negative perception of the brand. On the other hand special discounts and offerings are in a way forbidden because they could lead in negative perception of the brand. The new top line collection for women should increase the brand equity and enhance the companys and designers brand image. What Adidas can follow is a direct marketing strategy, which is already being followed. Adidas by Stella McCartney collection is currently advertised in the majority of the womens magazines in Greece. Also Adidas can benefit from the fact that its collection is offered in the countrys most known shopping centers and malls and with the collaboration of each magazine separately can organize fashion shows with models wearing and promoting that top line collection. Also happenings can be carried out in the shopping malls and departments with free snacks and drinks during the introduction of a new season collection. With such events Adidas promotes not only its brand and new collection but also the shopping store that distributes and sells its top line collection avoiding in that way overexposure. Another sales promotion activity which can be introduced in a more premium way is the organizing of special events especially for the women subscribers of the female and fashion magazines. Adidas can benefit from the magazines readers databases and invite them in a cocktail party for example with famous fashion models, artists and designers. In that way Adidas promotes its new collection, establishes better communication with women from its target group and enhances its brand image and brand equity.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Killer Whales - The Orcas Essay -- Research Essays Papers
Killer Whales - The Orcas Killer whales are one of the most fascinating displays of ocean life. The killer whale has characteristics that are important to its survival in the ocean. It is interesting to know that killer whales have a plentiful diet. It is astounding to see how killer whales behave in the ocean. I plan to tell you about the killer whale, its characteristics, its diet, and its behavior in the ocean as well as the predation of the orca. Orcinus orca is the scientific name for the massive marine mammal. Orcas are not rare, but have declining numbers in some areas (Martin.) Orcas are found from the Artic Ocean to the Antartic Ocean. (Britannica) They belong to the Delphinidae, or dolphin family, which is the largest of their species. Female orcas grow to be at the most 15 feet, and weigh up to 4 tons, but the males can grow as large as 20-30 feet, and weight up to 8 tons. (Martin) The color of the orca is white in some spots, black on the majority of the body, and gray just behind the dorsal fin. It is white on the chin, belly and the eye. The white patch above the eye is usually mistaken for the eye, and may confuse their prey, but acts as a camouflage for the eye. The name â€Å"killer whale†makes people tend to believe that this is a viscious man-eating mammal, yet it is one of the most shrewd, docile and playful species of the marine mammals. The orca is sexually mature at 10-15 years of age, much like humans, which is 12-13 years of age. They tend to mate year round, and is able to have a calf every two years. It is interesting to know that lactation of the mother lasts 12 or more months (Wynne.) The life expectancy of orcas is 45-50 years of age. The orca has some distinctive features. The do... ...own to circle its dead for hours until dying itself. It puts its own life on the line when the others in its group is in trouble. The diverse diet also makes it an interesting marine mammal to know about because different types of marine life have a food staple consisting of two or three species. The orcas distinctive white spot above the eye make for good diversion and the conical teeth make for excellent hunting. And although they range in size depending on sex, the fascination with this fair sized marine mammal is immeasurable in size. Bibliography Martin, Richard Mark Mammals of the Ocean. G.P. Putnam’s Son New York, 1977 Britannica Online Dictionary. June. 2001 . Haley, Delphine Marine Mammals. Pacific Search Press Pub. Date: unknown Wynne, Kate Marine Mammals of Alaska University of Alaska Fairbanks. Pub Date: Unknown
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Huckleberry Finn book report Essay example -- essays research papers
Will Mullin Per. G/H                     The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:                          Huck’s Internal Battle           The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Samuel L. Clemens, who is also known by his pen name Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was Twain’s first book relating to adventure stories for boys. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn stars Tom Sawyers comrade, Huck. Huck is rough around the edges but a real good kid and softy at heart. Huck had good morals despite all his lies and sometimes cruel jokes and tries to do the right thing. Throughout the story Huckleberry Finn has an internal battle with racism and whether his morals or those imposed upon him by society are the right to follow. Huck is a victim of his time and influences.      Huck is a rebel always defying and opposing authority throughout the book and his constant need to break his restrictions and be truly free would be preferable. â€Å"She put me in new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing†¦ and feel all cramped up (12). Clothing are used to try and civilize Huck but this makes him feel restricted and he would rather not conform to what society believes correct. â€Å"I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she is going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can’t stand it†(283). Huck feels that in order to flee society he must move out west alone. â€Å"I been there before†(283). Huck’s quest to escape civilizations grasp is an one going one. What is interesting is that he despises society yet society admires him and he is the ideal â€Å"lone ranger†.      In this point in time black’s were not viewed as equals by the whites and were some times they were convinced that they were truely of a lower class which could explain Jim putting up with Tom’s ridiculous plans for so long. â€Å"There’s ben a dozen a-helpin’ that nigger, ‘n’ I lay I’d skin every last nigger on this place but I’d find out who done it, s’I; ‘n’ moreover, s’I.... A dozen says you!- forty couldn’t ‘a’ done every... uneducated. Society prevents Huck from being the man he wants and Jim from everything that could make him a human being rather than a piece of property.           Societies pressured views and opinions towards slavery is a heavy burden on Huck. It demands him to make a mature decision that most adults would find hard to face between his own morals or those of society. Huck often thinks to himself of how he views or treats slaves and it has been back and forth.â€Å"I knowed he was white inside†(267). â€Å"It made me feel so mean I could have almost kissed his foot†(90). As undecided Huck’s thoughts are his actions show his morals are stronger than societies. Huck was pressured most by the Law of the Land stating that all run away slaves must be turned in. His dilemma was to decide wether to follow or he defy this legal restriction and go through with helping Jim. Huck often puzzled over this and at one point started writing a letter which he ripped up because he had come to his senses and was going to help Jim as friend and not turn him in for the color of his skin. Even after this Huck still had the grief and
Friday, October 11, 2019
Non Financial Compensation
â€Å"Satisfied minds perform well†. Non Financial compensation which is not in the form of direct pay has great influence on employees motivation, performance and job satisfaction. Time is as precious as money and that encouraged many employees to request for a flexible benefits like flextime, compressed work week, telecommuting, part time work, job sharing, modified retirement. According to a nationwide survey of U. S. workers release by Gallup Organization and Carlson Marketing Group(Mondy, R. Wayne (2010), Human Resource Management (9th ed. ) ) indicates that nearly every seven out of ten employees say nonmonetary forms of recognition provide the best motivation and satisfaction which is directly related to the raise in company profits. The work life balance is a key factor for many employers in attracting and retaining the talented employees. This paper focuses on workplace flexibility at SSM IHT(Integrated health Technologies), which include flextime, compressed work we ek, telecommuting and part time work.SSM IHT provides Information technology services to the SSM Health Care organization which has group of hospitals in four states. Workplace flexibility plays a major role in daily lives of the employees here. Providing flexible work time for employees allows them to work at their most productive time, flextime. This creates healthy atmosphere and motivates employees to perform well. Everyone has preferences and commitments towards work & life, some prefers to work 4 days a week, by compressing the 40 regular hours, than the regular five days a week and spend remaining time with their familys.A 56 years old female employee at SSM IHT starts her work daily at 6am and ends day at 5pm, she works 10 hours a day for four days in a week and takes a day off either Friday or Monday, that way she wants to spend quality time with her family and also help her handicapped aunt. Her situation is a perfect example for a flextime and compressed workweek. However this flexibility has disadvantages, it adds extra load on other employees when she is not at work.Telecommuting is an essential way of doing the work from any remote location using computers which are connected through internet to their office, it is called as Work From Home(WFH) here at SSM IHT. Most of the Information technology service providers now provide telecommuting. At SSM IHT employees are provided with option of working from home more than a day , on some special cases they have provided WFH all five days a week for some employees. Telecommuting provides more flexibility and encourages employees to have work-life balance.Mainly during disasters and bad weathers SSM encourages employees to stay home and work, that way safety of the employees are addressed effectively by the organization and at the same time daily services are not interrupted. Also telecommuting addresses the challenge of ever growing work force and office space, this also saves the employees travel expenc es and promotes greener planet. Part-Time work employees work for less hours than full time work employees, usually students and parents with children prefer to work part time.Employees utilize this flexibility when they want to spend time in managing their personal business or managing their children. A manager of SAP Finance and BW ,who is parent of three children, opted to go from fulltime to part-time and only works from Tuesday to Thursday, she wanted to spend more time with children in educating them. This flexibility made her to stay back at this organization. In Summary, Non monetary benefits like workplace flexibility provide satisfaction and motivate employees at SSM IHT to perform well which increases the productivity.Due to these flexibilities employee retention is very high at SSM IHT where many employees are working for more than 20 years. Like every coin has two sides, these flexibilities also have its own pitfalls which adds extra load on employees, who has to take u p the tasks in their absence, results in extra fatigue. But these flexibilities enhances the organizations image and encourages new employees towards this organization.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Specialist idea maker characterised by high iq education essay
Learning is the womb-to-tomb procedure of uninterrupted betterment. Human being learns new things throughout its life-time. It is necessary for the overall development of human being. Merely the individual who is acute scholar can last and turn in today ‘s competitory environment. We ever continue to larn from the twenty-four hours we born till the twenty-four hours we die. Life without larning is like stagnating H2O. Human being larn everything that comes to him i.e. larn from its actions, its experience etc. In Reflection faculty I am traveling to sum up the contemplation of what I learnt. Reflection and larning are explained through assorted theoretical accounts and theory in this assignment.ASSIGNMENT 1When I am making this undertaking I was under the intuition that it is traveling to be another industry faculty where we will be demoing to merely abstract thoughts. But I came to cognize that it is more about modeling an person into acquiring prepared to a organisation calling. Largely PASS overlaps the trained and academic accomplishments that are needed by persons to fight in this reciprocally dependent universe. The first twenty-four hours of fall ining my institute is fundamentally different from my premise, the college give us the right cognition and a key to success. But when I came to cognize about this faculty ( PASS ) my falsity was nowhere to be found any more within me. It provides me the professional cognition and assist us to better my accomplishments.REFLECTIVE JOURNALCollaboration: –This subdivision coaction was introduced where we implicit the demand for coaction for the squad work. Basically coaction is to garner a assortment of different accomplishments among team members and use them to guarantee the success of the undertaking. In this I introduced the Tuck adult male ‘s Group Development Model and Belbin ‘s TheoryTUCK MAN ‘S AND BELBIN THEORYDegree centigrades: Documents and SettingsMicrosoftDesktopforming_storming.gif Tuckman ‘s theoretical account is that it helps us understand that squads evolve. It besides helps us to see how they may meet different jobs at different phases ofA their development There are four phases in tuckman ‘s model-forming, ramping, norming and executing. In the first phase we read about organizing. In this foremost the base degree is established. In this phase the persons are non yet gelled together and everybody is busy in happening their topographic point in the squad. Besides the trust is developed between the squad members in this phase. The squad members agrees on common end. This phase is really of import because in this phase members make goods contacts and strong bonding towards each other. In the 2nd phase we focused on ramping. In this phase members feel themselves as a portion of a squad. They are identify with the powers, control issues and the resources that are to be used. In this phase members express different thoughts, feeling, and sentiment, nevertheless they may dispute themselves and the squad leader about what the squad is making and and how the work should be done. The 3rd phase is norming. The members come together. They agrees about functions and procedures for work outing the job. We can state it is the feature of togetherness. Decisions are made through dialogue and understanding edifice. The squad is engaged in assorted activities. The concluding phase is executing. Members find solutions to jobs utilizing appropriate controls. They work collaboratively and care about each other. The group established as a alone individuality and the members are mutualist and they have increased focal point on the undertaking. hypertext transfer protocol: // co-ordinator is a person-oriented leader. This individual is swearing, accepting, dominant and is committed to team ends and aims. The co-ordinator is a positive mind who approves of end attainment, battle and attempt in others. The co-ordinator is person tolerant plenty ever to listen to others, but strong plenty to reject their adviceMakerThe maker is a task-focused leader who abounds in nervous energy, who has a high motive to accomplish and for whom winning is the name of the game. The maker is committed to accomplishing terminals and will ‘shape ‘ others into accomplishing the purposes of the squad.PlantThe works is a specialist thought shaper characterised by high IQ and invagination while besides being dominant and original. The works tends to take extremist attacks to team operation and jobs. Plants are more concerned with major issues than with inside informations.Resource Inves tigatorThe resource research worker is the executive who is ne'er in his room, and if he is, he is on the telephone. The resource research worker is person who explores chances and develops contacts. Resource research workers are good negotiants who probe others for information and support and pick up other ‘s thoughts and develop them. They are characterised by sociableness and enthusiasm and are good at liaison work and researching resources outside the groupTeam workerTeam workers make helpful intercessions to debar possible clash and enable hard characters within the squad to utilize their accomplishments to positive terminals. They tend to maintain squad spirit up and let other members to lend efficaciously. Their diplomatic accomplishments together with their sense of temper are assets to a squad. They tend to hold accomplishments in hearing, get bying with awkward people and to be sociable. sensitive and people orientedCompany worker/ implementerImplementers are cogniza nt of external duties and are disciplined, painstaking and have a good self-image. They tend to be unsentimental and practical, swearing and tolerant, esteeming established traditions. They are characterised by low anxiousness and be given to work for the squad in a practical, realistic manner. Implementers figure conspicuously in places of duty in larger administrations. They tend to make the occupations that others do non desire to make and make them good: for illustration, training employees.Completer closersThe completer finisher dots the I ‘s and crosses the T ‘s. He or she gives attending to detail, purposes to finish and to make so exhaustively. They make steady attempt and are consistent in their work. They are non so interested in the glamor of dramatic success.SpecialistThe specializer provides cognition and proficient accomplishments which are in rare supply within the squad. They are frequently extremely introspective and dying and be given to be self-startin g, dedicated and committedTeam ManagemenArtifical barriers between leaders and led are merely one obstruction to true teamwork. Interdepartmental and cross-functional competitions – what Americans call ‘turf wars ‘ – are other serious hurdlings, made worse by the fact that they are seldom overcome. They ‘re known in athletics, excessively. Try to carry rugger forwards that they can larn from dorsums, or frailty versa, and you ‘ll normally acquire no more alteration than when carrying selling to work ( as it should ) hand-in-glove with production, or either to collaborate volitionally with finance. The accomplishments indispensable to the modern director therefore include the ability to work with other functional endowments in squads – and to take, non by the authorization of bid, but that of expertness. Team leading, paradoxically, includes cognizing when to manus over the lead to others, as their expertness moves to the bow. In games, this stems of course from the functional demands. Merely the signal caller can name the dramas in American football: in rugger, lineout tactics are every bit an adept map. A squad relys on its leader to acquire them through.Team benefitAll squads are groups of persons but non all groups of persons needfully show the coherence of a squad. Teams outperform persons because squads generate a particular energy. This energy develops as squad members work together blending their personal energies and endowments to present touchable public presentation consequences. There are a figure of benefits for teamwork, among them are: Distributing the work load Reinforcing single capablenesss Making engagement and engagement Making better determinations Feeling like we play a portion in the work being done Generating a diverseness of thoughts, etc.Teams have become the latest direction compulsion. They ‘re the corporate equivalent of a Visa card: they ‘re everyplace you want to be. Directors, school principals everyplace in the universe are endeavoring to put up efficient teamwork processs in their constitutions.Trouble is that despite their ubiquitousness and their ubiquity, squads seldom achieve discovery consequences. Alternatively, they sink to the degree of the weakest performing artist and maintain excavation. The mistake lies non with the squad or its members, but with those who took a group of persons, charged them with unlikely ends, staffed them with uninspired leading and expected them to work as a squad. Contrast that to an organized, well-oiled, and disciplined squad, one in which the whole is greater than the amount of its parts. Such groups allow members to accomplish consequences far beyond their single abilities. The sarcasm is that when the demands of the group take precedence, the demands of the single really are enhanced.High public presentation squads do non ensue from self-generated burning. They are grown, nurtured and exercised. It takes a batch of difficult work and skill to intermix the different personalities, abilities, and docketsCommunicationCommunicationCommunication is an exchange of facts, thoughts, sentiments by two or more individuals. Communication is the procedure of go throughing information & A ; understanding from one individual to another.It is the procedure of leaving thoughts & A ; malking oneself understood by other. Communication is the transmittal & A ; interchange of facts, thoughts, feelings, or class of action. The interchange of idea or information to convey about common apprehension and assurance or good human relation. In communicating theoretical account we use the construct of Berlo ‘s Model hypertext transfer protocol: // of Barlo ‘s theoretical account: –Beginning Does he hold a bid over linguistic communication? What is his attitude towards the receiving system? Third what is his degree of cognition? Does he talk as a member of a group ; spiritual, political, or commercial? Does he belong to a extremely advanced civilization or he comes from some crude folk Message: A message contains content or affair. It appears in some linguistic communication from such as English or Gallic or in picture signifier. Channels: Channel stands for the medium in which the message reaches the receiving system. It may be natural, one of the senses – visual perception, hearing, touching, smelling and savoring. Receiver: The receiving system excessively, like the beginning has skill, attitude, cognition and civilization context. If the receiving system and the beginning have positive attitudes towards the subject, communicating become easy.TIME MANAGEMENTThis is the most of import construct in this assignment every bit good as our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activity.The â€Å" Three Ps †of Effective Time Management: –Planing Precedences ProcrastinationTen Myths about Time: –Myth: Time can be managed. Myth: The longer or harder you work the more you accomplish. Myth: If you want something done right, do it yourself. Myth: You are n't supposed to bask work. Myths: We should take pride in working hard. Myth: You should seek to make the most in the least sum of clip. Myth: Technology will assist you do it better, faster. Myth: Do one thing at a clip. Myth: Handle paper merely one time. Myth: Get more done and you ‘ll be happier. As I got closer to the terminal of this assignment, I realized that we were really trained how to use the resources to go a better leader every bit good as director. As a director it is really indispensable to do optimal usage of the limited resources that will be provided for 1s undertaking. At the same clip, a director should besides hold tantamount accomplishments and do certain his/her employee is up to the grade to derive better competitory advantage and a higher market value for the intent of development and success of the organisation. For a director, a section with the lowest staff turnover is ever better for the direction and shows the excellence of the director pull offing his/her squad.ASSIGNMENT 2Learning Style‘The procedure of increasing cognition and accomplishments and developing our attitudes or beliefs so that we have the chance for increased pick ‘ ( Thorpe and Clifford, 2000 ) . This attack to larning stress the fact that persons perceive and process information in really different ways. The acquisition styles theory implies that how much persons learn has more to make with whether the educational experience is geared toward their peculiar manner of larning than whether or non they are â€Å" smart. †In fact, pedagogues should non inquire, â€Å" Is this pupil smart? †but instead â€Å" How is this pupil smart? †Different type of larning mannerInguisticThis type of scholar loves to read, compose, and state narratives. They tend to memorise topographic points, day of the months, names, and trivia really easy, and are ever magnetizing you with their unbelievable narratives. They have a singular ability to reiterate back everything you have of all time told them, word for word. 2.logical This kid is really mathematically inclined. They enjoy work outing jobs, peculiarly if they are math related.. They will blight you with inquiries on how things work, how things relate to one another, and why things are here. Their favourite playthings as immature kids were likely edifice blocks, and pattern mystifiers. 3.spatial These are the visualisers. They spend most of the twenty-four hours dreaming, watching films, and remaining as far off from world as possible. If they seem peculiarly â€Å" down †, inquiring them to pull a image will acquire you much further into the nature of the job, than inquiring them to state you about it. 4.musical if your kid is ever walking around the house humming a melody, or ever needs music to analyze by, so he/she is likely a musical scholar. This type of scholar is best at detecting inside informations, pitches, and rhythms that escape the normal hearer. 5.bodily This type of scholar is ever on the move. They invariably walk about, they have to touch everything, and they use body linguistic communication to convey their feelings. They would instead play athleticss or make a trade than sit down and read a book. They need active instruction! Keep them traveling. 6.interpersonal These are the â€Å" societal butterflies †. They adapt easy to any type of societal state of affairs, have many friends and are first-class leaders. They are patient, understanding, and really empathic, which makes them a favourite among their playfellows. They by and large make good leaders because of their ability to intercede struggle, and are frequently referred to as â€Å" the Peacemaker †of the household. 7.intrapersonal iunderstanding of themselves. They pride themselves on being independent and original, and they tend to stand out from the crowd without even seeking. They are the â€Å" strong, soundless type †. Kolb ‘s Learning theoryLearning is the procedure whereby cognition is created through the transmutation of experience †Kolb ( 1984, 38 )â€Å" a comprehensive theory which offers the foundation for an attack to instruction and acquisition as a womb-to-tomb procedure and which is soundbased rational traditions of doctrine and cognitive and societal psychologyklb4kind Divergers – position state of affairss from many positions and rely to a great extent upon brainstorming and coevals of thoughtsLearners – usage inductive logical thinking and have the ability to make theoretical theoretical accountsConvergers – rely to a great extent on hypothetical-deductive logical thinkingObligers – carry out programs and experiments and adapt to immediate fortunesDavid Kolb stated that for true acquisition to take topographic point, we need to hold an experience, reflect upon this experience, make sense of it ( frequently through making theories ) and eventually use our theories to our lives by be aftering what we would make following clip we were in the same or similar state of affairs.HONEY AND MUMFORD ‘S Learning STYLESThere are four type of honey and mumford acquisition manner Militant Reflector Theorist Pragmatist Degree centigrades: UsersANUJDownloadsPicture1.png Militant Militants are people who learn through making and prefer activity-based development. They dislike sitting still for long periods and will therefore non respond good to talks or extremely brooding activity. Militants are gabby, lively and like to be involved – they enjoy the ‘here and now ‘ . The methods through which they will prefer to larn involve exercisings, jobs, undertakings, play and exhilaration. Reflectors Reflectors enjoy reexamining and sing state of affairss and events. When asked a inquiry, they tend to sit back and believe about the reply before reacting When they join a treatment their part will be good thought out. Brooding scholars like to see issues from a scope of different positions and will experience uncomfortable if they are put into the spotlight without anterior warning ; when taking methods for them, guarantee that they will hold the clip required for contemplation to take topographic point Theorists Theorists like to cognize the theories behind a piece of larning or the thoughts that back up remarks that are being made. They prefer to larn from research, informations, theoretical accounts and information. They do non get by good when they are asked to make something without being told why and without underpinning grounds or theory. Theorists like logic and are rational and analytical – in a learning state of affairs, they like their development activities to hold construction and intent ; they will be uncomfortable with high emotion and feelings. Pragmatists Pragmatists prefer practicality to theory and larn efficaciously when they are able to use the acquisition to their state of affairs and the existent universe. They learn best when provided with true to life undertakings, instead than being given ‘woolly ‘ constructs that they are unable to associate to their day-to-day life. They seek out new thoughts and want to seek them out, pulling links between the topic and their current occupation.Vark theoretical accountThe acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modes that are used for larning information. Fleming and Mills ( 1992 ) suggested four classs that seemed to reflect the experiences VARK larning manner shows that I am a reading/writing penchant scholar followed by ocular and kinaesthetic scholar. The ocular and kinaesthetic scholar features are similar to the result of both the Belbin and Honey Mumford theory. Harmonizing to the Honey Mumford larning manner, Belbin ‘s theory and VARK theory, I am so a individual who learns better when theories and techniques are put into pattern. I specifically prefer to larn from new experiences every bit good, doing me a individual who likes to make more physical and custodies on activities compared to larning new faculties through theories. For illustration, learning and prep aration stuffs are absorbed faster and efficaciously when I perform them through tutorial or lab activities.According to the VARK acquisition theory, I learn best when theories that are taught are absorbed via talks and notes written from talks harmonizing to personal penchants. For illustration, during talks, I learn best when I write lecture notes and rewrite it over and over once more. A reading and composing penchant scholar would interpret diagrams and charts into their ain words to larn betterf the pupils and instructor.Visual ( V )This penchant includes the word picture of information in maps, spider diagrams, charts, graphs, flow charts, labelled diagrams, and all the symbolic pointers, circles, hierarchies and other devices, that teachers use to stand for what could hold been presented in words. It could hold been called Graphic ( G ) as that better explains what it covers. It doesA NOTA include films, pictures or PowerPoint. It does include designs, whitespace, forms, form s and the different formats that are used to foreground and convey information.Kinaesthetic ( K ) :By definition, this mode refers to the â€Å" perceptual penchant related to the usage of experience and pattern ( simulated or existent ) . †Although such an experience may raise other modes, the key is that people who prefer this manner are connected to world, â€Å" either through concrete personal experiences, illustrations, pattern or simulation †[ See Fleming & A ; Mills, 1992, pp. 140-141 ] . It includes presentations, simulations, pictures and films of â€Å" existent †things, every bit good as instance surveies, pattern and applications. AUDITORY-learners who would love to sit contrary and pay attending. They do n't do a batch of notes READ/WRITE- scholars who need to read the information for themselves and theyA take a set of notes CONCLUSSION VARK theoretical account proved that I m a KINESTHETIC scholar. I can sit long for focussed on a peculiar subject. But other than KINESTHETIC I am a weak scholar. And I feel that this is my weak point and I want to decide it. Now i am seeking to consider on a peculiar subject by sitting actively like a ocular scholar. Now i am concentrating on the reading/writing portion by reading more and more books and different diaries or assignments. But I feel that kinesthetic is non an existent manner which should be learned because kinesthetic is a individual who can non concentrate much more so I did non belong to it. I strongly believe that I should spread out that peculiar larning theory along with the remainder that I already pattern. As a group member we should make some new thoughts all the clip and these thoughts can be practical or theoretical. From Honey Mumford theory I came to cognize that I m a militant so I decided to larn the other acquisition manners that the VARK appraisal sho wed as I do non see any injury in larning new theoretical faculties. I really feel that with this faculty we will develop our accomplishments, cognition, preparation and many more. We know our value and importance in a group. This faculty besides helps us to understand the squad direction, different communicating accomplishments, and clip direction and captures the different manners of acquisition.
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